mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 06:38:42 +00:00
97 lines
3.6 KiB
97 lines
3.6 KiB
param (
[switch]$sd, [switch]${skip-db} = $false,
[switch]$sp, [switch]${skip-pki} = $false,
[switch]$u, [switch]$unattended = $false,
[switch]$h, [switch]$help = $false
$APP_HOME=(Split-Path -parent $PSCommandPath)
$ACA_COMMON_SCRIPT=(Join-Path $APP_HOME 'aca_common.ps1')
$COMP_JSON=(Join-Path $APP_HOME '..' '..' '..' 'HIRS_AttestationCA' 'src' 'main' 'resources' 'component-class.json')
$VENDOR_TABLE=(Join-Path $APP_HOME '..' '..' '..' 'HIRS_Utils' 'src' 'main' 'resources' 'vendor-table.json')
# Load other scripts
# Set up log
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" | WriteAndLog
echo "ACA setup log file is $global:LOG_FILE" | WriteAndLog
echo ("Running with these arguments: "+($PSBoundParameters | Out-String)) | WriteAndLog
# Read aca.properties
mkdir -F -p $global:HIRS_CONF_DIR 2>&1 > $null
mkdir -F -p $global:HIRS_CONF_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_DIR 2>&1 > $null
mkdir -F -p $global:HIRS_DATA_LOG_DIR 2>&1 > $null
touch $global:HIRS_DATA_ACA_PROPERTIES_FILE # create it, if it doesn't exist
read_aca_properties $global:HIRS_DATA_ACA_PROPERTIES_FILE
# Read spring application.properties
touch $global:HIRS_DATA_SPRING_PROP_FILE # create it, if it doesn't exist
read_spring_properties $global:HIRS_DATA_SPRING_PROP_FILE
# Parameter Consolidation
$skipdb=$sd -or ${skip-db}
$skippki=$sp -or ${skip-pki}
$unattended=$u -or $unattended
$help = $h -or $help
if ($help) {
echo " Setup script for the HIRS ACA"
echo " Syntax: sh aca_setup.sh [-u|h|sd|sp|--skip-db|--skip-pki]"
echo " options:"
echo " -u | --unattended Run unattended"
echo " -h | --help Print this Help."
echo " -sp | --skip-pki run the setup without pki setup."
echo " -sb | --skip-db run the setup without database setup."
exit 1
if(!(New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal(
).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) {
echo "This script requires root. Please run as root"
exit 1
echo "HIRS ACA Setup initiated on $(date +%Y-%m-%d)" | WriteAndLog
if (!$skippki) {
if (!$Env:HIRS_PKI_PWD) {
# NOTE: Writing to the environment variable did not work within the container
# This password will be stored in the ACA properties file.
echo "Using randomly generated password for the PKI key password" | WriteAndLog
Write-Host "NOT LOGGED: Using pki password=$HIRS_PKI_PWD"
} else {
echo "Using system supplied password for the PKI key password" | WriteAndLog
pwsh -ExecutionPolicy Bypass $global:HIRS_REL_WIN_PKI_SETUP -LOG_FILE:"$global:LOG_FILE" -PKI_PASS:"$HIRS_PKI_PWD" -UNATTENDED:"$unattended"
if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) {
echo "ACA PKI setup complete" | WriteAndLog
} else {
echo "Error setting up ACA PKI" | WriteAndLog
exit 1
} else {
echo ("ACA PKI setup not run due to presence of command line argument: "+($PSBoundParameters.Keys | grep -E "skip-pki|sp")) | WriteAndLog
if (!$skipdb) {
pwsh -ExecutionPolicy Bypass $global:HIRS_REL_WIN_DB_CREATE -LOG_FILE:"$global:LOG_FILE" -UNATTENDED:"$unattended"
if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) {
echo "ACA database setup complete" | WriteAndLog
} else {
echo "Error setting up ACA DB" | WriteAndLog
exit 1
} else {
echo ("ACA Database setup not run due to command line argument: "+($PSBoundParameters.Keys | grep -E "skip-db|sd")) | WriteAndLog
echo "ACA setup complete" | WriteAndLog |