2023-03-14 16:45:33 -04:00
plugins {
2025-01-13 09:53:04 -05:00
id "com.netflix.nebula.ospackage" version "11.10.0"
2023-03-14 16:45:33 -04:00
2023-03-17 14:47:10 -04:00
// Get version from main project gradle
def packVersion = properties.get("packageVersion");
def jarVersion = properties.get("jarVersion");
2020-05-27 17:31:15 -04:00
2025-01-13 09:53:04 -05:00
dependencies {
2023-03-14 16:45:33 -04:00
implementation project(':HIRS_Utils')
implementation libs.commons.io
2025-01-13 09:53:04 -05:00
implementation libs.jcommander
2020-05-27 17:31:15 -04:00
ext.configDir = new File(projectDir, 'config')
jar {
2023-03-17 14:47:10 -04:00
// Keep jar clean:
exclude 'META-INF/*.SF', 'META-INF/*.DSA', 'META-INF/*.RSA', 'META-INF/*.MF'
duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
2020-11-09 13:04:11 -05:00
manifest {
2023-03-14 16:45:33 -04:00
2025-01-13 09:53:04 -05:00
"Main-Class": "hirs.tcg_eventlog.Main",
'Class-Path': configurations.runtimeClasspath.files.collect { it.getName() }.join(' ')
from {
configurations.runtimeClasspath.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }
//jar name format: [archiveBaseName]-[archiveAppendix]-[archiveVersion]-[archiveClassifier].[archiveExtension]
archiveVersion = jarVersion
2020-05-29 17:20:06 -04:00
// Produce packages
ospackage {
2023-03-14 16:45:33 -04:00
packageName = 'tcg-eventlog-tool'
2020-11-09 13:04:11 -05:00
os = LINUX
2023-03-14 16:45:33 -04:00
arch = NOARCH
version = "$packVersion"
release = '1'
2020-05-29 17:20:06 -04:00
user 'root'
2020-11-09 13:04:11 -05:00
fileMode = 0755
2020-05-29 17:20:06 -04:00
2025-01-13 09:53:04 -05:00
into('/opt/eltool/lib') {
from jar.outputs.files
from configurations.runtimeClasspath
2020-05-29 17:20:06 -04:00
2025-01-13 09:53:04 -05:00
into('/opt/eltool/scripts') {
from('scripts') {
exclude {
FileTreeElement details ->
2020-05-29 17:20:06 -04:00
2025-01-13 09:53:04 -05:00
into('/opt/eltool/docs') {
from('docs') {
exclude {
FileTreeElement details ->
from('./') {
include {
FileTreeElement details ->
2020-05-29 17:20:06 -04:00
2020-11-09 13:04:11 -05:00
2023-03-14 16:45:33 -04:00
// Copy vendor-table into /tmp to avoid conflict with the ACA
2024-01-16 18:28:40 -05:00
into('/opt/eltool/default-properties') {
2025-01-13 09:53:04 -05:00
from('../../HIRS_Utils/src/main/resources/vendor-table.json') {
fileMode 0664
addParentDirs = true
2020-11-09 13:04:11 -05:00
2023-03-14 16:45:33 -04:00
// place elt link in system path to enable command line access
2024-01-16 18:28:40 -05:00
link("/usr/local/bin/elt", "/opt/eltool/scripts/eventlog.sh", 0x755)
2023-03-17 14:47:10 -04:00
2024-01-16 18:28:40 -05:00
// Post Install
postInstall "echo ${jarVersion} > /opt/eltool/VERSION"
// Post Uninstall
postUninstall 'rm -rf /opt/eltool'
2021-11-09 08:32:04 -05:00
2020-11-09 13:04:11 -05:00
buildRpm {
2022-05-03 15:57:54 -04:00
arch = X86_64
2024-09-09 11:59:52 -04:00
requires('hwdata', '0.314', GREATER | EQUAL)
2020-11-09 13:04:11 -05:00
buildDeb {
2024-08-23 17:20:20 -04:00
arch = 'amd64'
2024-09-09 11:59:52 -04:00
requires('hwdata', '0.314', GREATER | EQUAL)
2020-05-29 17:20:06 -04:00
2024-07-16 11:48:59 -04:00
2021-08-02 10:08:33 -04:00
2024-07-16 11:48:59 -04:00
2024-07-17 11:00:50 -04:00
2025-01-13 09:53:04 -05:00
task buildZip(type: Zip) {
2024-07-17 11:00:50 -04:00
dependsOn jar
2025-01-13 09:53:04 -05:00
from(tasks.jar.archiveFile) {
rename(filename ->
2024-07-17 11:00:50 -04:00
into '/'
2024-07-17 14:27:26 -04:00
2024-07-17 11:00:50 -04:00
buildZip.dependsOn jar
//build.dependsOn buildZip