Cyrus 9318c22549
[#167] Component color failure (#185)
* Initial changes to pull down the serial from the validation reports page and transfer them to the certificates details page.  This will then allow the certificate details page to reference the serial numbers that are in failure.

* This is an attempt to transfer data from page to page via the certificate manager.

* Previous attempt didn't work, the manager isn't saving the summary.  Switching to augmenting the database by adding a new column for platform credentials.

* These changes add identifying color to the components that fail validation in the base certificate.  This code however does change the database by adding a new column to track the fails and pass to the classes that display the information.

* Updated the jsp display of the highlighted component to red background with a white foreground.  Updated the index of the string parse to not use magic numbers.
2019-08-29 11:45:22 -04:00
2018-09-06 09:47:33 -04:00
2019-08-29 11:45:22 -04:00