name: "mathstral"

config_file: |
  context_size: 8192
  mmap: true
  - "<|im_end|>"
  - "<dummy32000>"
  - "</tool_call>"
  - "<|eot_id|>"
  - "<|end_of_text|>"
  - "</s>"
  - "[/TOOL_CALLS]"
  - "[/ACTIONS]"
  - "[/INST]"
  - "[INST]"

    # disable injecting the "answer" tool
    disable_no_action: true

      # This allows the grammar to also return messages
      #mixed_mode: true
      # Not all models have a sketchpad or something to write thoughts on.
      # This one will OR reply to strings OR JSON, but not both in the same reply
      #no_mixed_free_string: true
      # Disable grammar
      # Base instructor model doesn't work well with grammars
      disable: true
      parallel_calls: true
      disable_parallel_new_lines: true

    return_name_in_function_response: true
    # Without grammar uncomment the lines below
    # Warning: this is relying only on the capability of the
    # LLM model to generate the correct function call.
      - "(?s)\\[TOOL\\_CALLS\\](.*)"
    # Replace everything that is not JSON array or object
    - key: '(?s)^[^{\[]*'
      value: ""
    - key: '(?s)[^}\]]*$'
      value: ""
    - key: "(?s)\\[TOOL\\_CALLS\\]"
      value: ""
    - key: "(?s)\\[\\/TOOL\\_CALLS\\]"
      value: ""

    join_chat_messages_by_character: "" ## No newlines between messages
    chat: |
      {{.Input -}}
    chat_message: |-
      {{- if .FunctionCall -}}
      [TOOL_CALLS] {{toJson .FunctionCall}} [/TOOL_CALLS]
      {{- else if eq .RoleName "tool" -}}
      [TOOL_RESULTS] {{.Content}} [/TOOL_RESULTS]
      {{- else -}}
      [INST] {{.Content }} [/INST]
      {{ end -}}
    completion: |
    function: |-
      [AVAILABLE_TOOLS] [{{range .Functions}}{"type": "function", "function": {"name": "{{.Name}}", "description": "{{.Description}}", "parameters": {{toJson .Parameters}} }}{{end}} ] [/AVAILABLE_TOOLS]{{.Input }}