#!/bin/bash ######################################################################################### # Common functions used for HIRS system tests # ######################################################################################### . ./.ci/docker/.env && set -a # Setting variables aca_container=hirs-aca1 tpm2_container=hirs-provisioner1-tpm2 # Check container status and abort if container is not running checkContainerStatus() { container_name=$1 container_id="$(docker ps -aqf "name=$container_name")" container_status="$(docker inspect $container_id --format='{{.State.Status}}')" echo "Container id is $container_id and the status is $container_status" if [ "$container_status" != "running" ]; then container_exit_code="$(docker inspect $container_id --format='{{.State.ExitCode}}')" echo "Container Exit Code: $container_exit_code" docker info exit 1; fi } # clear all policy settings setPolicyNone() { docker exec -i $aca_container mysql -u root -proot -D hirs_db -e "Update PolicySettings set ecValidationEnabled=0, pcAttributeValidationEnabled=0, pcValidationEnabled=0, utcValidationEnabled=0, firmwareValidationEnabled=0, expiredCertificateValidationEnabled=0, ignoreGptEnabled=0, ignoreImaEnabled=0, ignoretBootEnabled=0;" } # Policy Settings for tests ... setPolicyEkOnly() { docker exec -i $aca_container mysql -u root -proot -D hirs_db -e "Update PolicySettings set ecValidationEnabled=1, pcAttributeValidationEnabled=0, pcValidationEnabled=0, utcValidationEnabled=0, firmwareValidationEnabled=0, expiredCertificateValidationEnabled=0, ignoreGptEnabled=0, ignoreImaEnabled=0, ignoretBootEnabled=0;" } setPolicyEkPc_noAttCheck() { docker exec -i $aca_container mysql -u root -proot -D hirs_db -e "Update PolicySettings set ecValidationEnabled=1, pcAttributeValidationEnabled=0, pcValidationEnabled=1, utcValidationEnabled=0, firmwareValidationEnabled=0, expiredCertificateValidationEnabled=0, ignoreGptEnabled=0, ignoreImaEnabled=0, ignoretBootEnabled=0;" } setPolicyEkPc() { docker exec -i $aca_container mysql -u root -proot -D hirs_db -e "Update PolicySettings set ecValidationEnabled=1, pcAttributeValidationEnabled=1, pcValidationEnabled=1, utcValidationEnabled=0, firmwareValidationEnabled=0, expiredCertificateValidationEnabled=0, ignoreGptEnabled=0, ignoreImaEnabled=0, ignoretBootEnabled=0;" } setPolicyEkPcFw() { docker exec -i $aca_container mysql -u root -proot -D hirs_db -e "Update PolicySettings set ecValidationEnabled=1, pcAttributeValidationEnabled=1, pcValidationEnabled=1, utcValidationEnabled=0, firmwareValidationEnabled=1, expiredCertificateValidationEnabled=0, ignoreGptEnabled=0, ignoreImaEnabled=1, ignoretBootEnabled=0;" } # Clear all ACA DB items excluding policy clearAcaDb() { docker exec -i $aca_container mysql -u root -proot -e "use hirs_db; set foreign_key_checks=0; truncate Appraiser; truncate Certificate;truncate Certificate_Certificate;truncate CertificatesUsedToValidate;truncate ComponentAttributeResult; truncate ComponentInfo;truncate ComponentResult;truncate Device;truncate DeviceInfoReport;truncate PortalInfo; truncate ReferenceDigestValue;truncate ReferenceManifest;truncate Report;truncate SupplyChainValidation; truncate SupplyChainValidationSummary;truncate SupplyChainValidationSummary_SupplyChainValidation; truncate TPM2ProvisionerState;set foreign_key_checks=1;" } # Upload Certs to the ACA DB uploadTrustedCerts() { # Create EK Cert from IBMTSS Tools # docker exec $tpm2_container sh -c "pushd /ibmtss/utils > /dev/null \ # && ./createekcert -rsa 2048 -cakey cakey.pem -capwd rrrr -v 1> /dev/null \ # && popd > /dev/null" # Upload CA Cert from IBMTSS Tools echo "Uploading Trust Certificates to ${HIRS_ACA_HOSTNAME}:${HIRS_ACA_PORTAL_PORT}" echo "Uploading the EK Certificate CA(s)..." docker exec -i $tpm2_container /bin/bash -c "curl -k -F 'file=@/ibmtss/utils/certificates/cacert.pem' $SERVER_CACERT_POST" > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "...done" # Upload Trusted Certs from HIRS echo "Uploading the Platform Certificate CA(s)..." docker exec -i $aca_container /bin/bash -c "curl -k -F 'file=@$HIRS_CI_REPO_ROOT/.ci/setup/certs/ca.crt' https://localhost:${HIRS_ACA_PORTAL_PORT}/$HIRS_ACA_POST_POINT_TRUST" > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "...done" echo "Uploading the RIM CA(s)..." docker exec -i $aca_container /bin/bash -c "curl -k -F 'file=@$HIRS_CI_REPO_ROOT/.ci/setup/certs/RIMCaCert.pem' https://localhost:${HIRS_ACA_PORTAL_PORT}/$HIRS_ACA_POST_POINT_TRUST" > /dev/null 2>&1 docker exec -i $aca_container /bin/bash -c "curl -k -F 'file=@$HIRS_CI_REPO_ROOT/.ci/setup/certs/RimSignCert.pem' https://localhost:${HIRS_ACA_PORTAL_PORT}/$HIRS_ACA_POST_POINT_TRUST" > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "...done" } # provision_tpm2 takes one parameter which is the expected result of the provion: "pass" or "fail" # updates totalTests and failedTests counts # provision_tpm2 provisionTpm2() { expected_result=$1 ((totalTests++)) provisionOutput=$(docker exec -i $tpm2_container /bin/bash -c "/usr/share/hirs/tpm_aca_provision --tcp --ip --sim"); echo "===========" echo "$provisionOutput"; echo "==========="; if [[ $provisionOutput == *"failed"* ]]; then if [[ $expected_result == "pass" ]]; then ((failedTests++)) echo "!!! Provisioning failed, but was expected to pass" else echo "Provisioning failed as expected." fi elif [[ $provisionOutput == *"Provisioning successful"* ]]; then if [[ $expected_result == "fail" ]]; then ((failedTests++)) echo "!!! Provisioning passed, but was expected to fail." else echo "Provisioning passed as expected." fi else # Unexpected output ((failedTests++)) echo "Provisioning failed. Provisioner provided an unexpected output." fi } resetTpmForNewTest() { docker exec -i $tpm2_container /bin/bash -c "source $HIRS_CI_REPO_ROOT/.ci/setup/container/tpm2_common.sh; startFreshTpmServer -f; startupTpm; installEkCert" } # Places platform cert(s) held in the test folder(s) in the provisioners tcg folder setPlatformCerts() { OPTIONS="$@" echo "Asking container $tpm2_container to run pc_setup.sh $OPTIONS" docker exec -i $tpm2_container /bin/bash -c "$HIRS_CI_REPO_ROOT/.ci/system-tests/container/pc_setup.sh $OPTIONS" } # Places RIM files held in the test folder in the provisioners tcg folder setRims() { OPTIONS="$@" echo "Asking container $tpm2_container to run rim_setup.sh $OPTIONS" docker exec -i $tpm2_container /bin/bash -c "$HIRS_CI_REPO_ROOT/.ci/system-tests/container/rim_setup.sh $OPTIONS" } setAppsettings() { OPTIONS="$@" echo "Asking container $tpm2_container to set the appsettings file with options: $OPTIONS" docker exec -i $tpm2_container /bin/bash -c "source $HIRS_CI_REPO_ROOT/.ci/setup/container/tpm2_common.sh; setCiHirsAppsettingsFile $OPTIONS" } # Writes to the Action ouput, ACA log, and Provisioner Log # Used for marking the start of system tests and noting the result # write_to_logs writeToLogs() { line=$1 echo $line; docker exec -i $aca_container /bin/bash -c "cd .. && echo '$line' >> /var/log/hirs/HIRS_AttestationCA_Portal.log" }