const canvas = document.getElementById('networkCanvas'); const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); let particles = []; let isDragging = false; let dragParticle = null; const maxParticles = 100; // Maximum number of particles const dragAreaRadius = 10; // Increased area for easier dragging // Function to resize canvas based on aspect ratio function resizeCanvas() { canvas.width = window.innerWidth; canvas.height = Math.min(window.innerHeight, 400); // Maintain a max height of 400px } // Adjust the canvas size when the window resizes window.addEventListener('resize', resizeCanvas); // Initialize canvas size resizeCanvas(); class Particle { constructor(x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.radius = 4; this.color = `rgba(0, 255, 204, 1)`; this.speedX = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 2; // Random horizontal speed this.speedY = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 2; // Random vertical speed } update() { if (!isDragging || dragParticle !== this) { this.x += this.speedX; this.y += this.speedY; // Bounce off the edges of the canvas if (this.x < 0 || this.x > canvas.width) { this.speedX *= -1; } if (this.y < 0 || this.y > canvas.height) { this.speedY *= -1; } } } draw() { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(this.x, this.y, this.radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); ctx.fillStyle = this.color; ctx.fill(); } isMouseOver(mouseX, mouseY) { // Increase the draggable area by checking if the mouse is within a larger radius return Math.hypot(mouseX - this.x, mouseY - this.y) < dragAreaRadius; } } function connectParticles() { for (let i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) { for (let j = i + 1; j < particles.length; j++) { const distance = Math.hypot(particles[i].x - particles[j].x, particles[i].y - particles[j].y); if (distance < 150) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(particles[i].x, particles[i].y); ctx.lineTo(particles[j].x, particles[j].y); ctx.strokeStyle = `rgba(0, 255, 204, ${1 - distance / 150})`; ctx.stroke(); } } } } function initParticles(num) { for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) { particles.push(new Particle(Math.random() * canvas.width, Math.random() * canvas.height)); } } function animate() { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); particles.forEach(particle => { particle.update(); particle.draw(); }); connectParticles(); requestAnimationFrame(animate); } // Handle mouse click to create a new particle canvas.addEventListener('click', (e) => { const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); const mouseX = e.clientX - rect.left; const mouseY = e.clientY -; const newParticle = new Particle(mouseX, mouseY); particles.push(newParticle); // Limit the number of particles to the maximum if (particles.length > maxParticles) { particles.shift(); // Remove the oldest particle } }); // Handle mouse down for dragging canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => { const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); const mouseX = e.clientX - rect.left; const mouseY = e.clientY -; for (let particle of particles) { if (particle.isMouseOver(mouseX, mouseY)) { isDragging = true; dragParticle = particle; break; } } }); // Handle mouse move for dragging canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => { if (isDragging && dragParticle) { const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); const mouseX = e.clientX - rect.left; const mouseY = e.clientY -; dragParticle.x = mouseX; dragParticle.y = mouseY; } }); // Handle mouse up to stop dragging canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', () => { isDragging = false; dragParticle = null; }); // Initialize and start the animation initParticles(maxParticles); animate();