#!/bin/bash ######################################################################################### # Script to Locally run the System Tests for HIRS TPM 2.0 Provisoner # *** INTENDED FOR LOCAL SYSTEM TESTING, NOT FOR WORKFLOW RUNS *** # Notes for running manually/locally # 1. Uncomment the "cd ../.." line below to make working directory = /HIRS/ # 2. Run with the desired HIRS branch as an argument (i.e. $./run_system_tests.sh main) ######################################################################################### #cd ../.. # Setting variables aca_container=hirs-aca1 tpm2_container=hirs-provisioner1-tpm2 # Start System Testing Docker Environment echo "******** Setting up for HIRS System Tests for TPM 2.0 ******** " docker compose -f ./.ci/docker/docker-compose-system-test.yml up -d # Setting up and Starting ACA + Switching to current/desired branch in ACA Container docker exec $aca_container sh -c "/tmp/auto_clone_branch $1 > /dev/null 2>&1 \ && echo 'ACA Container Current Branch: ' && git branch \ && /hirs/package/linux/aca/aca_setup.sh --unattended 1> /dev/null \ && /tmp/hirs_add_aca_tls_path_to_os.sh 1> /dev/null \ && /hirs/package/linux/aca/aca_bootRun.sh 1> /dev/null" & # Switching to current/desired branch in Provisioner Container docker exec $tpm2_container sh -c "/tmp/auto_clone_branch $1 > /dev/null 2>&1 \ && echo 'Provisioner Container Current Branch: ' && git branch" # Install HIRS Provisioner.Net and setup tpm2 simulator. # In doing so, tests a single provision between Provisioner.Net and ACA. echo "Launching provisioner setup" docker exec $tpm2_container sh /hirs/.ci/setup/container/setup_tpm2provisioner_dotnet.sh # Initiating System Tests echo "******** Setup Complete. Beginning HIRS System Tests. ******** " ./.ci/system-tests/tests/aca_policy_tests.sh #./.ci/system-tests/tests/platform_cert_tests.sh #./.ci/system-tests/tests/rim_system_tests.sh echo "******** HIRS System Tests Complete ******** " # Collecting ACA and Provisioner.Net logs for workflow artifact echo "*** Extracting ACA and Provisioner.Net logs ..." docker exec $aca_container sh -c "mkdir -p /HIRS/logs/aca/ && cp -arp /var/log/hirs/* /HIRS/logs/aca/" docker exec $tpm2_container sh -c "mkdir -p /HIRS/logs/provisioner/ && cp -ap hirs*.log /HIRS/logs/provisioner/ && chmod -R 777 /HIRS/logs" # Clean up services and network echo "*** Exiting and removing Docker containers and network ..." docker compose -f ./.ci/docker/docker-compose-system-test.yml down -v # Return container exit code if [[ ${TEST_STATUS} == "0" ]]; then echo "******** SUCCESS: System Tests for TPM 2.0 passed ********" echo "TEST_STATUS=0" >> $GITHUB_ENV exit 0; else echo "******** FAILURE: System Tests for TPM 2.0 failed ********" echo "TEST_STATUS=1" >> $GITHUB_ENV exit 1 fi