from typing import Protocol, Optional, Dict, Dict, List, Literal, Union, Any import time """ OpenAI chat message format typing """ class ChatMessage(Dict): """ A single message, in OpenAI chat message format. """ role: str content: str name: Optional[str] function_call: Optional[Dict] ChatHistory = List[ChatMessage] class CustomProviderProtocol(Protocol): """ A Callable protocol to implement for custom model provider completions. See `__call__` for more details. """ def __call__(self, prompt: str, model: Optional[str], chat_history: Optional[ChatHistory], **kwargs: Any) -> str: """ Define a call to your custom provider. Parameters: - `prompt`: Text to prompt the model. (If it's a chat model, this is the new message to send.) - `model`: The name of the particular model to use, from the CF settings window. Useful when you have multiple models for a single provider. Optional. - `chat_history`: Providers may be passed a past chat context as a list of chat messages in OpenAI format (see `chainforge.providers.ChatHistory`). Chat history does not include the new message to send off (which is passed instead as the `prompt` parameter). - `kwargs`: Any other parameters to pass the provider API call, like temperature. Parameter names are the keynames in your provider's settings_schema. Only relevant if you are defining a custom settings_schema JSON to edit provider/model settings in ChainForge. """ pass """ A registry for custom providers """ class _ProviderRegistry: def __init__(self): self._registry = {} self._curr_script_id = '0' self._last_updated = {} def set_curr_script_id(self, id: str): self._curr_script_id = id def register(self, cls: CustomProviderProtocol, name: str, **kwargs): if name is None or isinstance(name, str) is False or len(name) == 0: raise Exception("Cannot register custom model provider: No name given. Name must be a string and unique.") self._last_updated[name] = self._registry[name]["script_id"] if name in self._registry else None self._registry[name] = { "name": name, "func": cls, "script_id": self._curr_script_id, **kwargs } def get(self, name): return self._registry.get(name) def get_all(self): return list(self._registry.values()) def has(self, name): return name in self._registry def remove(self, name): if self.has(name): del self._registry[name] def watch_next_registered(self): self._last_updated = {} def last_registered(self): return {k: v for k, v in self._last_updated.items()} # Global instance of the registry. ProviderRegistry = _ProviderRegistry() def provider(name: str = 'Custom Provider', emoji: str = '✨', models: Optional[List[str]] = None, rate_limit: Union[int, Literal["sequential"]] = "sequential", settings_schema: Optional[Dict] = None): """ A decorator for registering custom LLM provider methods or classes (Callables) that conform to `CustomProviderProtocol`. Parameters: - `name`: The name of your custom provider. Required. (Must be unique; cannot be blank.) - `emoji`: The emoji to use as the default icon for your provider in the CF interface. Required. - `models`: A list of models that your provider supports, that you want to be able to choose between in Settings window. If you're just calling a single model, you can omit this. - `rate_limit`: If an integer, the maximum number of simulatenous requests to send per minute. To force requests to be sequential (wait until each request returns before sending another), enter "sequential". Default is sequential. - `settings_schema`: a JSON Schema specifying the name of your provider in the ChainForge UI, the available settings, and the UI for those settings. The settings and UI specs are in react-jsonschema-form format: Specifically, your `settings_schema` dict should have keys: ``` { "settings": , "ui":