{"flow": {"nodes": [{"width": 312, "height": 311, "id": "prompt-italian-rhyme", "type": "prompt", "data": {"prompt": "{prompt}", "n": 1, "llms": [{"key": "aa3c0f03-22bd-416e-af4d-4bf5c4278c99", "settings": {"system_msg": "For each pair of words, determine whether their Italian translations rhyme. If they do, output the pair of rhyming words in Italian. If they do not, output NONE.", "temperature": 1, "functions": [], "function_call": "", "top_p": 1, "stop": [], "presence_penalty": 0, "frequency_penalty": 0}, "name": "GPT3.5", "emoji": "\ud83d\ude42", "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "base_model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "temp": 1, "formData": {"shortname": "GPT3.5", "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "system_msg": "For each pair of words, determine whether their Italian translations rhyme. If they do, output the pair of rhyming words in Italian. If they do not, output NONE.", "temperature": 1, "functions": "", "function_call": "", "top_p": 1, "stop": "", "presence_penalty": 0, "frequency_penalty": 0}}]}, "position": {"x": 448, "y": 224}, "selected": false, "positionAbsolute": {"x": 448, "y": 224}, "dragging": false}, {"width": 333, "height": 182, "id": "eval-italian-rhyme", "type": "evaluator", "data": {"code": "function evaluate(response) {\n\tlet txt = response.text;\n\tlet ideals = JSON.parse(response.meta['Ideal']);\n\treturn ideals.some(i => (i.includes(txt) || txt.includes(i)));\n}", "language": "javascript"}, "position": {"x": 820, "y": 150}, "positionAbsolute": {"x": 820, "y": 150}}, {"width": 228, "height": 196, "id": "vis-italian-rhyme", "type": "vis", "data": {"input": "eval-italian-rhyme"}, "position": {"x": 1200, "y": 250}, "positionAbsolute": {"x": 1200, "y": 250}}, {"width": 302, "height": 260, "id": "inspect-italian-rhyme", "type": "inspect", "data": {"input": "prompt-italian-rhyme"}, "position": {"x": 820, "y": 400}, "positionAbsolute": {"x": 820, "y": 400}}, {"width": 423, "height": 417, "id": "table-italian-rhyme", "type": "table", "data": {"rows": [{"prompt": "orange, car", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "car, afterlife", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "mechanic, puzzle", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "scream, joke", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "tree, jug", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "opened, laughter", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "sees, brain", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "ice cream, thank you", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "child, skeleton", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "gift, blessing", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "model, reward", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "window, balloon", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "chest of drawers, thank you", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "service, painting", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "beach, angel", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "tool, lighter", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "treasure, window", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "juicy, cheese", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "space, crawling", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "lesson, light", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "light, generation", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "mud, to jump", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "earth, punishment", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "once, scream", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "peace, dream", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "day, dream", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "color, finger", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "moon, fled", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "butterfly, tomorrow", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "laughed, played", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "spotlight, drunk", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "time, sneeze", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "work, donut", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "dream, nothing", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "crumb, entertainment", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "work, girl", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "light, sky", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "blanket, pinch", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "reason, jam", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "brigade, love", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "answer, brotherhood", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "darkness, pulled", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "swallowing, locked", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "palace, balloon", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "new, friend", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "son, sea", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "pearl, prayer", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "mechanic, dress", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "soup, soul", "ideal": "[\"NONE\"]"}, {"prompt": "beach, rain", "ideal": "[\"spiaggia, pioggia\", \"pioggia, spiaggia\"]"}, {"prompt": "head, list", "ideal": "[\"testa, lista\", \"lista, testa\"]"}, {"prompt": "fist, dream", "ideal": "[\"pugno, sogno\", \"sogno, pugno\"]"}, {"prompt": "red, flux", "ideal": "[\"rosso, flusso\", \"flusso, rosso\"]"}, {"prompt": "blindness, liberty", "ideal": "[\"cecit\\u00e0, libert\\u00e0\", \"libert\\u00e0, cecit\\u00e0\"]"}, {"prompt": "knees, parish", "ideal": "[\"ginocchia, parrocchia\", \"parrocchia, ginocchia\"]"}, {"prompt": "love, heat", "ideal": "[\"amore, calore\", \"calore, amore\"]"}, {"prompt": "sky, veil", "ideal": "[\"cielo, velo\", \"velo, cielo\"]"}, {"prompt": "bathroom, need", "ideal": "[\"bagno, bisogno\", \"bisogno, bagno\"]"}, {"prompt": "benign, swan", "ideal": "[\"benigno, cigno\", \"cigno, benigno\"]"}, {"prompt": "moon, dune", "ideal": "[\"luna, duna\", \"duna, luna\"]"}, {"prompt": "mountain, shame", "ideal": "[\"montagna, vergogna\", \"vergogna, montagna\"]"}, {"prompt": "bicycle, revenge", "ideal": "[\"bicicletta, vendetta\", \"vendetta, bicicletta\"]"}, {"prompt": "question, garland", "ideal": "[\"domanda, ghirlanda\", \"ghirlanda, domanda\"]"}, {"prompt": "bird, hat", "ideal": "[\"uccello, cappello\", \"cappello, uccello\"]"}, {"prompt": "blacksmith, book", "ideal": "[\"fabbro, libro\", \"libro, fabbro\"]"}, {"prompt": "thick, flexed", "ideal": "[\"spesso, flesso\", \"flesso, spesso\"]"}, {"prompt": "shiny, hybrid", "ideal": "[\"lucido, ibrido\", \"ibrido, lucido\"]"}, {"prompt": "last, intimate", "ideal": "[\"ultimo, intimo\", \"intimo, ultimo\"]"}, {"prompt": "used, tattooed", "ideal": "[\"usato, tatuato\", \"tatuato, usato\"]"}, {"prompt": "joyful, creamy", "ideal": "[\"gioioso, cremoso\", \"cremoso, gioioso\"]"}, {"prompt": "photo, empty", "ideal": "[\"foto, vuoto\", \"vuoto, foto\"]"}, {"prompt": "cat, rat", "ideal": "[\"gatto, ratto\", \"ratto, gatto\"]"}, {"prompt": "apple, canvas", "ideal": "[\"mela, tela\", \"tela, mela\"]"}, {"prompt": "dog, bread", "ideal": "[\"cane, pane\", \"pane, cane\"]"}, {"prompt": "flower, heart", "ideal": "[\"fiore, cuore\", \"cuore, fiore\"]"}, {"prompt": "tree, tuber", "ideal": "[\"albero, tubero\", \"tubero, albero\"]"}, {"prompt": "love, 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