Ettore Di Giacinto d2934dd69f feat(elevenlabs): map elevenlabs API support to TTS
This allows elevenlabs Clients to work automatically with LocalAI by
supporting the elevenlabs API.

The elevenlabs server endpoint is implemented such as it is wired to the
TTS endpoints.

Fixes: https://github.com/mudler/LocalAI/issues/1809
2024-03-14 18:12:47 +01:00

216 lines
4.5 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "github.com/go-skynet/LocalAI/pkg/grpc/proto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "io.skynet.localai.backend";
option java_outer_classname = "LocalAIBackend";
package backend;
service Backend {
rpc Health(HealthMessage) returns (Reply) {}
rpc Predict(PredictOptions) returns (Reply) {}
rpc LoadModel(ModelOptions) returns (Result) {}
rpc PredictStream(PredictOptions) returns (stream Reply) {}
rpc Embedding(PredictOptions) returns (EmbeddingResult) {}
rpc GenerateImage(GenerateImageRequest) returns (Result) {}
rpc AudioTranscription(TranscriptRequest) returns (TranscriptResult) {}
rpc TTS(TTSRequest) returns (Result) {}
rpc TokenizeString(PredictOptions) returns (TokenizationResponse) {}
rpc Status(HealthMessage) returns (StatusResponse) {}
message HealthMessage {}
// The request message containing the user's name.
message PredictOptions {
string Prompt = 1;
int32 Seed = 2;
int32 Threads = 3;
int32 Tokens = 4;
int32 TopK = 5;
int32 Repeat = 6;
int32 Batch = 7;
int32 NKeep = 8;
float Temperature = 9;
float Penalty = 10;
bool F16KV = 11;
bool DebugMode = 12;
repeated string StopPrompts = 13;
bool IgnoreEOS = 14;
float TailFreeSamplingZ = 15;
float TypicalP = 16;
float FrequencyPenalty = 17;
float PresencePenalty = 18;
int32 Mirostat = 19;
float MirostatETA = 20;
float MirostatTAU = 21;
bool PenalizeNL = 22;
string LogitBias = 23;
bool MLock = 25;
bool MMap = 26;
bool PromptCacheAll = 27;
bool PromptCacheRO = 28;
string Grammar = 29;
string MainGPU = 30;
string TensorSplit = 31;
float TopP = 32;
string PromptCachePath = 33;
bool Debug = 34;
repeated int32 EmbeddingTokens = 35;
string Embeddings = 36;
float RopeFreqBase = 37;
float RopeFreqScale = 38;
float NegativePromptScale = 39;
string NegativePrompt = 40;
int32 NDraft = 41;
repeated string Images = 42;
// The response message containing the result
message Reply {
bytes message = 1;
message ModelOptions {
string Model = 1;
int32 ContextSize = 2;
int32 Seed = 3;
int32 NBatch = 4;
bool F16Memory = 5;
bool MLock = 6;
bool MMap = 7;
bool VocabOnly = 8;
bool LowVRAM = 9;
bool Embeddings = 10;
bool NUMA = 11;
int32 NGPULayers = 12;
string MainGPU = 13;
string TensorSplit = 14;
int32 Threads = 15;
string LibrarySearchPath = 16;
float RopeFreqBase = 17;
float RopeFreqScale = 18;
float RMSNormEps = 19;
int32 NGQA = 20;
string ModelFile = 21;
// AutoGPTQ
string Device = 22;
bool UseTriton = 23;
string ModelBaseName = 24;
bool UseFastTokenizer = 25;
// Diffusers
string PipelineType = 26;
string SchedulerType = 27;
bool CUDA = 28;
float CFGScale = 29;
bool IMG2IMG = 30;
string CLIPModel = 31;
string CLIPSubfolder = 32;
int32 CLIPSkip = 33;
string ControlNet = 48;
string Tokenizer = 34;
// LLM (llama.cpp)
string LoraBase = 35;
string LoraAdapter = 36;
float LoraScale = 42;
bool NoMulMatQ = 37;
string DraftModel = 39;
string AudioPath = 38;
// vllm
string Quantization = 40;
float GPUMemoryUtilization = 50;
bool TrustRemoteCode = 51;
bool EnforceEager = 52;
int32 SwapSpace = 53;
int32 MaxModelLen = 54;
string MMProj = 41;
string RopeScaling = 43;
float YarnExtFactor = 44;
float YarnAttnFactor = 45;
float YarnBetaFast = 46;
float YarnBetaSlow = 47;
string Type = 49;
message Result {
string message = 1;
bool success = 2;
message EmbeddingResult {
repeated float embeddings = 1;
message TranscriptRequest {
string dst = 2;
string language = 3;
uint32 threads = 4;
message TranscriptResult {
repeated TranscriptSegment segments = 1;
string text = 2;
message TranscriptSegment {
int32 id = 1;
int64 start = 2;
int64 end = 3;
string text = 4;
repeated int32 tokens = 5;
message GenerateImageRequest {
int32 height = 1;
int32 width = 2;
int32 mode = 3;
int32 step = 4;
int32 seed = 5;
string positive_prompt = 6;
string negative_prompt = 7;
string dst = 8;
string src = 9;
// Diffusers
string EnableParameters = 10;
int32 CLIPSkip = 11;
message TTSRequest {
string text = 1;
string model = 2;
string dst = 3;
string voice = 4;
message TokenizationResponse {
int32 length = 1;
repeated int32 tokens = 2;
message MemoryUsageData {
uint64 total = 1;
map<string, uint64> breakdown = 2;
message StatusResponse {
enum State {
BUSY = 1;
READY = 2;
ERROR = -1;
State state = 1;
MemoryUsageData memory = 2;