#!/usr/bin/env python3 import asyncio from concurrent import futures import argparse import signal import sys import os from typing import List from PIL import Image import backend_pb2 import backend_pb2_grpc import grpc from vllm.engine.arg_utils import AsyncEngineArgs from vllm.engine.async_llm_engine import AsyncLLMEngine from vllm.sampling_params import SamplingParams from vllm.utils import random_uuid from vllm.transformers_utils.tokenizer import get_tokenizer from vllm.multimodal.utils import fetch_image from vllm.assets.video import VideoAsset import base64 import io _ONE_DAY_IN_SECONDS = 60 * 60 * 24 # If MAX_WORKERS are specified in the environment use it, otherwise default to 1 MAX_WORKERS = int(os.environ.get('PYTHON_GRPC_MAX_WORKERS', '1')) # Implement the BackendServicer class with the service methods class BackendServicer(backend_pb2_grpc.BackendServicer): """ A gRPC servicer that implements the Backend service defined in backend.proto. """ def generate(self,prompt, max_new_tokens): """ Generates text based on the given prompt and maximum number of new tokens. Args: prompt (str): The prompt to generate text from. max_new_tokens (int): The maximum number of new tokens to generate. Returns: str: The generated text. """ self.generator.end_beam_search() # Tokenizing the input ids = self.generator.tokenizer.encode(prompt) self.generator.gen_begin_reuse(ids) initial_len = self.generator.sequence[0].shape[0] has_leading_space = False decoded_text = '' for i in range(max_new_tokens): token = self.generator.gen_single_token() if i == 0 and self.generator.tokenizer.tokenizer.IdToPiece(int(token)).startswith('▁'): has_leading_space = True decoded_text = self.generator.tokenizer.decode(self.generator.sequence[0][initial_len:]) if has_leading_space: decoded_text = ' ' + decoded_text if token.item() == self.generator.tokenizer.eos_token_id: break return decoded_text def Health(self, request, context): """ Returns a health check message. Args: request: The health check request. context: The gRPC context. Returns: backend_pb2.Reply: The health check reply. """ return backend_pb2.Reply(message=bytes("OK", 'utf-8')) async def LoadModel(self, request, context): """ Loads a language model. Args: request: The load model request. context: The gRPC context. Returns: backend_pb2.Result: The load model result. """ engine_args = AsyncEngineArgs( model=request.Model, ) if request.Quantization != "": engine_args.quantization = request.Quantization if request.GPUMemoryUtilization != 0: engine_args.gpu_memory_utilization = request.GPUMemoryUtilization if request.TrustRemoteCode: engine_args.trust_remote_code = request.TrustRemoteCode if request.EnforceEager: engine_args.enforce_eager = request.EnforceEager if request.TensorParallelSize: engine_args.tensor_parallel_size = request.TensorParallelSize if request.SwapSpace != 0: engine_args.swap_space = request.SwapSpace if request.MaxModelLen != 0: engine_args.max_model_len = request.MaxModelLen try: self.llm = AsyncLLMEngine.from_engine_args(engine_args) except Exception as err: print(f"Unexpected {err=}, {type(err)=}", file=sys.stderr) return backend_pb2.Result(success=False, message=f"Unexpected {err=}, {type(err)=}") try: engine_model_config = await self.llm.get_model_config() self.tokenizer = get_tokenizer( engine_model_config.tokenizer, tokenizer_mode=engine_model_config.tokenizer_mode, trust_remote_code=engine_model_config.trust_remote_code, truncation_side="left", ) except Exception as err: return backend_pb2.Result(success=False, message=f"Unexpected {err=}, {type(err)=}") print("Model loaded successfully", file=sys.stderr) return backend_pb2.Result(message="Model loaded successfully", success=True) async def Predict(self, request, context): """ Generates text based on the given prompt and sampling parameters. Args: request: The predict request. context: The gRPC context. Returns: backend_pb2.Reply: The predict result. """ gen = self._predict(request, context, streaming=False) res = await gen.__anext__() return res def Embedding(self, request, context): """ A gRPC method that calculates embeddings for a given sentence. Args: request: An EmbeddingRequest object that contains the request parameters. context: A grpc.ServicerContext object that provides information about the RPC. Returns: An EmbeddingResult object that contains the calculated embeddings. """ print("Calculated embeddings for: " + request.Embeddings, file=sys.stderr) outputs = self.model.encode(request.Embeddings) # Check if we have one result at least if len(outputs) == 0: context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT) context.set_details("No embeddings were calculated.") return backend_pb2.EmbeddingResult() return backend_pb2.EmbeddingResult(embeddings=outputs[0].outputs.embedding) async def PredictStream(self, request, context): """ Generates text based on the given prompt and sampling parameters, and streams the results. Args: request: The predict stream request. context: The gRPC context. Returns: backend_pb2.Result: The predict stream result. """ iterations = self._predict(request, context, streaming=True) try: async for iteration in iterations: yield iteration finally: await iterations.aclose() async def _predict(self, request, context, streaming=False): # Build sampling parameters sampling_params = SamplingParams(top_p=0.9, max_tokens=200) if request.TopP != 0: sampling_params.top_p = request.TopP if request.Tokens > 0: sampling_params.max_tokens = request.Tokens if request.Temperature != 0: sampling_params.temperature = request.Temperature if request.TopK != 0: sampling_params.top_k = request.TopK if request.PresencePenalty != 0: sampling_params.presence_penalty = request.PresencePenalty if request.FrequencyPenalty != 0: sampling_params.frequency_penalty = request.FrequencyPenalty if request.StopPrompts: sampling_params.stop = request.StopPrompts if request.IgnoreEOS: sampling_params.ignore_eos = request.IgnoreEOS if request.Seed != 0: sampling_params.seed = request.Seed # Extract image paths and process images prompt = request.Prompt image_paths = request.Images image_data = [self.load_image(img_path) for img_path in image_paths] videos_path = request.Videos video_data = [self.load_video(video_path) for video_path in videos_path] # If tokenizer template is enabled and messages are provided instead of prompt, apply the tokenizer template if not request.Prompt and request.UseTokenizerTemplate and request.Messages: prompt = self.tokenizer.apply_chat_template(request.Messages, tokenize=False, add_generation_prompt=True) # Generate text using the LLM engine request_id = random_uuid() print(f"Generating text with request_id: {request_id}", file=sys.stderr) multi_modal_data = {} if image_data: multi_modal_data["image"] = image_data if video_data: multi_modal_data["video"] = video_data outputs = self.llm.generate( { "prompt": prompt, "multi_modal_data": multi_modal_data if multi_modal_data else None, }, sampling_params=sampling_params, request_id=request_id, ) # Stream the results generated_text = "" try: async for request_output in outputs: iteration_text = request_output.outputs[0].text if streaming: # Remove text already sent as vllm concatenates the text from previous yields delta_iteration_text = iteration_text.removeprefix(generated_text) # Send the partial result yield backend_pb2.Reply(message=bytes(delta_iteration_text, encoding='utf-8')) # Keep track of text generated generated_text = iteration_text finally: await outputs.aclose() # If streaming, we already sent everything if streaming: return # Remove the image files from /tmp folder for img_path in image_paths: try: os.remove(img_path) except Exception as e: print(f"Error removing image file: {img_path}, {e}", file=sys.stderr) # Sending the final generated text yield backend_pb2.Reply(message=bytes(generated_text, encoding='utf-8')) def load_image(self, image_path: str): """ Load an image from the given file path or base64 encoded data. Args: image_path (str): The path to the image file or base64 encoded data. Returns: Image: The loaded image. """ try: image_data = base64.b64decode(image_path) image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(image_data)) return image except Exception as e: print(f"Error loading image {image_path}: {e}", file=sys.stderr) return None def load_video(self, video_path: str): """ Load a video from the given file path. Args: video_path (str): The path to the image file. Returns: Video: The loaded video. """ try: timestamp = str(int(time.time() * 1000)) # Generate timestamp p = f"/tmp/vl-{timestamp}.data" # Use timestamp in filename with open(p, "wb") as f: f.write(base64.b64decode(video_path)) video = VideoAsset(name=p).np_ndarrays os.remove(p) return video except Exception as e: print(f"Error loading video {video_path}: {e}", file=sys.stderr) return None async def serve(address): # Start asyncio gRPC server server = grpc.aio.server(migration_thread_pool=futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=MAX_WORKERS)) # Add the servicer to the server backend_pb2_grpc.add_BackendServicer_to_server(BackendServicer(), server) # Bind the server to the address server.add_insecure_port(address) # Gracefully shutdown the server on SIGTERM or SIGINT loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() for sig in (signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM): loop.add_signal_handler( sig, lambda: asyncio.ensure_future(server.stop(5)) ) # Start the server await server.start() print("Server started. Listening on: " + address, file=sys.stderr) # Wait for the server to be terminated await server.wait_for_termination() if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run the gRPC server.") parser.add_argument( "--addr", default="localhost:50051", help="The address to bind the server to." ) args = parser.parse_args() asyncio.run(serve(args.addr))