# need to run rpmbuild with either: # --define 'build6 1' --define 'dist .el6' # --define 'build7 1' --define 'dist .el7' # rpm runs scripts with $1 holding the number of currently installed version of the package in question: # Install the first time: 1 # Upgrade: 2 or higher (depending on the number of versions installed) # Remove last version of package: 0 # from RedHat RPM Guide by Eric Foster-Johnston Name : HIRS Version : %{?VERSION} Release : %{?RELEASE}%{?dist} Source : %{name}-%{?GIT_HASH}.tar Group : System Environment/Base License : ASL 2.0 Summary : HIRS BuildArch : noarch BuildRoot : %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root BuildRequires : java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel %description Host Integrity at Runtime and Startup (HIRS) parent spec. %prep %setup -q -c %define provisioner_package_name HIRS_Provisioner_TPM_1_2%{?PACKAGE_NAME_ADDENDUM} %define __jar_repack 0 ########################## # HIRS_Provisioner_TPM_1_2 ########################## %package -n %{provisioner_package_name} Summary : Host Integrity at Runtime and Startup (HIRS) Provisioner Group : System Environment/Base %if 0%{?build6} Requires : tpm_module, java-1.8.0, wget, util-linux, chkconfig, sed, initscripts, coreutils, dmidecode, paccor, bash%{?RPM_EXTRA_CLIENT_DEPENDENCIES} %endif %if 0%{?build7} Requires : tpm_module, java-1.8.0, wget, util-linux, chkconfig, sed, systemd, coreutils, dmidecode, paccor, bash%{?RPM_EXTRA_CLIENT_DEPENDENCIES} %endif %description -n %{provisioner_package_name} Host Integrity at Runtime and Startup (HIRS) Provisioner. %pre -n %{provisioner_package_name} if [[ $(find /sys/devices -name "tpm0") ]]; then echo "TPM detected" if [ -f "/usr/lib/systemd/system/tcsd.service" ]; then echo "Starting tcsd service" systemctl start tcsd ret=$? if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then echo "WARNING: FAILED TO START tcsd SERVICE, PROVISIONING WILL FAIL WITHOUT THIS SERVICE" fi echo "Adding tcsd (Trousers) to run levels 1,3,5, and 6" chkconfig --level 1356 tcsd on else echo "Starting tcsd service" service tcsd start ret=$? if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then echo "WARNING: FAILED TO START tcsd SERVICE, PROVISIONING WILL FAIL WITHOUT THIS SERVICE" fi echo "Adding tcsd (Trousers) to run levels 1,3,5, and 6" chkconfig --level 1356 tcsd on fi if [ ! -d "/sys/kernel/security/tpm0" ]; then echo "Mounting security fs partition" sed -i '$a securityfs /sys/kernel/security securityfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0' /etc/fstab mount -a if [ -d "/sys/kernel/security/tpm0" ]; then echo "SUCCESS: security fs partition mounted" fi fi else echo "WARNING: UNABLE TO LOCATE TPM DEVICE, TPM PROVISIONING WILL FAIL" fi %post -n %{provisioner_package_name} # copy default property files into /etc/hirs if not present mkdir -p /etc/hirs/ cp -n /opt/hirs/default-properties/provisioner/* /etc/hirs/ # copy common scripts into /opt/hirs/scripts/common cp -f /opt/hirs/scripts/common/provisioner/* /opt/hirs/scripts/common/ echo 'Creating symlink for hirs-provisioner command' ln -s -f /usr/share/hirs/provisioner/tpm_aca_provision /usr/sbin/tpm_aca_provision chmod +x /usr/share/hirs/provisioner/tpm_aca_provision ln -s -f /usr/share/hirs/provisioner/hirs-provisioner.sh /usr/sbin/hirs-provisioner chmod +x /usr/share/hirs/provisioner/hirs-provisioner.sh hirs-provisioner -c %postun -n %{provisioner_package_name} # don't run these during an upgrade if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then rm -rf /etc/hirs/provisioner rm -rf /etc/hirs/certificates rm -f /usr/sbin/hirs-provisioner rm -rf /usr/share/hirs/provisioner rm -rf /var/log/hirs/provisioner # if there are no more HIRS packages remaining, # remove all HIRS directories if [[ -z `rpm -qa "HIRS*" | grep -v HIRS_Provisioner_TPM_1_2` ]]; then rm -rf /etc/hirs rm -rf /opt/hirs rm -rf /usr/share/hirs rm -rf /var/log/hirs fi fi %files -n %{provisioner_package_name} %license NOTICE /etc/hirs/provisioner %attr(664, root, root) /opt/hirs/default-properties/provisioner/logging.properties %attr(774, root, root) /opt/hirs/scripts/common/provisioner/ /usr/share/hirs/provisioner %{_mandir}/man1/hirs-provisioner.1.gz #################### # HIRS_AttestationCA #################### %package -n HIRS_AttestationCA Summary : Host Integrity at Runtime and Startup (HIRS) Attestation Certificate Authority (HIRS AttestationCA) Group : System Environment/Base %if 0%{?build6} Requires : mysql-server, openssl, tomcat6, java-1.8.0, rpmdevtools, coreutils, initscripts, chkconfig, sed, grep, iptables Prefix : /usr/share/tomcat6 %endif %if 0%{?build7} Requires : mariadb-server, openssl, tomcat, java-1.8.0, rpmdevtools, coreutils, initscripts, chkconfig, sed, grep, firewalld, policycoreutils Prefix : /usr/share/tomcat %endif %description -n HIRS_AttestationCA Host Integrity at Runtime and Startup (HIRS) Attestation CA. Installs and creates keys for HIRS Attestation CA to support generating AIKs %pre -n HIRS_AttestationCA if [ ! -d $RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX ]; then echo "error: Tomcat directory not found. Re-run this rpm installation with --prefix=\"\"" exit 1 fi %post -n HIRS_AttestationCA # copy default property files into /etc/hirs if not present mkdir -p /etc/hirs cp -n /opt/hirs/default-properties/attestationca/* /etc/hirs/ # loop over common scripts and place into /opt/hirs/scripts/common mkdir -p /opt/hirs/scripts/common/ cp -f /opt/hirs/scripts/common/aca/* /opt/hirs/scripts/common/ # run these only on a fresh install of the package if [ $1 == 1 ]; then # open necessary ports sh /opt/hirs/scripts/common/firewall_configure_tomcat.sh # Allow Tomcat to use port 3306 to communicate with MySQL %if 0%{?build7} if [ selinuxenabled ]; then semodule -i /opt/hirs/extras/aca/tomcat-mysql-hirs.pp fi %endif # create trust stores, configure tomcat and db sh /opt/hirs/scripts/common/ssl_configure.sh server # create the database sh /opt/hirs/scripts/common/db_create.sh fi # modify mysql schema accordingly on upgrade if [ $1 -gt 1 ]; then #update version number on portal banner echo %{?DISPLAY_VERSION} | tee '%{prefix}/webapps/HIRS_AttestationCAPortal/WEB-INF/classes/VERSION' echo "Upgrading hirs_db schema!" if [ %{version} == "1.0.4" ]; then if (mysql -u root hirs_db < /opt/hirs/scripts/common/upgrade_schema_1.0.4.sql); then echo "Upgrade to version 1.0.4" else echo "Error upgrading HIRS database schema to 1.0.4!" exit 1; fi elif [ %{version} == "1.1.0" ]; then if (mysql -u root hirs_db < /opt/hirs/scripts/common/upgrade_schema_1.0.4.sql && \ mysql -u root hirs_db < /opt/hirs/scripts/common/upgrade_schema_1.1.0.sql); then echo "Upgrade to version 1.1.0" else echo "Error upgrading HIRS database schema to 1.1.0!" exit 1; fi elif [ %{version} == "1.1.1" ]; then if (mysql -u root hirs_db < /opt/hirs/scripts/common/upgrade_schema_1.0.4.sql && \ mysql -u root hirs_db < /opt/hirs/scripts/common/upgrade_schema_1.1.0.sql && \ mysql -u root hirs_db < /opt/hirs/scripts/common/upgrade_schema_1.1.1.sql); then echo "Upgrade to version 1.1.1" else echo "Error upgrading HIRS database schema to 1.1.1!" exit 1; fi fi fi sh /opt/hirs/scripts/aca/certificate_generate.sh %preun -n HIRS_AttestationCA # don't run these during an upgrade if [ $1 == 0 ]; then # if the Server isn't installed, deconfigure Tomcat and MySQL SSL and drop the database if [[ -z `rpm -qa HIRS_Server` ]]; then echo 'Restoring Tomcat and MySQL configuration' sh /opt/hirs/scripts/common/ssl_deconfigure.sh server echo 'Dropping local HIRS database' sh /opt/hirs/scripts/common/db_drop.sh fi fi %postun -n HIRS_AttestationCA # don't run these during an upgrade if [ $1 == 0 ]; then # Removes WARS from the Tomcat installation as well as ACA configuration files and certificates # (/etc/hirs/aca), and ACA installation (/opt/hirs/attestation-ca). Do not run during an upgrade rm -f %{prefix}/webapps/HIRS_AttestationCA*.war rm -rf %{prefix}/webapps/HIRS_AttestationCA* rm -rf /etc/hirs/aca rm -rf /opt/hirs/attestation-ca # if the Server and Appraiser are not installed, remove certificates directory if [[ -z `rpm -qa "HIRS_(Server|Appraiser)"` ]]; then rm -rf /etc/hirs/certificates fi # if there are no more HIRS packages remaining, # remove all HIRS directories if [[ -z `rpm -qa "HIRS*" | grep -v HIRS_AttestationCA` ]]; then rm -rf /etc/hirs rm -rf /opt/hirs rm -rf /usr/share/hirs rm -rf /var/log/hirs fi fi %files -n HIRS_AttestationCA %license NOTICE %attr(664, root, tomcat) %{prefix}/webapps/HIRS_AttestationCA.war %attr(664, root, tomcat) %{prefix}/webapps/HIRS_AttestationCAPortal.war %attr(774, root, tomcat) /etc/hirs/aca/ %attr(664, root, tomcat) /opt/hirs/default-properties/attestationca/logging.properties %attr(664, root, tomcat) /opt/hirs/default-properties/attestationca/banner.properties %attr(664, root, tomcat) /opt/hirs/default-properties/attestationca/persistence.properties %attr(664, root, tomcat) /opt/hirs/default-properties/component-class.json %attr(774, root, tomcat) /opt/hirs/scripts/common/aca %attr(774, root, tomcat) /opt/hirs/scripts/aca %attr(774, root, tomcat) /opt/hirs/extras/aca/tomcat-mysql-hirs.pp %attr(774, root, tomcat) /opt/hirs/extras/aca/tomcat-mysql-hirs.te #################### # Build and install #################### %build ./gradlew -PpluginDir=%{?PLUGIN_SOURCE} -PdisplayVersion=%{?DISPLAY_VERSION} :HIRS_Provisioner:installDist :HIRS_AttestationCA:war :HIRS_AttestationCAPortal:war %install # prepare provisioner for packaging cd HIRS_Provisioner mkdir -p %{buildroot}/usr/share/hirs/provisioner mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_mandir}/man1 cp -r build/install/HIRS_Provisioner/* %{buildroot}/usr/share/hirs/provisioner sed -i '/exec "$JAVACMD" "$@"/i /opt/hirs/scripts/common/jvm_version_check.sh $JAVACMD' %{buildroot}/usr/share/hirs/provisioner/bin/HIRS_Provisioner mkdir -p %{buildroot}/etc/hirs/provisioner/certs cp scripts/install/hirs-provisioner.sh %{buildroot}/usr/share/hirs/provisioner/ cp scripts/install/tpm_aca_provision %{buildroot}/usr/share/hirs/provisioner/ cp hirs-provisioner-config.sh %{buildroot}/etc/hirs/provisioner cp create-ek-cert.sh %{buildroot}/etc/hirs/provisioner cp src/main/resources/defaults.properties %{buildroot}/etc/hirs/provisioner/provisioner.properties cp -r setup %{buildroot}/etc/hirs/provisioner/ gzip -c man/hirs-provisioner.1 > %{buildroot}/%{_mandir}/man1/hirs-provisioner.1.gz mkdir -p %{buildroot}/opt/hirs/scripts/common/provisioner cp ../scripts/common/jvm_version_check.sh %{buildroot}/opt/hirs/scripts/common/provisioner/ # copy common scripts mkdir -p %{buildroot}/opt/hirs/scripts/common/aca cp ../scripts/common/* %{buildroot}/opt/hirs/scripts/common/aca/ # prepare ACA for packaging cd ../HIRS_AttestationCA mkdir -p %{buildroot}/opt/hirs/scripts/aca cp ../scripts/aca/* %{buildroot}/opt/hirs/scripts/aca mkdir -p %{buildroot}/opt/hirs/attestation-ca/ mkdir -p %{buildroot}/etc/hirs/aca/certificates/ mkdir -p %{buildroot}/etc/hirs/aca/client-files/ mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{prefix}/webapps/ cp build/libs/HIRS_AttestationCA.war %{buildroot}%{prefix}/webapps/ cp src/main/resources/defaults.properties %{buildroot}/etc/hirs/aca/aca.properties # prepare ACA Portal for packaging cd ../HIRS_AttestationCAPortal mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{prefix}/webapps/ cp build/libs/HIRS_AttestationCAPortal.war %{buildroot}%{prefix}/webapps/ # note: no ACA Portal specific resource files to copy yet... # creates the home directory for activemq user so SELinux doesn't complain mkdir -p %{buildroot}/srv/activemq mkdir -p %{buildroot}/etc/hirs/portal cd .. # copy over the properties files mkdir -p %{buildroot}/opt/hirs/default-properties/provisioner cp HIRS_Utils/src/main/resources/logging.properties %{buildroot}/opt/hirs/default-properties/provisioner/logging.properties mkdir -p %{buildroot}/opt/hirs/default-properties/attestationca cp HIRS_Utils/src/main/resources/persistence.properties %{buildroot}/opt/hirs/default-properties/attestationca/ cp HIRS_Utils/src/main/resources/logging.properties %{buildroot}/opt/hirs/default-properties/attestationca/ cp HIRS_Utils/src/main/resources/banner.properties %{buildroot}/opt/hirs/default-properties/attestationca/ cp HIRS_Utils/src/main/resources/component-class.json %{buildroot}/opt/hirs/default-properties/ # install extras mkdir -p %{buildroot}/opt/hirs/extras cp -r extras/ %{buildroot}/opt/hirs/