package elements import ( "fmt" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( noImage = "" ) func renderElements(n []elem.Node) string { render := "" for _, r := range n { render += r.Render() } return render } func DoneProgress(galleryID, text string, showDelete bool) string { var modelName = galleryID // Split by @ and grab the name if strings.Contains(galleryID, "@") { modelName = strings.Split(galleryID, "@")[1] } return elem.Div( attrs.Props{ "id": "action-div-" + dropBadChars(galleryID), }, elem.H3( attrs.Props{ "role": "status", "id": "pblabel", "tabindex": "-1", "autofocus": "", }, elem.Text(text), ), elem.If(showDelete, deleteButton(galleryID, modelName), reInstallButton(galleryID)), ).Render() } func ErrorProgress(err, galleryName string) string { return elem.Div( attrs.Props{}, elem.H3( attrs.Props{ "role": "status", "id": "pblabel", "tabindex": "-1", "autofocus": "", }, elem.Text("Error "+err), ), installButton(galleryName), ).Render() } func ProgressBar(progress string) string { return elem.Div(attrs.Props{ "class": "progress", "role": "progressbar", "aria-valuemin": "0", "aria-valuemax": "100", "aria-valuenow": "0", "aria-labelledby": "pblabel", }, elem.Div(attrs.Props{ "id": "pb", "class": "progress-bar", "style": "width:" + progress + "%", }), ).Render() } func P2PNodeStats(nodes []p2p.NodeData) string { /*

Total Workers Detected: {{ len .Nodes }}

{{ $online := 0 }} {{ range .Nodes }} {{ if .IsOnline }} {{ $online = add $online 1 }} {{ end }} {{ end }}

Total Online Workers: {{$online}}

*/ online := 0 for _, n := range nodes { if n.IsOnline() { online++ } } class := "text-green-500" if online == 0 { class = "text-red-500" } /* */ circle := elem.I(attrs.Props{ "class": "fas fa-circle animate-pulse " + class + " ml-2 mr-1", }) nodesElements := []elem.Node{ elem.Span( attrs.Props{ "class": class, }, circle, elem.Text(fmt.Sprintf("%d", online)), ), elem.Span( attrs.Props{ "class": "text-gray-200", }, elem.Text(fmt.Sprintf("/%d", len(nodes))), ), } return renderElements(nodesElements) } func P2PNodeBoxes(nodes []p2p.NodeData) string { /*

Status: {{ if .IsOnline }}Online{{ else }}Offline{{ end }}

*/ nodesElements := []elem.Node{} for _, n := range nodes { nodesElements = append(nodesElements, elem.Div( attrs.Props{ "class": "bg-gray-700 p-6 rounded-lg shadow-lg text-left", }, elem.P( attrs.Props{ "class": "text-sm text-gray-400 mt-2 flex", }, elem.I( attrs.Props{ "class": "fas fa-desktop text-gray-400 mr-2", }, ), elem.Text("Name: "), elem.Span( attrs.Props{ "class": "text-gray-200 font-semibold ml-2 mr-1", }, elem.Text(n.ID), ), elem.Text("Status: "), elem.If( n.IsOnline(), elem.I( attrs.Props{ "class": "fas fa-circle animate-pulse text-green-500 ml-2 mr-1", }, ), elem.I( attrs.Props{ "class": "fas fa-circle animate-pulse text-red-500 ml-2 mr-1", }, ), ), elem.If( n.IsOnline(), elem.Span( attrs.Props{ "class": "text-green-400", }, elem.Text("Online"), ), elem.Span( attrs.Props{ "class": "text-red-400", }, elem.Text("Offline"), ), ), ), )) } return renderElements(nodesElements) } func StartProgressBar(uid, progress, text string) string { if progress == "" { progress = "0" } return elem.Div( attrs.Props{ "hx-trigger": "done", "hx-get": "/browse/job/" + uid, "hx-swap": "outerHTML", "hx-target": "this", }, elem.H3( attrs.Props{ "role": "status", "id": "pblabel", "tabindex": "-1", "autofocus": "", }, elem.Text(text), elem.Div(attrs.Props{ "hx-get": "/browse/job/progress/" + uid, "hx-trigger": "every 600ms", "hx-target": "this", "hx-swap": "innerHTML", }, elem.Raw(ProgressBar(progress)), ), ), ).Render() } func cardSpan(text, icon string) elem.Node { return elem.Span( attrs.Props{ "class": "inline-block bg-gray-200 rounded-full px-3 py-1 text-sm font-semibold text-gray-700 mr-2 mb-2", }, elem.I(attrs.Props{ "class": icon + " pr-2", }), elem.Text(text), //elem.Text(text), ) } func searchableElement(text, icon string) elem.Node { return elem.Form( attrs.Props{}, elem.Input( attrs.Props{ "type": "hidden", "name": "search", "value": text, }, ), elem.Span( attrs.Props{ "class": "inline-block bg-gray-200 rounded-full px-3 py-1 text-sm font-semibold text-gray-700 mr-2 mb-2 hover:bg-gray-300 hover:shadow-gray-2", }, elem.A( attrs.Props{ // "name": "search", // "value": text, //"class": "inline-block bg-gray-200 rounded-full px-3 py-1 text-sm font-semibold text-gray-700 mr-2 mb-2", "href": "#!", "hx-post": "/browse/search/models", "hx-target": "#search-results", // TODO: this doesn't work // "hx-vals": `{ \"search\": \"` + text + `\" }`, "hx-indicator": ".htmx-indicator", }, elem.I(attrs.Props{ "class": icon + " pr-2", }), elem.Text(text), ), ), //elem.Text(text), ) } func link(text, url string) elem.Node { return elem.A( attrs.Props{ "class": "inline-block bg-gray-200 rounded-full px-3 py-1 text-sm font-semibold text-gray-700 mr-2 mb-2 hover:bg-gray-300 hover:shadow-gray-2", "href": url, "target": "_blank", }, elem.I(attrs.Props{ "class": "fas fa-link pr-2", }), elem.Text(text), ) } func installButton(galleryName string) elem.Node { return elem.Button( attrs.Props{ "data-twe-ripple-init": "", "data-twe-ripple-color": "light", "class": "float-right inline-block rounded bg-primary px-6 pb-2.5 mb-3 pt-2.5 text-xs font-medium uppercase leading-normal text-white shadow-primary-3 transition duration-150 ease-in-out hover:bg-primary-accent-300 hover:shadow-primary-2 focus:bg-primary-accent-300 focus:shadow-primary-2 focus:outline-none focus:ring-0 active:bg-primary-600 active:shadow-primary-2 dark:shadow-black/30 dark:hover:shadow-dark-strong dark:focus:shadow-dark-strong dark:active:shadow-dark-strong", "hx-swap": "outerHTML", // post the Model ID as param "hx-post": "/browse/install/model/" + galleryName, }, elem.I( attrs.Props{ "class": "fa-solid fa-download pr-2", }, ), elem.Text("Install"), ) } func reInstallButton(galleryName string) elem.Node { return elem.Button( attrs.Props{ "data-twe-ripple-init": "", "data-twe-ripple-color": "light", "class": "float-right inline-block rounded bg-primary ml-2 px-6 pb-2.5 mb-3 pt-2.5 text-xs font-medium uppercase leading-normal text-white shadow-primary-3 transition duration-150 ease-in-out hover:bg-primary-accent-300 hover:shadow-primary-2 focus:bg-primary-accent-300 focus:shadow-primary-2 focus:outline-none focus:ring-0 active:bg-primary-600 active:shadow-primary-2 dark:shadow-black/30 dark:hover:shadow-dark-strong dark:focus:shadow-dark-strong dark:active:shadow-dark-strong", "hx-target": "#action-div-" + dropBadChars(galleryName), "hx-swap": "outerHTML", // post the Model ID as param "hx-post": "/browse/install/model/" + galleryName, }, elem.I( attrs.Props{ "class": "fa-solid fa-arrow-rotate-right pr-2", }, ), elem.Text("Reinstall"), ) } func deleteButton(galleryID, modelName string) elem.Node { return elem.Button( attrs.Props{ "data-twe-ripple-init": "", "data-twe-ripple-color": "light", "hx-confirm": "Are you sure you wish to delete the model?", "class": "float-right inline-block rounded bg-red-800 px-6 pb-2.5 mb-3 pt-2.5 text-xs font-medium uppercase leading-normal text-white shadow-primary-3 transition duration-150 ease-in-out hover:bg-red-accent-300 hover:shadow-red-2 focus:bg-red-accent-300 focus:shadow-primary-2 focus:outline-none focus:ring-0 active:bg-red-600 active:shadow-primary-2 dark:shadow-black/30 dark:hover:shadow-dark-strong dark:focus:shadow-dark-strong dark:active:shadow-dark-strong", "hx-target": "#action-div-" + dropBadChars(galleryID), "hx-swap": "outerHTML", // post the Model ID as param "hx-post": "/browse/delete/model/" + galleryID, }, elem.I( attrs.Props{ "class": "fa-solid fa-cancel pr-2", }, ), elem.Text("Delete"), ) } // Javascript/HTMX doesn't like weird IDs func dropBadChars(s string) string { return strings.ReplaceAll(s, "@", "__") } func ListModels(models []*gallery.GalleryModel, processing *xsync.SyncedMap[string, string], galleryService *services.GalleryService) string { modelsElements := []elem.Node{} descriptionDiv := func(m *gallery.GalleryModel) elem.Node { return elem.Div( attrs.Props{ "class": "p-6 text-surface dark:text-white", }, elem.H5( attrs.Props{ "class": "mb-2 text-xl font-bold leading-tight", }, elem.Text(m.Name), ), elem.P( attrs.Props{ "class": "mb-4 text-sm [&:not(:hover)]:truncate text-base", }, elem.Text(m.Description), ), ) } actionDiv := func(m *gallery.GalleryModel) elem.Node { galleryID := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", m.Gallery.Name, m.Name) currentlyProcessing := processing.Exists(galleryID) jobID := "" isDeletionOp := false if currentlyProcessing { status := galleryService.GetStatus(galleryID) if status != nil && status.Deletion { isDeletionOp = true } jobID = processing.Get(galleryID) // TODO: // case not handled, if status == nil : "Waiting" } nodes := []elem.Node{ cardSpan("Repository: "+m.Gallery.Name, "fa-brands fa-git-alt"), } if m.License != "" { nodes = append(nodes, cardSpan("License: "+m.License, "fas fa-book"), ) } tagsNodes := []elem.Node{} for _, tag := range m.Tags { tagsNodes = append(tagsNodes, searchableElement(tag, "fas fa-tag"), ) } nodes = append(nodes, elem.Div( attrs.Props{ "class": "flex flex-row flex-wrap content-center", }, tagsNodes..., ), ) for i, url := range m.URLs { nodes = append(nodes, link("Link #"+fmt.Sprintf("%d", i+1), url), ) } progressMessage := "Installation" if isDeletionOp { progressMessage = "Deletion" } return elem.Div( attrs.Props{ "class": "px-6 pt-4 pb-2", }, elem.P( attrs.Props{ "class": "mb-4 text-base", }, nodes..., ), elem.Div( attrs.Props{ "id": "action-div-" + dropBadChars(galleryID), }, elem.If( currentlyProcessing, elem.Node( // If currently installing, show progress bar elem.Raw(StartProgressBar(jobID, "0", progressMessage)), ), // Otherwise, show install button (if not installed) or display "Installed" elem.If(m.Installed, elem.Node(elem.Div( attrs.Props{}, reInstallButton(m.ID()), deleteButton(m.ID(), m.Name), )), installButton(m.ID()), ), ), ), ) } for _, m := range models { elems := []elem.Node{} if m.Icon == "" { m.Icon = noImage } divProperties := attrs.Props{ "class": "flex justify-center items-center", } elems = append(elems, elem.Div(divProperties, elem.A(attrs.Props{ "href": "#!", // "class": "justify-center items-center", }, elem.Img(attrs.Props{ // "class": "rounded-t-lg object-fit object-center h-96", "class": "rounded-t-lg max-h-48 max-w-96 object-cover mt-3", "src": m.Icon, }), ), ), ) // Special/corner case: if a model sets Trust Remote Code as required, show a warning // TODO: handle this more generically later _, trustRemoteCodeExists := m.Overrides["trust_remote_code"] if trustRemoteCodeExists { elems = append(elems, elem.Div( attrs.Props{ "class": "flex justify-center items-center bg-red-500 text-white p-2 rounded-lg mt-2", }, elem.I(attrs.Props{ "class": "fa-solid fa-circle-exclamation pr-2", }), elem.Text("Attention: Trust Remote Code is required for this model"), )) } elems = append(elems, descriptionDiv(m), actionDiv(m)) modelsElements = append(modelsElements, elem.Div( attrs.Props{ "class": " me-4 mb-2 block rounded-lg bg-white shadow-secondary-1 dark:bg-gray-800 dark:bg-surface-dark dark:text-white text-surface pb-2", }, elem.Div( attrs.Props{ // "class": "p-6", }, elems..., ), ), ) } wrapper := elem.Div(attrs.Props{ "class": "dark grid grid-cols-1 grid-rows-1 md:grid-cols-3 block rounded-lg shadow-secondary-1 dark:bg-surface-dark", }, modelsElements...) return wrapper.Render() }