.TH TPM_MODULE 1 "January 11, 2018"

.sp 1
tpm_module \- interact with the TPM
.B tpm_module
[\-m <mode>] [\-options]
Provide various modes for interacting with the TPM.
1   Take Ownership of TPM
2   Change Owner Authorization Data
3   Clear Ownership (Disables TPM)
4   Create EK
5   Change SRK Authorization Data
6   Collate Identity Request (Create Identity Key)
7   Activate Identity (Create Identity Key Certificate)
8   Quote
9   Quote 2
10   Seal Data (Encrypt Data to Current Platform State)
11   Seal 2 (Seal Against Future PCRs)
12   Unseal Data
13   Generate Random Bytes
14   Create Signing, Binding, or Storage Key
15   Change Key Authorization Data
16   Get Keyblob
17   Get Key Modulus
18   Clear Key
19   Get PCR
20   Extend PCR (Update PCR Value)
21   Clear PCR
22   Set NVRAM Data
23   Get NVRAM Data
24   Clear NVRAM Data
25   Sign Data
26   Verify Signed Data
27   Bind
28   Unbind
29   Get Public Key
.B \-h, \-\-help
display help, use with -m to see help/options for individual modes
.B \-v, \-\-version
display software version info
.B \-d, \-\-debug
enable console debugging
.B \-f, \-\-file
write debugging info to file
.B \-z, \-\-zeros
fill in authdata with zeroes
.B \-r, \-\-readable
make output human-readable with delimiters
.B \-nr, \-\-nonce_random
populate nonce with TPM's random byte generator
Take ownership of TPM using a specific nonce and zeroes for auth data:
tpm_module \-m 1 \-n 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 \-z
Get help with collate identity request mode:
tpm_module \-m 6 \-h
Generate a quote2 using the first 16 PCRs, random nonce, identity key with
simple UUID, and omitted SRK auth as zeroes:
tpm_module \-m 9 \-p ffff00 \-nr \-u 00000000\-0000\-0000\-0000\-040000000001 \-authp_ik password \-z