#!/bin/bash ######################################################################################### # Script to run the System Tests for HIRS TPM 2.0 Provisoner # ######################################################################################### aca_container=hirs-aca1 tpm2_container=hirs-provisioner1-tpm2 testResult="passed"; issuerCert=../setup/certs/ca.crt hirs_aca_log=/var/log/tomcat/HIRS_AttestationCA.log # Source files for Docker Variables and helper scripts . ./.ci/docker/.env set -a echo "******** Setting up for HIRS System Tests for TPM 2.0 ******** " # expand dmi files for mounting to the provisioner containers unzip -q .ci/system-tests/profiles/laptop/laptop_dmi.zip -d .ci/system-tests/profiles/laptop/ # Start System Testing Docker Environment pushd .ci/docker > /dev/null docker-compose -f docker-compose-system-test.yml up -d popd > /dev/null pushd .ci/system-tests > /dev/null source sys_test_common.sh echo "ACA Container info: $(checkContainerStatus $aca_container)"; echo "TPM2 Provisioner Container info: $(checkContainerStatus $tpm2_container)"; # Install HIRS provioner and setup tpm2 emulator docker exec $tpm2_container /HIRS/.ci/setup/setup_tpm2provisioner.sh # ********* Execute system tests here, add tests as needed ************* echo "******** Setup Complete Begin HIRS System Tests ******** " source aca_policy_tests.sh echo "******** HIRS System Tests Complete ******** " # collecting ACA logs for archiving echo "Collecting ACA logs ....." docker exec $aca_container mkdir -p /HIRS/logs/aca/; docker exec $aca_container cp -a /var/log/tomcat/. /HIRS/logs/aca/; docker exec $aca_container chmod -R 777 /HIRS/logs/; echo "Collecting provisioner logs" docker exec $tpm2_container mkdir -p /HIRS/logs/provisioner/; docker exec $tpm2_container cp -a /var/log/hirs/provisioner/. /HIRS/logs/provisioner/; docker exec $tpm2_container chmod -R 777 /HIRS/logs/; # Display container log echo "" echo "===========HIRS Tests and Log collection complete ===========" echo "" echo "End of System Tests for TPM 2.0, cleaning up..." echo "" # Clean up services and network popd > /dev/null pushd .ci/docker docker-compose -f docker-compose-system-test.yml down -v popd > /dev/null # Clean up dangling containers echo "Cleaning up dangling containers..." echo "" docker container prune --force echo "" echo "New value of test status is ${TEST_STATUS}" # Return container exit code if [[ ${TEST_STATUS} == "0" ]]; then echo "SUCCESS: System Tests for TPM 2.0 passed" echo "TEST_STATUS=0" >> $GITHUB_ENV exit 0; else echo "FAILURE: System Tests for TPM 2.0 failed" echo "TEST_STATUS=1" >> $GITHUB_ENV exit 1 fi