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There was an error while attempting to submit your feedback!" # positiveForm = [ # ["Accurate", "Accurately describes the feature or option."], # ["Solved my problem", "Helped me resolve an issue."], # ["Easy to understand", "Easy to follow and comprehend."], # ["Something else"] # ] # negativeForm = [ # ["Inaccurate", "Doesn't accurately describe the feature or option."], # ["Couldn't find what I was looking for", "Missing important information."], # ["Hard to understand", "Too complicated or unclear."], # ["Code sample errors", "One or more code samples are incorrect."], # ["Something else"] # ] [menu] [[menu.primary]] name = "Docs" url = "docs/" identifier = "docs" weight = 10 [[menu.primary]] name = "Discord" url = "" identifier = "discord" weight = 20 [languages] [languages.en] title = "LocalAI documentation" languageName = "English" weight = 10 # [] # title = "LocalAI documentation" # languageName = "Français" # contentDir = "content/fr" # weight = 20 # [] # title = "LocalAI documentation" # languageName = "Deutsch" # contentDir = "content/de" # weight = 30 # mounts are only needed in this showcase to access the publicly available screenshots; # remove this section if you don't need further mounts [module] replacements = " -> lotusdocs" [[module.mounts]] source = 'archetypes' target = 'archetypes' [[module.mounts]] source = 'assets' target = 'assets' [[module.mounts]] source = 'content' target = 'content' [[module.mounts]] source = 'data' target = 'data' [[module.mounts]] source = 'i18n' target = 'i18n' [[module.mounts]] source = '../images' target = 'static/images' [[module.mounts]] source = 'layouts' target = 'layouts' [[module.mounts]] source = 'static' target = 'static' # uncomment line below for temporary local development of module # or when using a 'theme' as a git submodule [[module.imports]] path = "" disable = false [[module.imports]] path = "" disable = false