from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
from flask_cors import CORS
from promptengine.query import PromptLLM
from promptengine.template import PromptTemplate, PromptPermutationGenerator
from promptengine.utils import LLM, extract_responses, is_valid_filepath, get_files_at_dir
import json, os
from statistics import mean, median, stdev

app = Flask(__name__)

    'gpt3.5': LLM.ChatGPT,
    'alpaca.7B': LLM.Alpaca7B,
LLM_NAME_MAP_INVERSE = { key for key, val in LLM_NAME_MAP.items()}

def to_standard_format(r: dict) -> list:
    llm = LLM_NAME_MAP_INVERSE[r['llm']]
    resp_obj = {
        'vars': r['info'],
        'llm': llm,
        'prompt': r['prompt'],
        'responses': extract_responses(r, r['llm']),
        'tokens': r['response']['usage'] if 'usage' in r['response'] else {},
    if 'eval_res' in r:
        resp_obj['eval_res'] = r['eval_res']
    return resp_obj

def get_llm_of_response(response: dict) -> LLM:
    return LLM_NAME_MAP[response['llm']]

def get_filenames_with_id(filenames: list, id: str) -> list:
    return [
        c for c in filenames
        if ('-' in c and c.split('-')[0] == id) or ('-' not in c and c.split('.')[0] == id)

def load_cache_json(filepath: str) -> dict:
    with open(filepath, encoding="utf-8") as f:
        responses = json.load(f)
    return responses

def run_over_responses(eval_func, responses: dict, scope: str) -> list:
    for prompt, resp_obj in responses.items():
        res = extract_responses(resp_obj, resp_obj['llm'])
        if scope == 'response':
            evals = [eval_func(r) for r in res]  # run evaluator func over every individual response text
            resp_obj['eval_res'] = {  # NOTE: assumes this is numeric data
                'mean': mean(evals),
                'median': median(evals),
                'stdev': stdev(evals) if len(evals) > 1 else 0,
                'range': (min(evals), max(evals)),
                'items': evals,
        else:  # operate over the entire response batch
            ev = eval_func(res)
            resp_obj['eval_res'] = {  # NOTE: assumes this is numeric data
                'mean': ev,
                'median': ev,
                'stdev': 0,
                'range': (ev, ev),
                'items': [ev],
    return responses

def reduce_responses(responses: list, vars: list) -> list:
    if len(responses) == 0: return responses
    # Figure out what vars we still care about (the ones we aren't reducing over):
    # NOTE: We are assuming all responses have the same 'vars' keys. 
    all_vars = set(responses[0]['vars'])
    if not all_vars.issuperset(set(vars)):
        # There's a var in vars which isn't part of the response.
        raise Exception(f"Some vars in {set(vars)} are not in the responses.")
    # Get just the vars we want to keep around:
    include_vars = list(set(responses[0]['vars']) - set(vars))

    # Bucket responses by the remaining var values, where tuples of vars are keys to a dict: 
    # E.g. {(var1_val, var2_val): [responses] }
    bucketed_resp = {}
    for r in responses:
        tup_key = tuple([r['vars'][v] for v in include_vars])
        if tup_key in bucketed_resp:
            bucketed_resp[tup_key] = [r]

    # Perform reduce op across all bucketed responses, collecting them into a single 'meta'-response:
    ret = []
    for tup_key, resps in bucketed_resp.items():
        flat_eval_res = [item for r in resps for item in r['eval_res']['items']]
            'vars': {v: r['vars'][v] for r in resps for v in include_vars},
            'llm': resps[0]['llm'],
            'prompt': [r['prompt'] for r in resps],
            'responses': [r['responses'] for r in resps],
            'tokens': resps[0]['tokens'],
            'eval_res': {
                'mean': mean(flat_eval_res),
                'median': median(flat_eval_res),
                'stdev': stdev(flat_eval_res) if len(flat_eval_res) > 1 else 0,
                'range': (min(flat_eval_res), max(flat_eval_res)),
                'items': flat_eval_res
    return ret

@app.route('/queryllm', methods=['POST'])
def queryLLM():
        Queries LLM(s) given a JSON spec.

        POST'd data should be in the form: 
            'id': str  # a unique ID to refer to this information. Used when cache'ing responses. 
            'llm': str | list  # a string or list of strings specifying the LLM(s) to query
            'params': dict  # an optional dict of any other params to set when querying the LLMs, like 'temperature', 'n' (num of responses per prompt), etc.
            'prompt': str  # the prompt template, with any {{}} vars
            'vars': dict  # a dict of the template variables to fill the prompt template with, by name. For each var, can be single values or a list; in the latter, all permutations are passed. (Pass empty dict if no vars.)
    data = request.get_json()

    # Check that all required info is here:
    if not set(data.keys()).issuperset({'llm', 'prompt', 'vars', 'id'}):
        return jsonify({'error': 'POST data is improper format.'})
    elif not isinstance(data['id'], str) or len(data['id']) == 0:
        return jsonify({'error': 'POST data id is improper format (length 0 or not a string).'})
    # Verify LLM name(s) (string or list) and convert to enum(s):
    if not (isinstance(data['llm'], list) or isinstance(data['llm'], str)) or (isinstance(data['llm'], list) and len(data['llm']) == 0):
        return jsonify({'error': 'POST data llm is improper format (not string or list, or of length 0).'})
    if isinstance(data['llm'], str):
        data['llm'] = [ data['llm'] ]
    llms = []
    for llm_str in data['llm']:
        if llm_str not in LLM_NAME_MAP:
            return jsonify({'error': f"LLM named '{llm_str}' is not supported."})

    # For each LLM, generate and cache responses:
    responses = {}
    params = data['params'] if 'params' in data else {}
    for llm in llms:

        # Check that storage path is valid:
        cache_filepath = os.path.join('cache', f"{data['id']}-{str(}.json")
        if not is_valid_filepath(cache_filepath):
            return jsonify({'error': f'Invalid filepath: {cache_filepath}'})

        # Create an object to query the LLM, passing a file for cache'ing responses
        prompter = PromptLLM(data['prompt'], storageFile=cache_filepath)

        # Prompt the LLM with all permutations of the input prompt template:
        # NOTE: If the responses are already cache'd, this just loads them (no LLM is queried, saving $$$)
        responses[llm] = []
            for response in prompter.gen_responses(properties=data['vars'], llm=llm, **params):
        except Exception as e:
            return jsonify({'error': str(e)})

    # Convert the responses into a more standardized format with less information
    res = [
        for rs in responses.values()
        for r in rs

    # Return all responses for all LLMs
    ret = jsonify({'responses': res})
    ret.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
    return ret

@app.route('/execute', methods=['POST'])
def execute():
        Executes a Python lambda function sent from JavaScript,
        over all cache'd responses with given id's.

        POST'd data should be in the form: 
            'id': # a unique ID to refer to this information. Used when cache'ing responses. 
            'code': str,  # the body of the lambda function to evaluate, in form: lambda responses: <body>
            'responses': str | List[str]  # the responses to run on; a unique ID or list of unique IDs of cache'd data,
            'scope': 'response' | 'batch'  # the scope of responses to run on --a single response, or all across each batch. 
                                           # If batch, evaluator has access to 'responses'. Only matters if n > 1 for each prompt.
            'reduce_vars': unspecified | List[str]  # the 'vars' to average over (mean, median, stdev, range)

        NOTE: This should only be run on your server on code you trust.
              There is no sandboxing; no safety. We assume you are the creator of the code.
    data = request.get_json()

    # Check that all required info is here:
    if not set(data.keys()).issuperset({'id', 'code', 'responses', 'scope'}):
        return jsonify({'error': 'POST data is improper format.'})
    if not isinstance(data['id'], str) or len(data['id']) == 0:
        return jsonify({'error': 'POST data id is improper format (length 0 or not a string).'})
    if data['scope'] not in ('response', 'batch'):
        return jsonify({'error': "POST data scope is unknown. Must be either 'response' or 'batch'."})
    # Check that the filepath used to cache eval'd responses is valid:
    cache_filepath = os.path.join('cache', f"{data['id']}.json")
    if not is_valid_filepath(cache_filepath):
        return jsonify({'error': f'Invalid filepath: {cache_filepath}'})
    # Check format of responses:
    if not (isinstance(data['responses'], str) or isinstance(data['responses'], list)):
        return jsonify({'error': 'POST data responses is improper format.'})
    elif isinstance(data['responses'], str):
        data['responses'] = [ data['responses'] ]
    # Create the evaluator function
        func_body = '\t\n'.join(data['code'].split('\n'))
        if data['scope'] == 'response':
            exec('def evaluator(response):\n\t' + func_body, globals())  # evaluate over individual 'response' 
            exec('def evaluator(responses):\n\t' + func_body, globals())  # evaluate over batches of n responses; get access to 'responses'
    except Exception as e:
        return jsonify({'error': f'Could not evaluate code. Error message:\n{str(e)}'})

    # Load all responses with the given ID:
    all_cache_files = get_files_at_dir('cache/')
    all_evald_responses = []
    for cache_id in data['responses']:
        cache_files = get_filenames_with_id(all_cache_files, cache_id)
        if len(cache_files) == 0:
            return jsonify({'error': f'Did not find cache file for id {cache_id}'})

        # To avoid loading all response files into memory at once, we'll run the evaluator on each file:
        for filename in cache_files:

            # Load the raw responses from the cache
            responses = load_cache_json(os.path.join('cache', filename))
            if len(responses) == 0: continue

            # Run the evaluator over them: 
            evald_responses = run_over_responses(evaluator, responses, scope=data['scope'])

            # Convert to standard format: 
            std_evald_responses = [
                to_standard_format({'prompt': prompt, **res_obj})
                for prompt, res_obj in evald_responses.items()

            # Perform any reduction operations:
            if 'reduce_vars' in data and len(data['reduce_vars']) > 0:
                std_evald_responses = reduce_responses(


    # Store the evaluated responses in a new cache json:
    with open(cache_filepath, "w") as f:
        json.dump(all_evald_responses, f)

    ret = jsonify({'responses': all_evald_responses})
    ret.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
    return ret

@app.route('/grabResponses', methods=['POST'])
def grabResponses():
        Returns all responses with the specified id(s)

        POST'd data should be in the form: 
            'responses': <the ids to grab>
    data = request.get_json()

    # Check format of responses:
    if not (isinstance(data['responses'], str) or isinstance(data['responses'], list)):
        return jsonify({'error': 'POST data responses is improper format.'})
    elif isinstance(data['responses'], str):
        data['responses'] = [ data['responses'] ]

    # Load all responses with the given ID:
    all_cache_files = get_files_at_dir('cache/')
    responses = []
    for cache_id in data['responses']:
        cache_files = get_filenames_with_id(all_cache_files, cache_id)
        if len(cache_files) == 0:
            return jsonify({'error': f'Did not find cache file for id {cache_id}'})

        for filename in cache_files:
            responses.extend(load_cache_json(os.path.join('cache', filename)))

    ret = jsonify({'responses': responses})
    ret.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
    return ret

if __name__ == '__main__':"localhost", port=5000, debug=True)