package config

import (


type ApplicationConfig struct {
	Context                             context.Context
	ConfigFile                          string
	ModelPath                           string
	LibPath                             string
	UploadLimitMB, Threads, ContextSize int
	DisableWebUI                        bool
	F16                                 bool
	Debug                               bool
	ImageDir                            string
	AudioDir                            string
	UploadDir                           string
	ConfigsDir                          string
	DynamicConfigsDir                   string
	DynamicConfigsDirPollInterval       time.Duration
	CORS                                bool
	CSRF                                bool
	PreloadJSONModels                   string
	PreloadModelsFromPath               string
	CORSAllowOrigins                    string
	ApiKeys                             []string
	OpaqueErrors                        bool
	P2PToken                            string

	ModelLibraryURL string

	Galleries []Gallery

	BackendAssets     embed.FS
	AssetsDestination string

	ExternalGRPCBackends map[string]string

	AutoloadGalleries bool

	SingleBackend           bool
	ParallelBackendRequests bool

	WatchDogIdle bool
	WatchDogBusy bool
	WatchDog     bool

	ModelsURL []string

	WatchDogBusyTimeout, WatchDogIdleTimeout time.Duration

type AppOption func(*ApplicationConfig)

func NewApplicationConfig(o ...AppOption) *ApplicationConfig {
	opt := &ApplicationConfig{
		Context:       context.Background(),
		UploadLimitMB: 15,
		ContextSize:   512,
		Debug:         true,
	for _, oo := range o {
	return opt

func WithModelsURL(urls ...string) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.ModelsURL = urls

func WithModelPath(path string) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.ModelPath = path

func WithCors(b bool) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.CORS = b

func WithCsrf(b bool) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.CSRF = b

func WithP2PToken(s string) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.P2PToken = s

func WithModelLibraryURL(url string) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.ModelLibraryURL = url

func WithLibPath(path string) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.LibPath = path

var EnableWatchDog = func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
	o.WatchDog = true

var EnableWatchDogIdleCheck = func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
	o.WatchDog = true
	o.WatchDogIdle = true

var EnableWatchDogBusyCheck = func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
	o.WatchDog = true
	o.WatchDogBusy = true

var DisableWebUI = func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
	o.DisableWebUI = true

func SetWatchDogBusyTimeout(t time.Duration) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.WatchDogBusyTimeout = t

func SetWatchDogIdleTimeout(t time.Duration) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.WatchDogIdleTimeout = t

var EnableSingleBackend = func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
	o.SingleBackend = true

var EnableParallelBackendRequests = func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
	o.ParallelBackendRequests = true

var EnableGalleriesAutoload = func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
	o.AutoloadGalleries = true

func WithExternalBackend(name string, uri string) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		if o.ExternalGRPCBackends == nil {
			o.ExternalGRPCBackends = make(map[string]string)
		o.ExternalGRPCBackends[name] = uri

func WithCorsAllowOrigins(b string) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.CORSAllowOrigins = b

func WithBackendAssetsOutput(out string) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.AssetsDestination = out

func WithBackendAssets(f embed.FS) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.BackendAssets = f

func WithStringGalleries(galls string) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		if galls == "" {
			o.Galleries = []Gallery{}
		var galleries []Gallery
		if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(galls), &galleries); err != nil {
			log.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed loading galleries")
		o.Galleries = append(o.Galleries, galleries...)

func WithGalleries(galleries []Gallery) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.Galleries = append(o.Galleries, galleries...)

func WithContext(ctx context.Context) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.Context = ctx

func WithYAMLConfigPreload(configFile string) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.PreloadModelsFromPath = configFile

func WithJSONStringPreload(configFile string) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.PreloadJSONModels = configFile
func WithConfigFile(configFile string) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.ConfigFile = configFile

func WithUploadLimitMB(limit int) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.UploadLimitMB = limit

func WithThreads(threads int) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		if threads == 0 { // 0 is not allowed
			threads = xsysinfo.CPUPhysicalCores()
		o.Threads = threads

func WithContextSize(ctxSize int) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.ContextSize = ctxSize

func WithF16(f16 bool) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.F16 = f16

func WithDebug(debug bool) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.Debug = debug

func WithAudioDir(audioDir string) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.AudioDir = audioDir

func WithImageDir(imageDir string) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.ImageDir = imageDir

func WithUploadDir(uploadDir string) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.UploadDir = uploadDir

func WithConfigsDir(configsDir string) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.ConfigsDir = configsDir

func WithDynamicConfigDir(dynamicConfigsDir string) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.DynamicConfigsDir = dynamicConfigsDir

func WithDynamicConfigDirPollInterval(interval time.Duration) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.DynamicConfigsDirPollInterval = interval

func WithApiKeys(apiKeys []string) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.ApiKeys = apiKeys

func WithOpaqueErrors(opaque bool) AppOption {
	return func(o *ApplicationConfig) {
		o.OpaqueErrors = opaque

// ToConfigLoaderOptions returns a slice of ConfigLoader Option.
// Some options defined at the application level are going to be passed as defaults for
// all the configuration for the models.
// This includes for instance the context size or the number of threads.
// If a model doesn't set configs directly to the config model file
// it will use the defaults defined here.
func (o *ApplicationConfig) ToConfigLoaderOptions() []ConfigLoaderOption {
	return []ConfigLoaderOption{

// func WithMetrics(meter *metrics.Metrics) AppOption {
// 	return func(o *StartupOptions) {
// 		o.Metrics = meter
// 	}
// }