package http

import (


func Explorer(db *explorer.Database) *fiber.App {

	fiberCfg := fiber.Config{
		Views: renderEngine(),
		// We disable the Fiber startup message as it does not conform to structured logging.
		// We register a startup log line with connection information in the OnListen hook to keep things user friendly though
		DisableStartupMessage: false,
		// Override default error handler

	app := fiber.New(fiberCfg)

	routes.RegisterExplorerRoutes(app, db)

	httpFS := http.FS(embedDirStatic)

		URL:        "/favicon.ico",
		FileSystem: httpFS,
		File:       "static/favicon.ico",

	app.Use("/static", filesystem.New(filesystem.Config{
		Root:       httpFS,
		PathPrefix: "static",
		Browse:     true,

	// Define a custom 404 handler
	// Note: keep this at the bottom!

	return app