#ifndef libhis_changekeyauth_hpp
#define libhis_changekeyauth_hpp

#ifdef WINDOWS
	#include "tspi.h"
	#include "tss_error.h"
	#include "tss_defines.h"
#ifdef LINUX
	#include <tss/tspi.h>
	#include <tss/tss_error.h>
	#include <tss/tss_defines.h>

#include "libhis_exception.hpp"

class libhis_changekeyauth
		//set default values
		init_key_size = TSS_KEY_SIZE_DEFAULT;
		init_key_type = TSS_KEY_TYPE_DEFAULT;
		init_key_authorized = TSS_KEY_AUTHORIZATION;
		init_key_migratable = TSS_KEY_NOT_MIGRATABLE;
		init_key_volatile = TSS_KEY_VOLATILE;
		binitialized = false;

		//create a context object
		result = Tspi_Context_Create(&hcontext);
		if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Create Conntext", result);

		//create an SRK object
		result = Tspi_Context_CreateObject(hcontext, TSS_OBJECT_TYPE_RSAKEY, TSS_KEY_TSP_SRK, &hkey_srk);
		if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Create SRK", result);

		//Create SRK policy
		result = Tspi_Context_CreateObject(hcontext, TSS_OBJECT_TYPE_POLICY, TSS_POLICY_USAGE, &hpolicy_srk);
		if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Create SRK Policy", result);

		//Create key policy
		result = Tspi_Context_CreateObject(hcontext, TSS_OBJECT_TYPE_POLICY, TSS_POLICY_USAGE, &hpolicy_key);
		if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Create key Policy", result);

		//Create new policy
		result = Tspi_Context_CreateObject(hcontext, TSS_OBJECT_TYPE_POLICY, TSS_POLICY_USAGE, &hpolicy_new);
		if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Create New Policy", result);

	void initidentity()
		//set the type
		init_key_type = TSS_KEY_TYPE_IDENTITY;

		//set the key size
		init_key_size = TSS_KEY_SIZE_DEFAULT;

		//combine the init flags
		init_key = init_key_size | init_key_type | init_key_authorized | init_key_migratable | init_key_volatile;

		//Create key object
		result = Tspi_Context_CreateObject(hcontext, TSS_OBJECT_TYPE_RSAKEY, init_key, &hkey_key);
		if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Create key", result);

		binitialized = true;

	void initsign(unsigned int in_size)
		//set the type
		init_key_type = TSS_KEY_TYPE_SIGNING;

		//set the key size
		if(in_size == 0)
			init_key_size = TSS_KEY_SIZE_DEFAULT;
		else if(in_size == 512)
			init_key_size = TSS_KEY_SIZE_512;
		else if(in_size == 1024)
			init_key_size = TSS_KEY_SIZE_1024;
		else if(in_size == 2048)
			init_key_size = TSS_KEY_SIZE_2048;
		else if(in_size == 4096)
			init_key_size = TSS_KEY_SIZE_4096;
		else if(in_size == 8192)
			init_key_size = TSS_KEY_SIZE_8192;
		else if(in_size == 16384)
			init_key_size = TSS_KEY_SIZE_16384;
		else throw libhis_exception("Invalid key size", 400);

		//combine the init flags
		init_key = init_key_size | init_key_type | init_key_authorized | init_key_migratable | init_key_volatile;

		//Create key object
		result = Tspi_Context_CreateObject(hcontext, TSS_OBJECT_TYPE_RSAKEY, init_key, &hkey_key);
		if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Create key", result);

		binitialized = true;

	void initbind(unsigned int in_size)
		//set the type
		init_key_type = TSS_KEY_TYPE_BIND;

		//set the key size
		if(in_size == 0)
			init_key_size = TSS_KEY_SIZE_DEFAULT;
		else if(in_size == 512)
			init_key_size = TSS_KEY_SIZE_512;
		else if(in_size == 1024)
			init_key_size = TSS_KEY_SIZE_1024;
		else if(in_size == 2048)
			init_key_size = TSS_KEY_SIZE_2048;
		else if(in_size == 4096)
			init_key_size = TSS_KEY_SIZE_4096;
		else if(in_size == 8192)
			init_key_size = TSS_KEY_SIZE_8192;
		else if(in_size == 16384)
			init_key_size = TSS_KEY_SIZE_16384;
		else throw libhis_exception("Invalid key size", 400);

		//combine the init flags
		init_key = init_key_size | init_key_type | init_key_authorized | init_key_migratable | init_key_volatile;

		//Create key object
		result = Tspi_Context_CreateObject(hcontext, TSS_OBJECT_TYPE_RSAKEY, init_key, &hkey_key);
		if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Create key", result);

		binitialized = true;

	void initstorage(unsigned int in_size)
		//set the type
		init_key_type = TSS_KEY_TYPE_STORAGE;

		//set the key size
		if(in_size == 0)
			init_key_size = TSS_KEY_SIZE_DEFAULT;
		else if(in_size == 512)
			init_key_size = TSS_KEY_SIZE_512;
		else if(in_size == 1024)
			init_key_size = TSS_KEY_SIZE_1024;
		else if(in_size == 2048)
			init_key_size = TSS_KEY_SIZE_2048;
		else if(in_size == 4096)
			init_key_size = TSS_KEY_SIZE_4096;
		else if(in_size == 8192)
			init_key_size = TSS_KEY_SIZE_8192;
		else if(in_size == 16384)
			init_key_size = TSS_KEY_SIZE_16384;
		else throw libhis_exception("Invalid key size", 400);

		//combine the init flags
		init_key = init_key_size | init_key_type | init_key_authorized | init_key_migratable | init_key_volatile;

		//Create key object
		result = Tspi_Context_CreateObject(hcontext, TSS_OBJECT_TYPE_RSAKEY, init_key, &hkey_key);
		if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Create key", result);

		binitialized = true;

	void changekeyauth(
		unsigned char	*auth_srk_value,
		unsigned long	auth_srk_size,
		bool			auth_srk_sha1,
		unsigned char	*auth_key_value,
		unsigned long	auth_key_size,
		bool			auth_key_sha1,
		unsigned char	*uuid_key_value,
		unsigned char	*auth_new_value,
		unsigned long	auth_new_size,
		bool			auth_new_sha1)
		//establish a session
		result = Tspi_Context_Connect(hcontext, 0);
		if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Connect Context", result);

		//get the TPM object
		result = Tspi_Context_GetTpmObject(hcontext, &htpm);
		if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Get TPM Object", result);

		//load the SRK
		TSS_UUID	uuid_srk = TSS_UUID_SRK;
		result = Tspi_Context_LoadKeyByUUID(hcontext, TSS_PS_TYPE_SYSTEM, uuid_srk, &hkey_srk);
		if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Load SRK", result);

		//set up SRK auth
			result = Tspi_Policy_SetSecret(hpolicy_srk, TSS_SECRET_MODE_SHA1, auth_srk_size, auth_srk_value);
			if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Set SRK Secret SHA1", result);
			result = Tspi_Policy_SetSecret(hpolicy_srk, TSS_SECRET_MODE_PLAIN, auth_srk_size, auth_srk_value);
			if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Set SRK Secret Plain", result);

		//assign the SRK auth
		result = Tspi_Policy_AssignToObject(hpolicy_srk, hkey_srk);
		if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Assign SRK Secret", result);

		//Set up the key UUID
		hextouuid(uuid_key_value, uuid_key);

		//Get the key by UUID
		result = Tspi_Context_GetKeyByUUID(hcontext, TSS_PS_TYPE_SYSTEM, uuid_key, &hkey_key);
		if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Get key by UUID", result);

		//set up Key auth
			result = Tspi_Policy_SetSecret(hpolicy_key, TSS_SECRET_MODE_SHA1, auth_key_size, auth_key_value);
			if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Set Key Secret SHA1", result);
			result = Tspi_Policy_SetSecret(hpolicy_key, TSS_SECRET_MODE_PLAIN, auth_key_size, auth_key_value);
			if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Set Key Secret Plain", result);

		//assign the Key auth
		result = Tspi_Policy_AssignToObject(hpolicy_key, hkey_key);
		if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Assign Key Secret", result);

		//set up new auth
			result = Tspi_Policy_SetSecret(hpolicy_new, TSS_SECRET_MODE_SHA1, auth_new_size, auth_new_value);
			if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Set New Secret SHA1", result);
			result = Tspi_Policy_SetSecret(hpolicy_new, TSS_SECRET_MODE_PLAIN, auth_new_size, auth_new_value);
			if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Set New Secret Plain", result);

		//change the Key secret
		result = Tspi_ChangeAuth(hkey_key, hkey_srk, hpolicy_new);
		if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Change Key Secret", result);

			//save key
			result = Tspi_Context_RegisterKey(hcontext, hkey_key, TSS_PS_TYPE_SYSTEM, uuid_key, TSS_PS_TYPE_SYSTEM, uuid_srk);
			if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Save key By UUID", result);
		catch(libhis_exception &e)
			//Unregister the existing key
			result = Tspi_Context_UnregisterKey(hcontext, TSS_PS_TYPE_SYSTEM, uuid_key, &hkey_unregister);
			if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Unregister slot", result);

			//Register a new key
			result = Tspi_Context_RegisterKey(hcontext, hkey_key, TSS_PS_TYPE_SYSTEM, uuid_key, TSS_PS_TYPE_SYSTEM, uuid_srk);
			if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Resave key By UUID", result);


		//clean up new policy
		result = Tspi_Context_CloseObject(hcontext, hpolicy_new);
		if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Close New Policy", result);

		//clean up key policy
		result = Tspi_Context_CloseObject(hcontext, hpolicy_key);
		if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Close key Policy", result);

			//clean up key
			result = Tspi_Context_CloseObject(hcontext, hkey_key);
			if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Close key", result);

		//clean up SRK policy
		result = Tspi_Context_CloseObject(hcontext, hpolicy_srk);
		if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Close SRK Policy", result);

		//clean up SRK object
		result = Tspi_Context_CloseObject(hcontext, hkey_srk);
		if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Close SRK", result);

		//close context
		result = Tspi_Context_Close(hcontext);
		if(result != TSS_SUCCESS) throw libhis_exception("Close Context", result);

	TSS_RESULT		result;
	TSS_HCONTEXT	hcontext;
	TSS_HTPM		htpm;
	TSS_HKEY		hkey_srk,
	TSS_HPOLICY		hpolicy_srk,
	TSS_UUID		uuid_key;
	UINT32			init_key,
	bool			binitialized;
