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synced 2025-02-06 11:10:15 +00:00
* Adding ACA Policy tests with modifications to related files * Separating the system tests setup from the tests themselves + Splitting up ACA Policy Tests into different steps in workflow file * Creating separate script for setting up system tests in workflow, and one script for running system tests locally. Adding details to system test steps.
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136 lines
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# Common functions used for HIRS system tests
. ./.ci/docker/.env && set -a
# Setting variables
# Check container status and abort if container is not running
checkContainerStatus() {
container_id="$(docker ps -aqf "name=$container_name")"
container_status="$(docker inspect $container_id --format='{{.State.Status}}')"
echo "Container id is $container_id and the status is $container_status"
if [ "$container_status" != "running" ]; then
container_exit_code="$(docker inspect $container_id --format='{{.State.ExitCode}}')"
echo "Container Exit Code: $container_exit_code"
docker info
exit 1;
# clear all policy settings
setPolicyNone() {
docker exec $aca_container mysql -u root -proot -D hirs_db -e "Update PolicySettings set ecValidationEnabled=0, pcAttributeValidationEnabled=0, pcValidationEnabled=0,
utcValidationEnabled=0, firmwareValidationEnabled=0, expiredCertificateValidationEnabled=0, ignoreGptEnabled=0, ignoreImaEnabled=0, ignoretBootEnabled=0;"
# Policy Settings for tests ...
setPolicyEkOnly() {
docker exec $aca_container mysql -u root -proot -D hirs_db -e "Update PolicySettings set ecValidationEnabled=1, pcAttributeValidationEnabled=0, pcValidationEnabled=0,
utcValidationEnabled=0, firmwareValidationEnabled=0, expiredCertificateValidationEnabled=0, ignoreGptEnabled=0, ignoreImaEnabled=0, ignoretBootEnabled=0;"
setPolicyEkPc_noAttCheck() {
docker exec $aca_container mysql -u root -proot -D hirs_db -e "Update PolicySettings set ecValidationEnabled=1, pcAttributeValidationEnabled=0, pcValidationEnabled=1,
utcValidationEnabled=0, firmwareValidationEnabled=0, expiredCertificateValidationEnabled=0, ignoreGptEnabled=0, ignoreImaEnabled=0, ignoretBootEnabled=0;"
setPolicyEkPc() {
docker exec $aca_container mysql -u root -proot -D hirs_db -e "Update PolicySettings set ecValidationEnabled=1, pcAttributeValidationEnabled=1, pcValidationEnabled=1,
utcValidationEnabled=0, firmwareValidationEnabled=0, expiredCertificateValidationEnabled=0, ignoreGptEnabled=0, ignoreImaEnabled=0, ignoretBootEnabled=0;"
setPolicyEkPcFw() {
docker exec $aca_container mysql -u root -proot -D hirs_db -e "Update PolicySettings set ecValidationEnabled=1, pcAttributeValidationEnabled=1, pcValidationEnabled=1,
utcValidationEnabled=0, firmwareValidationEnabled=1, expiredCertificateValidationEnabled=0, ignoreGptEnabled=0, ignoreImaEnabled=1, ignoretBootEnabled=0;"
# Clear all ACA DB items excluding policy
clearAcaDb() {
docker exec hirs-aca1 mysql -u root -proot -e "use hirs_db; set foreign_key_checks=0; truncate Appraiser;
truncate Certificate;truncate Certificate_Certificate;truncate CertificatesUsedToValidate;truncate ComponentAttributeResult;
truncate ComponentInfo;truncate ComponentResult;truncate Device;truncate DeviceInfoReport;truncate PortalInfo;
truncate ReferenceDigestValue;truncate ReferenceManifest;truncate Report;truncate SupplyChainValidation;
truncate SupplyChainValidationSummary;truncate SupplyChainValidationSummary_SupplyChainValidation;
truncate TPM2ProvisionerState;set foreign_key_checks=1;"
# Upload Certs to the ACA DB
uploadTrustedCerts() {
# Create EK Cert from IBMTSS Tools
# docker exec $tpm2_container sh -c "pushd /ibmtss/utils > /dev/null \
# && ./createekcert -rsa 2048 -cakey cakey.pem -capwd rrrr -v 1> /dev/null \
# && popd > /dev/null"
# Upload CA Cert from IBMTSS Tools
docker exec $tpm2_container sh -c "pushd /ibmtss/utils/certificates > /dev/null \
&& curl -k -s -F 'file=@cacert.pem' https://${HIRS_ACA_PORTAL_IP}:${HIRS_ACA_PORTAL_PORT}/HIRS_AttestationCAPortal/portal/certificate-request/trust-chain/upload \
&& popd > /dev/null"
# Upload Trusted Certs from HIRS
pushd .ci/setup/certs > /dev/null
curl -k -s -F "file=@ca.crt" https://${HIRS_ACA_PORTAL_IP}:${HIRS_ACA_PORTAL_PORT}/HIRS_AttestationCAPortal/portal/certificate-request/trust-chain/upload
curl -k -s -F "file=@RIMCaCert.pem" https://${HIRS_ACA_PORTAL_IP}:${HIRS_ACA_PORTAL_PORT}/HIRS_AttestationCAPortal/portal/certificate-request/trust-chain/upload
curl -k -s -F "file=@RimSignCert.pem" https://${HIRS_ACA_PORTAL_IP}:${HIRS_ACA_PORTAL_PORT}/HIRS_AttestationCAPortal/portal/certificate-request/trust-chain/upload
popd > /dev/null
# provision_tpm2 takes one parameter which is the expected result of the provion: "pass" or "fail"
# updates totalTests and failedTests counts
# provision_tpm2 <expected_results>
provisionTpm2() {
provisionOutput=$(docker exec $tpm2_container sh -c "/usr/share/hirs/tpm_aca_provision --tcp --ip --sim");
echo "==========="
echo "$provisionOutput";
echo "===========";
if [[ $provisionOutput == *"failed"* ]]; then
if [[ $expected_result == "pass" ]]; then
echo "!!! Provisioning failed, but was expected to pass"
echo "Provisioning failed as expected."
else # provisioning succeeded
if [[ $expected_result == "fail" ]]; then
echo "!!! Provisioning passed, but was expected to fail"
echo "Provisioning passed as expected."
# Places platform cert(s) held in the test folder(s) in the provisioners tcg folder
# setPlatCert <profile> <test>
setPlatformCerts() {
docker exec $tpm2_container sh /hirs/.ci/system-tests/container/pc_setup.sh $1 $2
#docker exec $tpm2_container bash -c "find / -name oem_platform_v1_Base.cer"
# Places RIM files held in the test folder in the provisioners tcg folder
# setRims <profile> <test>
setRims() {
docker exec $tpm2_container sh /hirs/.ci/system-tests/container/rim_setup.sh $1 $2 $3
#docker exec $tpm2_container bash -c "find / -name oem_platform_v1_Base.cer"
setPlatformOutput() {
docker exec $tpm2_container cp /usr/share/hirs/appsettings_hw.json /usr/share/hirs/appsettings.json
# Writes to the Action ouput, ACA log, and Provisioner Log
# Used for marking the start of system tests and noting the result
# write_to_logs <log statement>
writeToLogs() {
echo $line;
docker exec $aca_container sh -c "cd .. && echo '$line' >> /var/log/hirs/HIRS_AttestationCA_Portal.log"
# docker exec $tpm2_container sh -c "echo '$line' >> /var/log/hirs/provisioner/HIRS_provisionerTPM2.log"