#!/bin/bash ######################################################################################### # Setup for platform certificates for testing # usage pc_setup.sh -p -t [-u] [-n] # By default, copies platform certs (Base and Delta) to the tcg directory. # -u: upload the certs to the ACA directly. # -n: disable copy of certs to the tcg directory. ######################################################################################### # Load env variables . /hirs/.ci/docker/.env profile=laptop test=default ciTestHwJsonFile=$HIRS_CI_TEST_HW_JSON_FILE # By default save the artifacts in EFI and do not upload to the ACA UPLOAD_ARTIFACTS=NO PUT_ARTIFACTS_IN_ESP=YES # Process parameters Argument handling POSITIONAL_ARGS=() ORIGINAL_ARGS=("$@") while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in -p|--profile) shift # past argument profile=$1 shift # past parameter ;; -t|--test) shift # past argument test=$1 shift # past parameter ;; -u|--upload) UPLOAD_ARTIFACTS=YES shift # past argument ;; -n|--no-efi) PUT_ARTIFACTS_IN_ESP=NO shift # past argument ;; -*|--*) echo "pc_setup.sh: Unknown option $1" shift # past argument ;; *) POSITIONAL_ARGS+=("$1") # save positional arg # shift # past argument break ;; esac done # Profile selections profileDir="$HIRS_CI_REPO_ROOT/.ci/system-tests/profiles/$profile" testDir="$profileDir/$test" pcDir="$testDir/platformcerts" dmiZip="$profileDir/$profile"_dmi.zip hwJsonFileName="$profile"_"$test"_hw.json hwJsonFile="$testDir/$hwJsonFileName" # Use default settings if profile does not have specific changes if [ ! -f "$hwJsonFile" ]; then echo "Test is using a profile with no hardware manifest file. Using default." hwJsonFile=$HIRS_CI_TEST_DEFAULT_HW_JSON_FILE fi if [ ! -f "$dmiZip" ]; then echo "Test is using a profile with no DMI data. Using default." dmiZip=$HIRS_CI_TEST_DEFAULT_DMI_ZIP fi # Ensure platform folder under efi is set up and cleared $HIRS_CI_REPO_ROOT/.ci/system-tests/container/efi_setup.sh -p echo "Platform certs selected from profile: $profile : $test" # Step 1: Copy hw json file, if it exists. if [ -f "$hwJsonFile" ]; then echo "hw file used was $hwJsonFile" cp "$hwJsonFile" "$ciTestHwJsonFile" fi # Can remove this once unzip is added to the image dnf install -y unzip &> /dev/null # Step 2: Unpack the dmi files. echo "dmi file used was $dmiZip" unzip -o "$dmiZip" -d $HIRS_CI_TEST_ROOT # Step 3: Copy the platform cert to tcg folder and or upload it to the ACA if [[ ! -d $pcDir ]]; then pcDir=$profileDir/default/platformcerts fi pushd $pcDir > /dev/null # Skip copy of platform cert if .gitigore exists (empty profile) if [[ ! -f ".gitignore" ]]; then for cert in * ; do if [ "$PUT_ARTIFACTS_IN_ESP" = YES ]; then echo "Saving $cert to $HIRS_CI_EFI_PATH_PLATFORM" cp $cert $HIRS_CI_EFI_PATH_PLATFORM fi if [ "$UPLOAD_ARTIFACTS" = YES ]; then echo "Uploading $cert to $SERVER_PCERT_POST" curl -k -F "file=@$cert" $SERVER_PCERT_POST fi done fi popd > /dev/null