Dave 1c312685aa
refactor: move remaining api packages to core (#1731)
* core 1

* api/openai/files fix

* core 2 - core/config

* move over core api.go and tests to the start of core/http

* move over localai specific endpoints to core/http, begin the service/endpoint split there

* refactor big chunk on the plane

* refactor chunk 2 on plane, next step: port and modify changes to request.go

* easy fixes for request.go, major changes not done yet

* lintfix

* json tag lintfix?

* gitignore and .keep files

* strange fix attempt: rename the config dir?
2024-03-01 16:19:53 +01:00

218 lines
7.2 KiB

package http
import (
func App(cl *config.BackendConfigLoader, ml *model.ModelLoader, appConfig *config.ApplicationConfig) (*fiber.App, error) {
// Return errors as JSON responses
app := fiber.New(fiber.Config{
BodyLimit: appConfig.UploadLimitMB * 1024 * 1024, // this is the default limit of 4MB
DisableStartupMessage: appConfig.DisableMessage,
// Override default error handler
ErrorHandler: func(ctx *fiber.Ctx, err error) error {
// Status code defaults to 500
code := fiber.StatusInternalServerError
// Retrieve the custom status code if it's a *fiber.Error
var e *fiber.Error
if errors.As(err, &e) {
code = e.Code
// Send custom error page
return ctx.Status(code).JSON(
Error: &schema.APIError{Message: err.Error(), Code: code},
if appConfig.Debug {
Format: "[${ip}]:${port} ${status} - ${method} ${path}\n",
// Default middleware config
if !appConfig.Debug {
metricsService, err := services.NewLocalAIMetricsService()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if metricsService != nil {
app.Hooks().OnShutdown(func() error {
return metricsService.Shutdown()
// Auth middleware checking if API key is valid. If no API key is set, no auth is required.
auth := func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
if len(appConfig.ApiKeys) == 0 {
return c.Next()
// Check for api_keys.json file
fileContent, err := os.ReadFile("api_keys.json")
if err == nil {
// Parse JSON content from the file
var fileKeys []string
err := json.Unmarshal(fileContent, &fileKeys)
if err != nil {
return c.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).JSON(fiber.Map{"message": "Error parsing api_keys.json"})
// Add file keys to options.ApiKeys
appConfig.ApiKeys = append(appConfig.ApiKeys, fileKeys...)
if len(appConfig.ApiKeys) == 0 {
return c.Next()
authHeader := c.Get("Authorization")
if authHeader == "" {
return c.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).JSON(fiber.Map{"message": "Authorization header missing"})
authHeaderParts := strings.Split(authHeader, " ")
if len(authHeaderParts) != 2 || authHeaderParts[0] != "Bearer" {
return c.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).JSON(fiber.Map{"message": "Invalid Authorization header format"})
apiKey := authHeaderParts[1]
for _, key := range appConfig.ApiKeys {
if apiKey == key {
return c.Next()
return c.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).JSON(fiber.Map{"message": "Invalid API key"})
if appConfig.CORS {
var c func(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error
if appConfig.CORSAllowOrigins == "" {
c = cors.New()
} else {
c = cors.New(cors.Config{AllowOrigins: appConfig.CORSAllowOrigins})
// LocalAI API endpoints
galleryService := services.NewGalleryService(appConfig.ModelPath)
galleryService.Start(appConfig.Context, cl)
app.Get("/version", auth, func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
return c.JSON(struct {
Version string `json:"version"`
}{Version: internal.PrintableVersion()})
// Load upload json
modelGalleryEndpointService := localai.CreateModelGalleryEndpointService(appConfig.Galleries, appConfig.ModelPath, galleryService)
app.Post("/models/apply", auth, modelGalleryEndpointService.ApplyModelGalleryEndpoint())
app.Get("/models/available", auth, modelGalleryEndpointService.ListModelFromGalleryEndpoint())
app.Get("/models/galleries", auth, modelGalleryEndpointService.ListModelGalleriesEndpoint())
app.Post("/models/galleries", auth, modelGalleryEndpointService.AddModelGalleryEndpoint())
app.Delete("/models/galleries", auth, modelGalleryEndpointService.RemoveModelGalleryEndpoint())
app.Get("/models/jobs/:uuid", auth, modelGalleryEndpointService.GetOpStatusEndpoint())
app.Get("/models/jobs", auth, modelGalleryEndpointService.GetAllStatusEndpoint())
// openAI compatible API endpoint
// chat
app.Post("/v1/chat/completions", auth, openai.ChatEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
app.Post("/chat/completions", auth, openai.ChatEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
// edit
app.Post("/v1/edits", auth, openai.EditEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
app.Post("/edits", auth, openai.EditEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
// files
app.Post("/v1/files", auth, openai.UploadFilesEndpoint(cl, appConfig))
app.Post("/files", auth, openai.UploadFilesEndpoint(cl, appConfig))
app.Get("/v1/files", auth, openai.ListFilesEndpoint(cl, appConfig))
app.Get("/files", auth, openai.ListFilesEndpoint(cl, appConfig))
app.Get("/v1/files/:file_id", auth, openai.GetFilesEndpoint(cl, appConfig))
app.Get("/files/:file_id", auth, openai.GetFilesEndpoint(cl, appConfig))
app.Delete("/v1/files/:file_id", auth, openai.DeleteFilesEndpoint(cl, appConfig))
app.Delete("/files/:file_id", auth, openai.DeleteFilesEndpoint(cl, appConfig))
app.Get("/v1/files/:file_id/content", auth, openai.GetFilesContentsEndpoint(cl, appConfig))
app.Get("/files/:file_id/content", auth, openai.GetFilesContentsEndpoint(cl, appConfig))
// completion
app.Post("/v1/completions", auth, openai.CompletionEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
app.Post("/completions", auth, openai.CompletionEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
app.Post("/v1/engines/:model/completions", auth, openai.CompletionEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
// embeddings
app.Post("/v1/embeddings", auth, openai.EmbeddingsEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
app.Post("/embeddings", auth, openai.EmbeddingsEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
app.Post("/v1/engines/:model/embeddings", auth, openai.EmbeddingsEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
// audio
app.Post("/v1/audio/transcriptions", auth, openai.TranscriptEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
app.Post("/tts", auth, localai.TTSEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
// images
app.Post("/v1/images/generations", auth, openai.ImageEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
if appConfig.ImageDir != "" {
app.Static("/generated-images", appConfig.ImageDir)
if appConfig.AudioDir != "" {
app.Static("/generated-audio", appConfig.AudioDir)
ok := func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
return c.SendStatus(200)
// Kubernetes health checks
app.Get("/healthz", ok)
app.Get("/readyz", ok)
// Experimental Backend Statistics Module
backendMonitor := services.NewBackendMonitor(cl, ml, appConfig) // Split out for now
app.Get("/backend/monitor", localai.BackendMonitorEndpoint(backendMonitor))
app.Post("/backend/shutdown", localai.BackendShutdownEndpoint(backendMonitor))
// models
app.Get("/v1/models", auth, openai.ListModelsEndpoint(cl, ml))
app.Get("/models", auth, openai.ListModelsEndpoint(cl, ml))
app.Get("/metrics", localai.LocalAIMetricsEndpoint())
return app, nil