#!/bin/bash # Script to setup the TPM2 Provisioner Docker Image for Integration Tests set -e # Wait for ACA to boot echo "Waiting for ACA to spin up..." until [ "`curl --silent --connect-timeout 1 -I -k https://${HIRS_ACA_PORTAL_IP}:${HIRS_ACA_PORTAL_PORT}/HIRS_AttestationCAPortal | grep '302 Found'`" != "" ]; do : done echo "ACA is up!" # Function to install TPM2 Provisioner packages. function InstallProvisioner { echo "===========Installing TPM2 Provisioner Packages...===========" pushd /HIRS if [ ! -d package/rpm/RPMS ]; then ./package/package.centos.sh fi yum install -y package/rpm/RPMS/x86_64/HIRS_Provisioner_TPM_2_0*.el7.x86_64.rpm popd } # Function to initialize the TPM2 Emulator function InitTpm2Emulator { echo "===========Initializing TPM2 Emulator...===========" mkdir -p /var/run/dbus if [ -e /var/run/dbus/pid ]; then rm /var/run/dbus/pid fi if [ -e /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket ]; then rm /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket fi # Start the DBus dbus-daemon --fork --system echo "DBus started" # Give DBus time to start up sleep 5 /ibmtpm/src/./tpm_server & echo "TPM Emulator started" tpm2-abrmd -t socket & echo "TPM2-Abrmd started" # Give ABRMD time to start and register on the DBus sleep 5 # EK and PC Certificate ek_cert_der="/HIRS/.ci/integration-tests/certs/ek_cert.der" platform_cert="platformAttributeCertificate.pem" echo "Creating Platform Cert for Container." PC_DIR=/var/hirs/pc_generation mkdir -p $PC_DIR /opt/paccor/scripts/allcomponents.sh > $PC_DIR/componentsFile /opt/paccor/scripts/referenceoptions.sh > $PC_DIR/optionsFile /opt/paccor/scripts/otherextensions.sh > $PC_DIR/extensionsFile /opt/paccor/bin/observer -c $PC_DIR/componentsFile -p $PC_DIR/optionsFile -e $ek_cert_der -f $PC_DIR/observerFile /opt/paccor/bin/signer -o $PC_DIR/observerFile -x $PC_DIR/extensionsFile -b 20180101 -a 20280101 -N $RANDOM -k /HIRS/.ci/integration-tests/certs/ca.key -P /HIRS/.ci/integration-tests/certs/ca.crt --pem -f $PC_DIR/$platform_cert if tpm2_nvlist | grep -q 0x1c00002; then echo "Released NVRAM for EK." tpm2_nvrelease -x 0x1c00002 -a 0x40000001 fi # Define nvram space to enable loading of EK cert (-x NV Index, -a handle to # authorize [0x40000001 = ownerAuth handle], -s size [defaults to 2048], -t # specifies attribute value in publicInfo struct # [0x2000A = ownerread|ownerwrite|policywrite]) size=$(cat $ek_cert_der | wc -c) echo "Define NVRAM location for EK cert of size $size." tpm2_nvdefine -x 0x1c00002 -a 0x40000001 -t 0x2000A -s $size # Load key into TPM nvram echo "Loading EK cert into NVRAM." tpm2_nvwrite -x 0x1c00002 -a 0x40000001 $ek_cert_der if tpm2_nvlist | grep -q 0x1c90000; then echo "Released NVRAM for PC." tpm2_nvrelease -x 0x1c90000 -a 0x40000001 fi # Store the platform certificate in the TPM's NVRAM size=$(cat $PC_DIR/$platform_cert | wc -c) echo "Define NVRAM location for PC cert of size $size." tpm2_nvdefine -x 0x1c90000 -a 0x40000001 -t 0x2000A -s $size echo "Loading PC cert into NVRAM." tpm2_nvwrite -x 0x1c90000 -a 0x40000001 $PC_DIR/$platform_cert echo "===========TPM2 Emulator Initialization Complete!===========" # Set Logging to INFO Level sed -i "s/WARN/INFO/" /etc/hirs/TPM2_Provisioner/log4cplus_config.ini } # Function to update the hirs-site.config file function UpdateHirsSiteConfigFile { HIRS_SITE_CONFIG="/etc/hirs/hirs-site.config" echo "" echo "===========Updating ${HIRS_SITE_CONFIG}, using values from /HIRS/.ci/docker/.env file...===========" cat /HIRS/.ci/docker/.env cat < $HIRS_SITE_CONFIG #******************************************* #* HIRS site configuration properties file #******************************************* CLIENT_HOSTNAME=${HIRS_ACA_PROVISIONER_TPM2_IP} TPM_ENABLED=${TPM_ENABLED} IMA_ENABLED=${IMA_ENABLED} # Site-specific configuration ATTESTATION_CA_FQDN=${HIRS_ACA_HOSTNAME} ATTESTATION_CA_PORT=${HIRS_ACA_PORTAL_PORT} BROKER_FQDN=${HIRS_ACA_PORTAL_IP} BROKER_PORT=${HIRS_BROKER_PORT} PORTAL_FQDN=${HIRS_ACA_PORTAL_IP} PORTAL_PORT=${HIRS_ACA_PORTAL_PORT} DEFAULT_SITE_CONFIG_FILE echo "===========New HIRS Config File===========" cat /etc/hirs/hirs-site.config } # Install packages InstallProvisioner # Install TPM2 Emulator InitTpm2Emulator # Update the hirs-site.config file UpdateHirsSiteConfigFile echo "" echo "===========HIRS ACA TPM2 Provisioner Setup Complete!==========="