ThatSilentCoder 60cc011197
Some checks failed
Dotnet Provisioner Unit Tests / Restore and Run Unit Tests (ubuntu-20.04) (push) Has been cancelled
Dotnet Provisioner Unit Tests / Restore and Run Unit Tests (windows-2022) (push) Has been cancelled
HIRS Build and Unit Test / ACA_Provisioner_Unit_Tests (push) Has been cancelled
HIRS System Tests / DockerTests (push) Has been cancelled
Dotnet Provisioner Unit Tests / Evaluate Tests (push) Has been cancelled
issue_901: Figured out logging issues. Now log can successfully record new events and is located where it should be (var/log/hirs). Ready for PR. (#903)
2025-03-06 07:18:35 -05:00
2024-08-22 16:40:03 -04:00

To support the TCG RIM concept a new command line application called the The tcg_rim_tool has been created. The tcg_rim_tool can be used to create NISTIR 8060 compatible SWID tags that adhere to the TCG PC Client RIM specification. It also supports the ability to digitally sign the Base RIM file as the HIRS ACA will require a valid signature in order to upload any RIM file.



To build this tool navigate to the tcg_eventlog-tool directory and use the following command:

./gradlew clean build


Several options exist for building on Windows 11:

  1. Windows command shell (CMD.exe):
    • Navigate to the tcg_eventlog_tool folder and run the widows gradle wrapper:

    gradlew.bat clean build

  2. Windows powershell with Windows Subsystem for Linux enabled.
    • Navigate to the tcg_eventlog_tool folder and run the Linux gradle wrapper:

    ./gradlew clean build

In both cases the tcg_rim_tool-X.X.jar file should have been placed in the build\libs\tools\ (Windows) or build/libs/tools/ (Linux) folder.


Packages for this tool can be found on the [HIRS release page](https://github.com/nsacyber/HIRS/release

Currently only a packaging for Linux is supported.

To create an RPM package on a Redhat or Rocky linux device use the following command in the same directory:

./gradlew buildRpm

or for a Debian or Ubuntu Linux distro:

./gradlew buildDeb

the package can be found under the build/distributions/ folder


Currently only a install packages for Linux are supported.

To install this tool on a Redhat or Rocky Linux distro use the following command from the same directory:

sudo dnf install build/distributions/tcg_eventlog_tool*.rpm

or for a Debian or Ubuntu Linux distro:

sudo apt-get install build/distributions/tcg_eventlog_tool*.deb


The tcg_rim_tool rpm will create a rim commandline shortcut. This can be invoked from a command line:

rim -h

The tcg_eventlog_tool also can be invoked using java from the tcg_eventlog_tool directory:

java -jar build/libs/tools/tcg_rim_tool-1.0.jar -h

Current options for the tool can be found using the -h option.