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synced 2025-03-14 16:26:45 +00:00
* Added asMarkdownAST to ResponseInfo * Increased margin between LLM responses in response inspector * Added Inspect Results footer to eval node after run * Fixed bug when cacheing responses after deleting a model and adding a new one * Fixed bug in catching error in PromptTemplate's `is_concrete()` method * Improvements to response inspector UI * Ensured eval results (scores) are sorted alongside their responses the response inspector UI * Removed response previews footer, replaced with Inspect responses button * Prompt and eval nodes now load cached responses upon initialization * Rebuilt React and raised package version
257 lines
11 KiB
257 lines
11 KiB
import re
from string import Template
from typing import Dict, List, Union
def escape_dollar_signs(s: str) -> str:
pattern = r'\$(?![{])'
replaced_string = re.sub(pattern, '$$', s)
return replaced_string
class PromptTemplate:
Wrapper around string.Template. Use to generate prompts fast.
Example usage:
prompt_temp = PromptTemplate('Can you list all the cities in the country ${country} by the cheapest ${domain} prices?')
concrete_prompt = prompt_temp.fill({
"country": "France",
"domain": "rent"
# Fill can also fill the prompt only partially, which gives us a new prompt template:
partial_prompt = prompt_temp.fill({
"domain": "rent"
def __init__(self, templateStr):
Initialize a PromptTemplate with a string in string.Template format.
(See https://docs.python.org/3/library/string.html#template-strings for more details.)
# NOTE: ChainForge only supports placeholders with braces {}
# We detect any $ without { to the right of them, and insert a '$' before it to escape the $.
templateStr = escape_dollar_signs(templateStr)
except Exception:
raise Exception("Invalid template formatting for string:", templateStr)
self.template = templateStr
self.fill_history = {}
self.metavars = {}
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.template
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self.__str__()
def has_var(self, varname) -> bool:
""" Returns True if the template has a variable with the given name.
subbed_str = Template(self.template).safe_substitute({varname: '_'})
return subbed_str != self.template # if the strings differ, a replacement occurred
def is_concrete(self) -> bool:
""" Returns True if no template variables are left in template string.
return True # no exception raised means there was nothing to substitute...
except Exception:
return False
def fill(self, paramDict: Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, str]]]) -> 'PromptTemplate':
Formats the template string with the given parameters, returning a new PromptTemplate.
Can return a partial completion.
NOTE: paramDict values can be in a special form: {text: <str>, fill_history: {varname: <str>}}
in order to bundle in any past fill history that is lost in the current text.
Example usage:
prompt = prompt_template.fill({
"className": className,
"library": "Kivy",
"PL": "Python"
# Check for special 'past fill history' format:
past_fill_history = {}
past_metavars = {}
if len(paramDict) > 0 and isinstance(next(iter(paramDict.values())), dict):
for obj in paramDict.values():
if "fill_history" in obj:
past_fill_history = {**obj['fill_history'], **past_fill_history}
if "metavars" in obj:
past_metavars = {**obj['metavars'], **past_metavars}
paramDict = {param: obj['text'] for param, obj in paramDict.items()}
filled_pt = PromptTemplate(
# Deep copy prior fill history of this PromptTemplate from this version over to new one
filled_pt.fill_history = { key: val for (key, val) in self.fill_history.items() }
filled_pt.metavars = { key: val for (key, val) in self.metavars.items() }
# Append any past history passed as vars:
for key, val in past_fill_history.items():
if key in filled_pt.fill_history:
print(f"Warning: PromptTemplate already has fill history for key {key}.")
filled_pt.fill_history[key] = val
# Append any metavars, overwriting existing ones with the same key
for key, val in past_metavars.items():
filled_pt.metavars[key] = val
# Add the new fill history using the passed parameters that we just filled in
for key, val in paramDict.items():
if key in filled_pt.fill_history:
print(f"Warning: PromptTemplate already has fill history for key {key}.")
filled_pt.fill_history[key] = val
return filled_pt
class PromptPermutationGenerator:
Given a PromptTemplate and a parameter dict that includes arrays of items,
generate all the permutations of the prompt for all permutations of the items.
NOTE: Items can be in a special form: {text: <str>, fill_history: {varname: <str>}}
in order to bundle in any past fill history that is lost in the current text.
Example usage:
prompt_gen = PromptPermutationGenerator('Can you list all the cities in the country ${country} by the cheapest ${domain} prices?')
for prompt in prompt_gen({"country":["Canada", "South Africa", "China"],
"domain": ["rent", "food", "energy"]}):
def __init__(self, template: Union[PromptTemplate, str]):
if isinstance(template, str):
template = PromptTemplate(template)
self.template = template
def _gen_perm(self, template, params_to_fill, paramDict):
if len(params_to_fill) == 0: return []
# Extract the first param that occurs in the current template
param = None
params_left = params_to_fill
for p in params_to_fill:
if template.has_var(p):
param = p
params_left = [_p for _p in params_to_fill if _p != p]
if param is None:
return [template]
# Generate new prompts by filling in its value(s) into the PromptTemplate
val = paramDict[param]
if isinstance(val, list):
new_prompt_temps = []
for v in val:
param_fill_dict = {param: v}
# If this var has an "associate_id", then it wants to "carry with"
# values of other prompt parameters with the same id.
# We have to find any parameters with values of the same id,
# and fill them in alongside the initial parameter v:
if isinstance(v, dict) and "associate_id" in v:
v_associate_id = v["associate_id"]
for other_param in params_left[:]:
if template.has_var(other_param) and isinstance(paramDict[other_param], list):
other_vals = paramDict[other_param]
for ov in other_vals:
if isinstance(ov, dict) and ov.get("associate_id") == v_associate_id:
# This is a match. We should add the val to our param_fill_dict:
param_fill_dict[other_param] = ov
# Fill the template with the param values and append it to the list
elif isinstance(val, str):
new_prompt_temps = [template.fill({param: val})]
raise ValueError("Value of prompt template parameter is not a list or a string, but of type " + str(type(val)))
# Recurse
if len(params_left) == 0:
return new_prompt_temps
res = []
for p in new_prompt_temps:
res.extend(self._gen_perm(p, params_left, paramDict))
return res
def __call__(self, paramDict: Dict[str, Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, str]]]):
if len(paramDict) == 0:
yield self.template
for p in self._gen_perm(self.template, list(paramDict.keys()), paramDict):
yield p
# Test cases
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Dollar sign escape works
tests = ["What is $2 + $2?", "If I have $4 and I want ${dollars} then how many do I have?", "$4 is equal to ${dollars}?", "${what} is the $400?"]
escaped_tests = [escape_dollar_signs(t) for t in tests]
assert escaped_tests[0] == "What is $$2 + $$2?"
assert escaped_tests[1] == "If I have $$4 and I want ${dollars} then how many do I have?"
assert escaped_tests[2] == "$$4 is equal to ${dollars}?"
assert escaped_tests[3] == "${what} is the $$400?"
# Single template
gen = PromptPermutationGenerator('What is the ${timeframe} when ${person} was born?')
res = [r for r in gen({'timeframe': ['year', 'decade', 'century'], 'person': ['Howard Hughes', 'Toni Morrison', 'Otis Redding']})]
for r in res:
assert len(res) == 9
# Nested templates
gen = PromptPermutationGenerator('${prefix}... ${suffix}')
res = [r for r in gen({
'prefix': ['Who invented ${tool}?', 'When was ${tool} invented?', 'What can you do with ${tool}?'],
'suffix': ['Phrase your answer in the form of a ${response_type}', 'Respond with a ${response_type}'],
'tool': ['the flashlight', 'CRISPR', 'rubber'],
'response_type': ['question', 'poem', 'nightmare']
for r in res:
assert len(res) == (3*3)*(2*3)
# 'Carry together' vars with 'metavar' data attached
# NOTE: This feature may be used when passing rows of a table, so that vars that have associated values,
# like 'inventor' with 'tool', 'carry together' when being filled into the prompt template.
# In addition, 'metavars' may be attached which are, commonly, the values of other columns for that row, but
# columns which weren't used to fill in the prompt template explcitly.
gen = PromptPermutationGenerator('What ${timeframe} did ${inventor} invent the ${tool}?')
res = [r for r in gen({
'inventor': [
{'text': "Thomas Edison", "fill_history": {}, "associate_id": "A", "metavars": { "year": 1879 }},
{'text': "Alexander Fleming", "fill_history": {}, "associate_id": "B", "metavars": { "year": 1928 }},
{'text': "William Shockley", "fill_history": {}, "associate_id": "C", "metavars": { "year": 1947 }},
'tool': [
{'text': "lightbulb", "fill_history": {}, "associate_id": "A"},
{'text': "penicillin", "fill_history": {}, "associate_id": "B"},
{'text': "transistor", "fill_history": {}, "associate_id": "C"},
'timeframe': [ "year", "decade", "century" ]
for r in res:
r_str = str(r)
print(r_str, r.metavars)
assert "year" in r.metavars
if "Edison" in r_str:
assert "lightbulb" in r_str
elif "Fleming" in r_str:
assert "penicillin" in r_str
elif "Shockley" in r_str:
assert "transistor" in r_str
assert len(res) == 3*3 |