#!/bin/bash # Capture location of the script to allow from invocation from any location SCRIPT_DIR=$( dirname -- "$( readlink -f -- "$0"; )"; ) SPRING_PROP_FILE='../../../HIRS_AttestationCAPortal/src/main/resources/application.properties' HIRS_CONF_DIR=/etc/hirs/aca LOG_FILE_NAME="hirs_aca_install_"$(date +%Y-%m-%d).log LOG_DIR="/var/log/hirs/" HIRS_PROP_DIR="/opt/hirs/default-properties" COMP_JSON='../../../HIRS_AttestationCA/src/main/resources/component-class.json' VENDOR_TABLE='../../../HIRS_AttestationCA/src/main/resources/vendor-table.json' LOG_FILE="$LOG_DIR$LOG_FILE_NAME" echo "LOG_FILE is $LOG_FILE" if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ] then echo "The first time this script is run, this script requires root. Please run as root" exit 1 fi mkdir -p $HIRS_CONF_DIR $LOG_DIR $HIRS_PROP_DIR echo "HIRS ACA Setup initiated on $(date +%Y-%m-%d)" > "$LOG_FILE" pushd $SCRIPT_DIR &>/dev/null # Copy HIRS configuration and data files if not a package install if [ -f $SPRING_PROP_FILE ]; then cp -n $SPRING_PROP_FILE $HIRS_CONF_DIR/. cp -n $COMP_JSON $HIRS_PROP_DIR/. cp -n $VENDOR_TABLE $HIRS_PROP_DIR/. fi sh ../db/db_create.sh $LOG_FILE if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "ACA database setup complete" | tee -a "$LOG_FILE" else echo "Error setting up ACA DB" | tee -a "$LOG_FILE" exit 1 fi sh ../pki/pki_setup.sh $LOG_FILE if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "ACA PKI setup complete" | tee -a "$LOG_FILE" else echo "Error setting up ACA PKI" | tee -a "$LOG_FILE" exit 1 fi echo "ACA setup complete" | tee -a "$LOG_FILE" popd &>/dev/null