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# Script to generate a PKI Stack (Root, Intermediate, and LEAF CAs) and a Base RIM Signer
# creates a folder based upon the actor name and places certs under an algoithm specific folder (e.g. rsa_certs)
# 1. Actor name string (e.g. "Server Manufacturer")
# 2. Algorithm string (e.g. rsa or ecc)
# 3. Key Bit Size string (e.g. 2048)
# 4. Hash Algorithm string (e.g. sha256)
# 5. PKI password used to protect PKI keys and certs
# Examples:
# pki_chain_gen.sh "PC Manufacturer" rsa 2048 sha256 "password"
# pki_chain_gen.sh "DISK Manufacturer" ecc 256 sha512 "password"
# A KeyStore and Trust Store are created for by Java Applications. Both will use the supplied password.
param (
[string]$ACTOR = $null,
[string]$ASYM_ALG = $null,
[string]$ASYM_SIZE = $null,
[string]$HASH_ALG = $null,
[string]$PASS = $null,
[string]$LOG_FILE = $null
$APP_HOME=(Split-Path -parent $PSCommandPath)
$ACA_COMMON_SCRIPT=(Join-Path $APP_HOME '..' 'aca' 'aca_common.ps1')
# Load other scripts
# Read aca.properties
read_aca_properties $global:HIRS_DATA_ACA_PROPERTIES_FILE
# Parameter check
if (!$ACTOR -or !$ASYM_ALG -or !$ASYM_SIZE -or !$HASH_ALG -or ($ACTOR -eq "-h") -or ($ACTOR -eq "--help")) {
echo "parameter missing to pki_chain_gen.sh, exiting pki setup" | WriteAndLog
exit 1;
if ($LOG_FILE) {
} else {
$ACTOR_ALT=("$ACTOR" -replace " ","_")
$ROOT_DN="/C=US/ST=MD/L=Columbia/O=$ACTOR/CN=$ACTOR test root ca"
$INT_DN="/C=US/ST=MD/L=Columbia/O=$ACTOR/CN=$ACTOR test intermediate ca"
$LEAF_DN="/C=US/ST=MD/L=Columbia/O=$ACTOR/CN=$ACTOR test ca"
$SIGNER_DN="/C=US/ST=MD/L=Columbia/O=$ACTOR/CN=$ACTOR test signer"
if (($ASYM_ALG -ne "rsa") -and ($ASYM_ALG -ne "ecc")) {
echo "$ASYM_ALG is an unsupported assymetric algorithm, exiting pki setup" | WriteAndLog
exit 1;
switch ($ASYM_SIZE) {
256 {
384 {
512 {
2048 {
3072 {
4096 {
Default {
echo "$ASYM_SIZE is an unsupported key size, exiting pki setup" | WriteAndLog
exit 1
# Use algorithm and key size to create unique file paths and Distinguished names
$ROOT_DN="/C=US/ST=MD/L=Columbia/O=$ACTOR/CN=$NAME test root ca"
$INT_DN="/C=US/ST=MD/L=Columbia/O=$ACTOR/CN=$NAME test intermediate ca"
$LEAF_DN="/C=US/ST=MD/L=Columbia/O=$ACTOR/CN=$NAME test ca"
$SIGNER_DN="/C=US/ST=MD/L=Columbia/O=$ACTOR/CN=$NAME test signer"
$TLS_DN="/C=US/ST=MD/L=Columbia/O=$ACTOR/CN=$NAME portal"
$DB_SRV_DN="/C=US/ST=MD/L=Columbia/O=$ACTOR/CN=$NAME DB Server"
# Add check for existing folder and halt if it exists
if ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists("$ACTOR_ALT/$CERT_FOLDER")) {
echo "Folder for $CERT_FOLDER exists, exiting..." | WriteAndLog
exit 1
# Intialize sub folders
echo "Creating PKI for $ACTOR_ALT using $KSIZE $ASYM_ALG and $HASH_ALG..." | WriteAndLog
mkdir -F -p "$global:HIRS_DATA_CERTIFICATES_HIRS_DIR" 2>&1 > $null
mkdir -F -p "$global:HIRS_DATA_CERTIFICATES_HIRS_DIR\$CERT_FOLDER" 2>&1 > $null
mkdir -F -p "$global:HIRS_DATA_CERTIFICATES_HIRS_DIR\ca\certs" 2>&1 > $null
touch "$global:HIRS_DATA_CERTIFICATES_HIRS_DIR\openssl-san.cnf"
if (![System.IO.File]::Exists("$global:HIRS_DATA_CERTIFICATES_HIRS_DIR\ca\serial.txt")) {
echo "01" > "$global:HIRS_DATA_CERTIFICATES_HIRS_DIR\ca\serial.txt" | WriteAndLog
# Function to add Cert to Truststore and key to Keystore
Function add_to_stores () {
param (
[string]$CERT_PATH = $null
$ALIAS=[System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($CERT_PATH) # Use filename without path as an alias
echo "$CERT_PATH key objects will use the alias `"$ALIAS`" in trust stores." | WriteAndLog
echo "Exporting key and certificate to PKCS12." | WriteAndLog
# Add the cert and key to the key store.. make a p12 file to import into te keystore
openssl pkcs12 -export -in "$CERT_PATH.pem" -inkey "$CERT_PATH.key" -out "tmpkey.p12" -passin "pass:$PASS" -macalg SHA256 -keypbe AES-256-CBC -certpbe AES-256-CBC -passout "pass:$PASS" 2>&1 | WriteAndLog
echo "Adding $ALIAS to the $KEYSTORE" | WriteAndLog
# Use the p12 file to import into a java keystore via keytool
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore "tmpkey.p12" -destkeystore $KEYSTORE -srcstoretype pkcs12 -srcstorepass $PASS -deststoretype jks -deststorepass $PASS -noprompt -alias 1 -destalias "$ALIAS" 2>&1 | WriteAndLog
echo "Adding $ALIAS to the $TRUSTSTORE" | WriteAndLog
# Import the cert into a java trust store via keytool
keytool -import -keystore $TRUSTSTORE -storepass $PASS -file "$CERT_PATH.pem" -noprompt -alias "$ALIAS" 2>&1 | WriteAndLog
# Remove the temp p1 file.
echo "Cleaning up after storing $ALIAS" | WriteAndLog
rm "tmpkey.p12"
# Function to create an Intermediate Key, CSR, and Certificate
# 1. Cert Type String
# 2. Issuer Key File Name
# 3. Subject Distinguished Name String
Function create_cert () {
param (
[string]$CERT_PATH = $null,
[string]$ISSUER = $null,
[string]$SUBJ_DN = $null,
[string]$EXTENSION = $null
$ALIAS=[System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($CERT_PATH) # Use filename without path as an alias
echo "Creating key pair and CSR with DN=`"$SUBJ_DN`"." | WriteAndLog
echo " Key pair will be saved at location $CERT_PATH\" | WriteAndLog
echo " Key will use $ASYM_ALG $ASYM_SIZE and HASH Alg $HASH_ALG" | WriteAndLog
echo " Certificate will be issued by $ISSUER_CERT and its key $ISSUER_KEY." | WriteAndLog
echo " Key objects will use the alias `"$ALIAS`" in trust stores." | WriteAndLog
# Database doesnt support encypted key so create DB without passwords
if ("$SUBJ_DN" -match "DB") {
echo "This key is intended for use with the database." | WriteAndLog
if ("$ASYM_ALG" -eq "rsa") {
openssl genrsa -out "$CERT_PATH.key" "$ASYM_SIZE" 2>&1 | WriteAndLog
openssl req -new -key "$CERT_PATH.key" -out "$CERT_PATH.csr" -subj "$SUBJ_DN" 2>&1 | WriteAndLog
} else {
openssl ecparam -genkey -name "$ECC_NAME" -out "$CERT_PATH.key" 2>&1 | WriteAndLog
openssl req -new -key "$CERT_PATH.key" -out "$CERT_PATH.csr" -$HASH_ALG -subj "$SUBJ_DN" 2>&1 | WriteAndLog
} else {
if ("$ASYM_ALG" -eq "rsa") {
openssl req -newkey rsa:"$ASYM_SIZE" -keyout "$CERT_PATH.key" -out "$CERT_PATH.csr" -subj "$SUBJ_DN" -passout "pass:$PASS" 2>&1 | WriteAndLog
} else {
openssl genpkey -algorithm "EC" -pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:P-521 -aes256 --pass "pass:$PASS" -out "$CERT_PATH.key" 2>&1 | WriteAndLog
openssl req -new -key "$CERT_PATH.key" -passin "pass:$PASS" -out "$CERT_PATH.csr" -$HASH_ALG -subj "$SUBJ_DN" 2>&1 | WriteAndLog
echo "Sending CSR to the CA." | WriteAndLog
pushd "$global:HIRS_DATA_CERTIFICATES_HIRS_DIR" | WriteAndLog
openssl ca -config ca.conf -keyfile "$ISSUER_KEY" -md $HASH_ALG -cert "$ISSUER_CERT" -extensions "$EXTENSION" -out "$CERT_PATH.pem" -in "$CERT_PATH.csr" -passin "pass:$PASS" -batch -notext 2>&1 | WriteAndLog
popd | WriteAndLog
# Increment the cert serial number
$SERIAL=(Get-Content "$global:HIRS_DATA_CERTIFICATES_HIRS_DIR\ca\serial.txt")
echo "Cert Serial Number = $SERIAL" | WriteAndLog
echo "Exporting key and certificate to PKCS12." | WriteAndLog
# Add the cert and key to the key store. make a p12 file to import into te keystore
openssl pkcs12 -export -in "$CERT_PATH.pem" -inkey "$CERT_PATH.key" -out "tmpkey.p12" -passin "pass:$PASS" -macalg SHA256 -keypbe AES-256-CBC -certpbe AES-256-CBC -passout "pass:$PASS" 2>&1 | WriteAndLog
echo "Adding $ALIAS to $KEYSTORE" | WriteAndLog
# Use the p12 file to import into a java keystore via keytool
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore "tmpkey.p12" -destkeystore $KEYSTORE -srcstoretype pkcs12 -srcstorepass $PASS -deststoretype jks -deststorepass $PASS -noprompt -alias 1 -destalias "$ALIAS" 2>&1 | WriteAndLog
# Import the cert into a java trust store via keytool
echo "Adding $ALIAS to $TRUSTSTORE" | WriteAndLog
keytool -import -keystore $TRUSTSTORE -storepass $PASS -file "$CERT_PATH.pem" -noprompt -alias "$ALIAS" 2>&1 | WriteAndLog
echo "Cleaning up after storing $ALIAS" | WriteAndLog
# Remove the temp p12 file.
rm "tmpkey.p12"# remove csr file
rm "$CERT_PATH.csr"
Function create_cert_chain () {
# Create an intermediate CA, Sign with Root CA
create_cert "$PKI_INT" "$PKI_ROOT" "$INT_DN" "ca_extensions"
# Create a Leaf CA (CA1), Sign with intermediate CA
create_cert "$PKI_CA1" "$PKI_INT" ("$LEAF_DN"+1) "ca_extensions"
# Create a Leaf CA (CA2), Sign with intermediate CA
create_cert "$PKI_CA2" "$PKI_INT" ("$LEAF_DN"+2) "ca_extensions"
# Create a Leaf CA (CA3), Sign with intermediate CA
create_cert "$PKI_CA3" "$PKI_INT" ("$LEAF_DN"+3) "ca_extensions"
# Create a RIM Signer
create_cert "$RIM_SIGNER" "$PKI_CA2" "$SIGNER_DN" "signer_extensions"
# Create a ACA Sever Cert for TLS use
create_cert "$TLS_SERVER" "$PKI_CA3" "$TLS_DN" "server_extensions"
# Create a DB Sever Cert for TLS use
create_cert "$DB_SERVER" "$PKI_CA3" "$DB_SRV_DN" "server_extensions"
# Create a ACA Sever Cert for TLS use
create_cert "$DB_CLIENT" "$PKI_CA3" "$DB_CLIENT_DN" "server_extensions"
echo "Creating concatenated PEM file." | WriteAndLog
# Create Cert trust store by adding the Intermediate and root certs
cat "$PKI_CA1.pem", "$PKI_CA2.pem", "$PKI_CA3.pem", "$PKI_INT.pem", "$PKI_ROOT.pem" > "$TRUST_STORE_FILE"
echo "Verifying the concatenated PEM file works." | WriteAndLog
# Checking signer cert using trust store...
openssl verify -CAfile "$TRUST_STORE_FILE" "$RIM_SIGNER.pem" | WriteAndLog
echo "Creating a PKCS12 file for the database client." | WriteAndLog
# Make JKS files for the mysql DB connector. P12 first then JKS...
openssl pkcs12 -export -in "$DB_CLIENT.pem" -inkey "$DB_CLIENT.key" -macalg SHA256 -keypbe AES-256-CBC -certpbe AES-256-CBC -passin "pass:$PASS" -passout "pass:$PASS" -name "mysqlclientkey" -out "$DB_CLIENT.p12" 2>&1 | WriteAndLog
echo "Converting the database client PKCS12 file to JKS." | WriteAndLog
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore "$DB_CLIENT.p12" -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass $PASS -destkeystore "$DB_CLIENT.jks" -deststoretype jks -deststorepass $PASS 2>&1 | WriteAndLog
if ("$ASYM_ALG" -eq "rsa") {
# Create Root CA key pair and self signed cert
echo "Generating RSA Root CA ...." | WriteAndLog
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:3072 -aes256 --pass "pass:$PASS" -out "$PKI_ROOT.key" 2>&1 | WriteAndLog
# Create a self signed CA certificate
pushd "$global:HIRS_DATA_CERTIFICATES_HIRS_DIR" | WriteAndLog
openssl req -new -config ca.conf -x509 -days 3650 -key "$PKI_ROOT.key" -subj "$ROOT_DN" -extensions ca_extensions -out "$PKI_ROOT.pem" -passin "pass:$PASS" 2>&1 | WriteAndLog
popd | WriteAndLog
# Add the CA root cert to the Trust and Key stores
add_to_stores "$PKI_ROOT"
# Create an intermediate CA, 2 Leaf CAs, and Signer Certs
if ("$ASYM_ALG" -eq "ecc") {
# Create Root CA key pair and self signed cert
echo "Generating Ecc Root CA ...." | WriteAndLog
openssl genpkey -algorithm "EC" -pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:P-521 -aes256 --pass "pass:$PASS" -out "$PKI_ROOT.key" 2>&1 | WriteAndLog
# Create a self signed CA certificate
pushd "$global:HIRS_DATA_CERTIFICATES_HIRS_DIR" | WriteAndLog
openssl req -new -config ca.conf -x509 -days 3650 -key "$PKI_ROOT.key" -subj "$ROOT_DN" -extensions ca_extensions -out "$PKI_ROOT.pem" -passin "pass:$PASS" 2>&1 | WriteAndLog
popd | WriteAndLog
# Add the CA root cert to the Trust and Key stores
add_to_stores "$PKI_ROOT"
# Create an intermediate CA, 2 Leaf CAs, and Signer Certs
} |