ThatSilentCoder 11691e5b29
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Dotnet Provisioner Unit Tests / Restore and Run Unit Tests (ubuntu-20.04) (push) Has been cancelled
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HIRS Build and Unit Test / ACA_Provisioner_Unit_Tests (push) Has been cancelled
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[#863] Placed Dependencies and Dependency Versions In TOML file (#885)
* issue_863: Successfully moved all the dependencies to toml file and currently replacing dependencies listed in the build.gradle file with the ones referenced in the toml file

* issue_863: finished updating dependency versions. Ready for PR

* issue_863: downgraded versions since there was an issue with the dependencies versions and the ci/cd pipeline in git. will update each depedency slowly to ensure that upgrades are down correctly.

* issue_863: upgrading this slowly but surely

* issue_863: upgrading this slowly but surely again. testing to see if github's ci/cd is happy still with these set of changes.

* issue_863: upgrading this slowly but surely again. testing to see if github's ci/cd is happy still with these set of changes (again)

* issue_863: upgrading this slowly but surely again. testing to see if github's ci/cd is happy still with these set of changes (again) partIII

* issue_863: Part IV of upgrading this slowly  to see if github's ci/cd is happy still with these set of changes (again)

* issue_863: Part V of upgrading this slowly  to see if github's ci/cd is happy still with these set of changes (again)

* issue_863: Part VI of updating dependencies slowly

* issue_863: Part VII of updating dependencies

* issue_863: Part 8 of updating dependencies

* issue_863: Part 9 of updating dependencies

* issue_863: Part 10 of updating dependencies

* issue_863: Part 12 of updating dependencies

* issue_863: Part 13 of updating dependencies

* issue_863: Part 14 of updating dependencies

* issue_863: Part 15 of updating dependencies

* issue_863: Updating tomcat core.

* issue_863: removed some critical vulnerable dependencies

* issue_863: updated spring boot version. second try at it.

* issue_863: undid spring update. need to figure out how to smoothly transition to newer spring.

* issue_863: updated spring boot, hibernate, and spring retry. Removed an unused dependency.

* issue_863: removed unused dependencies and am currently resolving critical vulnerable dependendcies

* issue_863: reverted changes from last commit. let's see if that makes a difference

* issue_863: Updated gradle version, fixed more vulnerabilities, now figuring what to do with the remaining vulnerabilities.

* issue_863: Updated gradle plugins version, fixed more vulnerabilities, now figuring what to do with the remaining vulnerabilities.

* issue_863: Updated gradle plugins version again. Ready for PR. Vulnerability issues will be addressed in another PR. I've cut down vulnerabilities by quite a lot and I want to test the new OWASP plugin against the remaining vulnerabilities.

* issue_863: Finishing touches to the PR. Upgraded some more dependencies and removed unused one.

* issue_863: Removed testng from codebase. Has been officially replaced with spring junit.
2025-01-13 09:53:04 -05:00

68 lines
1.7 KiB

plugins {
id 'io.spring.dependency-management' version '1.1.7'
id 'com.google.protobuf' version '0.9.4'
configurations {
compileOnly {
extendsFrom annotationProcessor
dependencies {
implementation project(':HIRS_Utils')
implementation project(':HIRS_Structs')
implementation libs.bouncycastle
implementation libs.commons.codec
implementation libs.commons.io
implementation libs.commons.lang3
implementation libs.guava
implementation libs.jackson.core
implementation libs.jackson.databind
implementation libs.jakarta.persistence.api
implementation libs.jakarta.xml
implementation libs.spring.boot.starter.log4j2
implementation libs.minimal.json
// pull the pci dependency and ...
implementation libs.pci
// and explicitly include the patched version of the apache http client dependency
implementation libs.apacheHttpClient
implementation libs.protobuf.java
implementation libs.spring.boot.starter.data.jpa
implementation libs.spring.retry
implementation libs.spring.boot.starter.web
implementation libs.spring.framework.webmvc
compileOnly libs.lombok
annotationProcessor libs.lombok
compileOnly libs.spotbugs.annotations
annotationProcessor libs.spotbugs.annotations
testImplementation libs.commons.io
testImplementation libs.spring.boot.starter.test
testCompileOnly libs.lombok
testAnnotationProcessor libs.lombok
protobuf {
protoc {
artifact = 'com.google.protobuf:protoc:3.24.3'
sourceSets {
main {
proto {
srcDir '../HIRS_Provisioner.NET/hirs/Resources'
test {