# Unzip tools in the working directory if (Test-Path ".\tcg_rim_tool") { Write-Output "tcg_rim_tool already unzipped" } else { Expand-Archive -Path .\tcg_rim_tool.zip -DestinationPath .\tcg_rim_tool Expand-Archive -Path .\tcg_eventlog_tool.zip -DestinationPath .\tcg_eventlog_tool } # Script to start a new shell with a rim alias $StartInfo = new-object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo $StartInfo.FileName = "$pshome\powershell.exe" $StartInfo.Arguments = "-NoExit -Command `$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle=`'TCG RIM TOOL`'; Set-Alias elt '$PWD\eventlog.ps1'; Set-Alias rim '$PWD\rim.ps1'; echo 'The TCG RIM TOOL is intended for testing TCG Defined PC Client Reference Integrity Manifests (RIMs)'; echo 'for usage type: rim -h'; echo 'for eventlog usage type: elt -h' Set-Location -Path $PWD; function prompt {'HIRS > '};" [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($StartInfo)