plugins { id 'application' id 'java' id 'war' id "nebula.ospackage" version "9.1.1" id 'org.springframework.boot' version '3.1.0' id 'io.spring.dependency-management' version '1.1.0' } // Get version from main project gradle def packVersion = properties.get("packageVersion"); def jarVersion = properties.get("jarVersion"); //println "packageVersion is ${projVersion}" java { toolchain { languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(17) } } configurations { compileOnly { extendsFrom annotationProcessor } } repositories { flatDir { dirs "lib" } mavenCentral() } dependencies { implementation project(':HIRS_Utils') implementation project(':HIRS_AttestationCA') implementation libs.pci implementation libs.gson implementation libs.bouncycastle implementation libs.guava implementation libs.jakarta.servlet implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web' implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-validation' implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa' implementation 'org.projectlombok:lombok' implementation 'commons-fileupload:commons-fileupload:1.5' implementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter:5.4.2' implementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter:5.4.2' compileOnly 'org.projectlombok:lombok' runtimeOnly 'org.mariadb.jdbc:mariadb-java-client' annotationProcessor 'org.projectlombok:lombok' providedRuntime 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-tomcat' testImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test' testImplementation libs.testng testImplementation libs.mockito } // //test { // useTestNG() //} war { from(buildDir) { include 'VERSION' into 'WEB-INF/classes' } archiveFileName = 'HIRS_AttestationCAPortal.war' } ospackage { packageName = 'HIRS_AttestationCA' os = LINUX arch = NOARCH version = "$packVersion" release = '1' user 'root' fileMode = 0755 def tpath="/opt" addParentDirs = true createDirectoryEntry true preInstall "rm -rf /opt/hirs/default-properties" preInstall "mkdir -p /opt/hirs/default-properties/" preInstall "mkdir -p /tmp/hirs/default-properties/" // Setup /etc/hirs into ('/etc/hirs/aca/') { from '../HIRS_AttestationCA/src/main/resources/' rename {''} } into ('/etc/hirs/') { from '../HIRS_Utils/src/main/resources/' from '../HIRS_Utils/src/main/resources/' from '../HIRS_Utils/src/main/resources/' } // Setup tomcat files // Create and package HIRS_AttestationCA:war into ("${tpath}/tomcat/webapps") { from war.outputs.files from '../HIRS_AttestationCA/build/libs/HIRS_AttestationCA.war' user 'root' fileMode = 0755 } into ("${tpath}/tomcat/lib") { from 'libs' from configurations.runtimeClasspath } into ("/opt/hirs/scripts/aca/") { from '../package/conf/tomcat.service' from '../package/scripts/' from '../package/scripts/aca/' } into ("/opt/hirs/scripts/common") { from '../package/scripts/common/' } into ('/opt/hirs/extras/aca/') { from '../package/extras/aca/' } // Copy json files to /tmp and move into /opt/hirs in postInstall section // Allows HIRS tools to be installed using the same files into ('/tmp/aca/default-properties/') { from '../HIRS_AttestationCA/src/main/resources/vendor-table.json' from '../HIRS_AttestationCA/src/main/resources/component-class.json' } // Post Install // println "*** Checking MYSQL Configuration ...." // println " Myql password is $System.env.HIRS_MYSQL_ROOT_PWD" // println " Myql password is ${System.getenv('HIRS_MYSQL_ROOT_PWD')} " // if ( "$System.env.HIRS_MYSQL_ROOT_PWD".compareTo("null") == 0 ) { // println "Gradle: Mysql Root password not set" // } // else { // println "Gradle: Mysql Root Password set to $System.env.HIRS_MYSQL_ROOT_PWD" // } postInstall file('../package/scripts/common/') // if (System.getenv('HIRS_INSTALL_STATUS').compareTo('fail')==0 ) { // throw new GradleException('MYSQL password error occurred') // } // postInstall 'sh /opt/hirs/scripts/common/' // postInstall file('../package/scripts/common/') // postInstall 'mkdir -p /etc/hirs/aca/client_files' postInstall 'mkdir -p /etc/hirs/aca/certificates' postInstall 'cp /tmp/aca/default-properties/* /opt/hirs/default-properties/.' postInstall 'rm -rf /tmp/aca/' // postInstall file('../package/scripts/') // Old post install files, to be removed... // Note /etc/hirs/aca/certificates files are created by // /etc/hirs/aca/client-files files are created by // /etc/hirs/certificates/ files are created by // /etc/hirs/certificates/mysql/ files are created by // /etc/hirs/certificates/private/ files are created by // postInstall file('../package/scripts/common/') // postInstall file('../package/scripts/common/') // postInstall file('../package/scripts/aca/') // postInstall 'if [ selinuxenabled ]; then semodule -i /opt/hirs/extras/aca/tomcat-mysql-hirs.pp; fi' postInstall 'sh /opt/tomcat/bin/ start' // Post Uninstall // Copy files to /tmp that package manager will be expecting them there preUninstall 'mkdir -p /tmp/aca/default-properties/' preUninstall 'cp -f /opt/hirs/default-properties/* /tmp/aca/default-properties/.' preUninstall file('../package/scripts/common/') //buildRpm.dependsOn ':HIRS_AttestationCA:war' buildRpm { arch = X86_64 } buildDeb { arch = 'amd64' } }