2023-07-15 01:19:43 +02:00
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "github.com/go-skynet/LocalAI/pkg/grpc/proto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
2023-07-15 01:19:43 +02:00
option java_package = "io.skynet.localai.backend";
option java_outer_classname = "LocalAIBackend";
2023-07-15 01:19:43 +02:00
2023-07-15 01:19:43 +02:00
package backend;
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2023-07-15 01:19:43 +02:00
service Backend {
2023-07-15 01:19:43 +02:00
rpc Health(HealthMessage) returns (Reply) {}
rpc Predict(PredictOptions) returns (Reply) {}
rpc LoadModel(ModelOptions) returns (Result) {}
rpc PredictStream(PredictOptions) returns (stream Reply) {}
2023-07-15 01:19:43 +02:00
rpc Embedding(PredictOptions) returns (EmbeddingResult) {}
2023-07-15 01:19:43 +02:00
rpc GenerateImage(GenerateImageRequest) returns (Result) {}
rpc AudioTranscription(TranscriptRequest) returns (TranscriptResult) {}
rpc TTS(TTSRequest) returns (Result) {}
2023-07-15 01:19:43 +02:00
message HealthMessage {}
// The request message containing the user's name.
message PredictOptions {
string Prompt = 1;
int32 Seed = 2;
int32 Threads = 3;
int32 Tokens = 4;
int32 TopK = 5;
int32 Repeat = 6;
int32 Batch = 7;
int32 NKeep = 8;
float Temperature = 9;
float Penalty = 10;
bool F16KV = 11;
bool DebugMode = 12;
repeated string StopPrompts = 13;
bool IgnoreEOS = 14;
float TailFreeSamplingZ = 15;
float TypicalP = 16;
float FrequencyPenalty = 17;
float PresencePenalty = 18;
int32 Mirostat = 19;
float MirostatETA = 20;
float MirostatTAU = 21;
bool PenalizeNL = 22;
string LogitBias = 23;
bool MLock = 25;
bool MMap = 26;
bool PromptCacheAll = 27;
bool PromptCacheRO = 28;
string Grammar = 29;
string MainGPU = 30;
string TensorSplit = 31;
float TopP = 32;
string PromptCachePath = 33;
bool Debug = 34;
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repeated int32 EmbeddingTokens = 35;
string Embeddings = 36;
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float RopeFreqBase = 37;
float RopeFreqScale = 38;
float NegativePromptScale = 39;
string NegativePrompt = 40;
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// The response message containing the result
message Reply {
2023-07-27 18:41:04 +02:00
bytes message = 1;
2023-07-15 01:19:43 +02:00
message ModelOptions {
string Model = 1;
int32 ContextSize = 2;
int32 Seed = 3;
int32 NBatch = 4;
bool F16Memory = 5;
bool MLock = 6;
bool MMap = 7;
bool VocabOnly = 8;
bool LowVRAM = 9;
bool Embeddings = 10;
bool NUMA = 11;
int32 NGPULayers = 12;
string MainGPU = 13;
string TensorSplit = 14;
2023-07-15 01:19:43 +02:00
int32 Threads = 15;
string LibrarySearchPath = 16;
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float RopeFreqBase = 17;
float RopeFreqScale = 18;
2023-08-03 00:51:08 +02:00
float RMSNormEps = 19;
int32 NGQA = 20;
2023-07-15 01:19:43 +02:00
message Result {
string message = 1;
bool success = 2;
2023-07-15 01:19:43 +02:00
message EmbeddingResult {
repeated float embeddings = 1;
2023-07-15 01:19:43 +02:00
message TranscriptRequest {
string dst = 2;
string language = 3;
uint32 threads = 4;
message TranscriptResult {
repeated TranscriptSegment segments = 1;
string text = 2;
message TranscriptSegment {
int32 id = 1;
int64 start = 2;
int64 end = 3;
string text = 4;
repeated int32 tokens = 5;
message GenerateImageRequest {
int32 height = 1;
int32 width = 2;
int32 mode = 3;
int32 step = 4;
int32 seed = 5;
string positive_prompt = 6;
string negative_prompt = 7;
string dst = 8;
message TTSRequest {
string text = 1;
string model = 2;
string dst = 3;