#!/bin/bash echo "===> LocalAI All-in-One (AIO) container starting..." GPU_ACCELERATION=false GPU_VENDOR="" function check_intel() { if lspci | grep -E 'VGA|3D' | grep -iq intel; then echo "Intel GPU detected" if [ -d /opt/intel ]; then GPU_ACCELERATION=true GPU_VENDOR=intel else echo "Intel GPU detected, but Intel GPU drivers are not installed. GPU acceleration will not be available." fi fi } function check_nvidia_wsl() { if lspci | grep -E 'VGA|3D' | grep -iq "Microsoft Corporation Device 008e"; then # We make the assumption this WSL2 cars is NVIDIA, then check for nvidia-smi # Make sure the container was run with `--gpus all` as the only required parameter echo "NVIDIA GPU detected via WSL2" # nvidia-smi should be installed in the container if nvidia-smi; then GPU_ACCELERATION=true GPU_VENDOR=nvidia else echo "NVIDIA GPU detected via WSL2, but nvidia-smi is not installed. GPU acceleration will not be available." fi fi } function check_amd() { if lspci | grep -E 'VGA|3D' | grep -iq amd; then echo "AMD GPU detected" # Check if ROCm is installed if [ -d /opt/rocm ]; then GPU_ACCELERATION=true GPU_VENDOR=amd else echo "AMD GPU detected, but ROCm is not installed. GPU acceleration will not be available." fi fi } function check_nvidia() { if lspci | grep -E 'VGA|3D' | grep -iq nvidia; then echo "NVIDIA GPU detected" # nvidia-smi should be installed in the container if nvidia-smi; then GPU_ACCELERATION=true GPU_VENDOR=nvidia else echo "NVIDIA GPU detected, but nvidia-smi is not installed. GPU acceleration will not be available." fi fi } function check_metal() { if system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | grep -iq 'Metal'; then echo "Apple Metal supported GPU detected" GPU_ACCELERATION=true GPU_VENDOR=apple fi } function detect_gpu() { case "$(uname -s)" in Linux) check_nvidia check_amd check_intel check_nvidia_wsl ;; Darwin) check_metal ;; esac } function detect_gpu_size() { # Attempting to find GPU memory size for NVIDIA GPUs if [ "$GPU_ACCELERATION" = true ] && [ "$GPU_VENDOR" = "nvidia" ]; then echo "NVIDIA GPU detected. Attempting to find memory size..." # Using head -n 1 to get the total memory of the 1st NVIDIA GPU detected. # If handling multiple GPUs is required in the future, this is the place to do it nvidia_sm=$(nvidia-smi --query-gpu=memory.total --format=csv,noheader,nounits | head -n 1) if [ ! -z "$nvidia_sm" ]; then echo "Total GPU Memory: $nvidia_sm MiB" # if bigger than 8GB, use 16GB #if [ "$nvidia_sm" -gt 8192 ]; then # GPU_SIZE=gpu-16g #else GPU_SIZE=gpu-8g #fi else echo "Unable to determine NVIDIA GPU memory size. Falling back to CPU." GPU_SIZE=gpu-8g fi elif [ "$GPU_ACCELERATION" = true ] && [ "$GPU_VENDOR" = "intel" ]; then GPU_SIZE=intel # Default to a generic GPU size until we implement GPU size detection for non NVIDIA GPUs elif [ "$GPU_ACCELERATION" = true ]; then echo "Non-NVIDIA GPU detected. Specific GPU memory size detection is not implemented." GPU_SIZE=gpu-8g # default to cpu if GPU_SIZE is not set else echo "GPU acceleration is not enabled or supported. Defaulting to CPU." GPU_SIZE=cpu fi } function check_vars() { if [ -z "$MODELS" ]; then echo "MODELS environment variable is not set. Please set it to a comma-separated list of model YAML files to load." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$PROFILE" ]; then echo "PROFILE environment variable is not set. Please set it to one of the following: cpu, gpu-8g, gpu-16g, apple" exit 1 fi } detect_gpu detect_gpu_size PROFILE="${PROFILE:-$GPU_SIZE}" # default to cpu export MODELS="${MODELS:-/aio/${PROFILE}/embeddings.yaml,/aio/${PROFILE}/rerank.yaml,/aio/${PROFILE}/text-to-speech.yaml,/aio/${PROFILE}/image-gen.yaml,/aio/${PROFILE}/text-to-text.yaml,/aio/${PROFILE}/speech-to-text.yaml,/aio/${PROFILE}/vad.yaml,/aio/${PROFILE}/vision.yaml}" check_vars echo "===> Starting LocalAI[$PROFILE] with the following models: $MODELS" exec /build/entrypoint.sh "$@"