FROM LABEL org.opencontainers.image.vendor NSA Laboratory for Advanced Cybersecurity Research LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source LABEL org.opencontainers.image.description NSA\'s HIRS Attestation Certificate Authority in a Windows-native image. Expose port 8443 to access the portal from outside the container. SHELL ["pwsh", "-Command"] # Output Powershell Version # This Dockerfile requires Powershell 7+. RUN $PSVersionTable # Set up logging area RUN mkdir -p C:/ProgramData/hirs/aca RUN mkdir -p C:/ProgramData/hirs/log # Download and install Java 17 RUN ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', 'C:/jdk-17.0.8_windows-x64_bin.exe')) RUN Write-Host "Installing JDK..." RUN ./jdk-17.0.8_windows-x64_bin.exe /s RUN Write-Host "Finished installing JDK." RUN ls 'C:\Program Files\Java' RUN ls 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17\' # Download and install Mariadb as a service RUN ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', 'C:/mariadb-11.1.2-winx64.msi')) RUN Write-Host "Installing MariaDB..." # mariadb silent install options RUN Start-Process -Wait -FilePath msiexec.exe -ArgumentList @('/i', 'C:\mariadb-11.1.2-winx64.msi', 'ADDLOCAL=ALL', 'REMOVE=HeidiSQL', 'SERVICENAME=MariaDB', '/qn', '/L*V', 'C:/ProgramData/hirs/log/mariadb_install.log') RUN Write-Host "Finished installing mariadb." RUN ls 'C:\Program Files' RUN ls 'C:\Program Files\MariaDB 11.1' # Download and install Git RUN ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', 'C:/Git-')) RUN Write-Host "Installing Git..." RUN Start-Process -FilePath 'C:/Git-' -ArgumentList \"/VERYSILENT /NORESTART /NOCANCEL /SP- /CLOSEAPPLICATIONS /RESTARTAPPLICATIONS /o:PathOption=CmdTools /o:BashTerminalOption=ConHost /o:EnableSymlinks=Enabled /COMPONENTS=gitlfs\" -Wait -PassThru # Disable GCM machine-wide RUN [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('GCM_INTERACTIVE', 'Never', [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine) RUN Write-Host "Finished installing Git." # Expose ACA Port EXPOSE 8443 8080 # Set Environment Variables RUN setx JAVA_HOME 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17' RUN setx GIT_HOME 'C:\Program Files\Git' RUN setx PATH '%JAVA_HOME%\bin;C:\Program Files\MariaDB 11.1\bin;%GIT_HOME%\bin;%PATH%' # Echo System Variables RUN echo $Env:PATH RUN echo $Env:GIT_HOME RUN echo $Env:JAVA_HOME # Clone HIRS main WORKDIR C:/ RUN git config --global --add core.autocrlf false RUN git config --global --add '*' RUN git clone -b v3_windows-package-scripts C:/repo # Defensive copy of the repo so it's easy to start fresh if needed WORKDIR C:/repo RUN cp -Recurse -Force C:/repo C:/hirs # Ensure Windows configuration files are in place before build. WORKDIR C:/hirs RUN pwsh -Command pwsh -ExecutionPolicy Bypass ./package/win/aca/aca_win_config.ps1 # Run bootWar to cache build objects and dependencies WORKDIR C:/hirs RUN setx GRADLE_OPTS '-Dorg.gradle.daemon=false' RUN ./gradlew.bat clean bootWar 2>&1 | tee -a C:/ProgramData/hirs/log/hirs_build.log RUN cp ./HIRS_AttestationCAPortal/src/main/resources/ C:/ProgramData/hirs/aca/ # Run ACA Setup- PKI and DB WORKDIR C:/hirs RUN pwsh -Command pwsh -ExecutionPolicy Bypass ./package/win/aca/aca_setup.ps1 -unattended # Add ACA TLS certification path to container OS # Allows the curl command in the HEALTHCHECK to work with TLS RUN Get-Item "C:/ProgramData/hirs/certificates/HIRS/rsa_3k_sha384_certs/HIRS_intermediate_ca_rsa_3k_sha384.pem" | Import-Certificate -CertStoreLocation "Cert:\LocalMachine\Root" RUN Get-Item "C:/ProgramData/hirs/certificates/HIRS/ecc_512_sha384_certs/HIRS_intermediate_ca_ecc_512_sha384.pem" | Import-Certificate -CertStoreLocation "Cert:\LocalMachine\Root" RUN Get-Item "C:/ProgramData/hirs/certificates/HIRS/rsa_3k_sha384_certs/HIRS_root_ca_rsa_3k_sha384.pem" | Import-Certificate -CertStoreLocation "Cert:\LocalMachine\Root" RUN Get-Item "C:/ProgramData/hirs/certificates/HIRS/ecc_512_sha384_certs/HIRS_root_ca_ecc_512_sha384.pem" | Import-Certificate -CertStoreLocation "Cert:\LocalMachine\Root" RUN Get-Item "C:/ProgramData/hirs/certificates/HIRS/rsa_3k_sha384_certs/HIRS_leaf_ca3_rsa_3k_sha384.pem" | Import-Certificate -CertStoreLocation "Cert:\LocalMachine\Root" RUN Get-Item "C:/ProgramData/hirs/certificates/HIRS/ecc_512_sha384_certs/HIRS_leaf_ca3_ecc_512_sha384.pem" | Import-Certificate -CertStoreLocation "Cert:\LocalMachine\Root" # The container will report a health state based on when embedded tomcat finishes loading. If the ACA isn't loaded after the timeout, the container will report that it is unhealthy. HEALTHCHECK --start-period=50s --interval=1s --timeout=90s CMD curl -Uri https://localhost:8443/HIRS_AttestationCAPortal/portal/index CMD ["pwsh", "-Command", "pwsh -ExecutionPolicy Bypass C:/hirs/package/win/aca/aca_bootRun.ps1"]