from typing import Dict, Tuple, List, Union, Optional import json, os, time, asyncio from string import Template from chainforge.promptengine.models import LLM DALAI_MODEL = None DALAI_RESPONSE = None ANTHROPIC_API_KEY = os.environ.get("ANTHROPIC_API_KEY") GOOGLE_PALM_API_KEY = os.environ.get("PALM_API_KEY") AZURE_OPENAI_KEY = os.environ.get("AZURE_OPENAI_KEY") AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT = os.environ.get("AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT") def set_api_keys(api_keys): """ Sets the local API keys for the revelant LLM API(s). Currently only supports 'OpenAI', 'Anthropic'. """ global ANTHROPIC_API_KEY, GOOGLE_PALM_API_KEY, AZURE_OPENAI_KEY, AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT def key_is_present(name): return name in api_keys and len(api_keys[name].strip()) > 0 if key_is_present('OpenAI'): import openai openai.api_key = api_keys['OpenAI'] if key_is_present('Anthropic'): ANTHROPIC_API_KEY = api_keys['Anthropic'] if key_is_present('Google'): GOOGLE_PALM_API_KEY = api_keys['Google'] if key_is_present('Azure_OpenAI'): AZURE_OPENAI_KEY = api_keys['Azure_OpenAI'] if key_is_present('Azure_OpenAI_Endpoint'): AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT = api_keys['Azure_OpenAI_Endpoint'] # Soft fail for non-present keys async def make_sync_call_async(sync_method, *args, **params): """ Makes a blocking synchronous call asynchronous, so that it can be awaited. NOTE: This is necessary for LLM APIs that do not yet support async (e.g. Google PaLM). """ loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() method = sync_method if len(params) > 0: def partial_sync_meth(*a): return sync_method(*a, **params) method = partial_sync_meth return await loop.run_in_executor(None, method, *args) async def call_chatgpt(prompt: str, model: LLM, n: int = 1, temperature: float= 1.0, system_msg: Optional[str]=None, **params) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: """ Calls GPT3.5 via OpenAI's API. Returns raw query and response JSON dicts. NOTE: It is recommended to set an environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY with your OpenAI API key """ import openai if not openai.api_key: openai.api_key = os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY") model = model.value if 'stop' in params and (not isinstance(params['stop'], list) or len(params['stop']) == 0): del params['stop'] if 'functions' in params and (not isinstance(params['functions'], list) or len(params['functions']) == 0): del params['functions'] if 'function_call' in params and (not isinstance(params['function_call'], str) or len(params['function_call'].strip()) == 0): del params['function_call'] print(f"Querying OpenAI model '{model}' with prompt '{prompt}'...") system_msg = "You are a helpful assistant." if system_msg is None else system_msg query = { "model": model, "n": n, "temperature": temperature, **params, # 'the rest' of the settings, passed from a front-end app } if 'davinci' in model: # text completions model openai_call = openai.Completion.acreate query['prompt'] = prompt else: # chat model openai_call = openai.ChatCompletion.acreate query['messages'] = [ {"role": "system", "content": system_msg}, {"role": "user", "content": prompt}, ] try: response = await openai_call(**query) except Exception as e: if (isinstance(e, openai.error.AuthenticationError)): raise Exception("Could not authenticate to OpenAI. Double-check that your API key is set in Settings or in your local Python environment.") raise e return query, response async def call_azure_openai(prompt: str, model: LLM, n: int = 1, temperature: float= 1.0, deployment_name: str = 'gpt-35-turbo', model_type: str = "chat-completion", api_version: str = "2023-05-15", system_msg: Optional[str]=None, **params) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: """ Calls an OpenAI chat model GPT3.5 or GPT4 via Microsoft Azure services. Returns raw query and response JSON dicts. NOTE: It is recommended to set an environment variables AZURE_OPENAI_KEY and AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT """ global AZURE_OPENAI_KEY, AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT if AZURE_OPENAI_KEY is None: raise Exception("Could not find an Azure OpenAPI Key to use. Double-check that your key is set in Settings or in your local Python environment.") if AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT is None: raise Exception("Could not find an Azure OpenAI Endpoint to use. Double-check that your endpoint is set in Settings or in your local Python environment.") import openai openai.api_type = "azure" openai.api_version = api_version openai.api_key = AZURE_OPENAI_KEY openai.api_base = AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT if 'stop' in params and not isinstance(params['stop'], list) or len(params['stop']) == 0: del params['stop'] if 'functions' in params and not isinstance(params['functions'], list) or len(params['functions']) == 0: del params['functions'] if 'function_call' in params and not isinstance(params['function_call'], str) or len(params['function_call'].strip()) == 0: del params['function_call'] print(f"Querying Azure OpenAI deployed model '{deployment_name}' at endpoint '{AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT}' with prompt '{prompt}'...") system_msg = "You are a helpful assistant." if system_msg is None else system_msg query = { "engine": deployment_name, # this differs from a basic OpenAI call "n": n, "temperature": temperature, **params, # 'the rest' of the settings, passed from a front-end app } if model_type == 'text-completion': openai_call = openai.Completion.acreate query['prompt'] = prompt else: openai_call = openai.ChatCompletion.acreate query['messages'] = [ {"role": "system", "content": system_msg}, {"role": "user", "content": prompt}, ] try: response = await openai_call(**query) except Exception as e: if (isinstance(e, openai.error.AuthenticationError)): raise Exception("Could not authenticate to OpenAI. Double-check that your API key is set in Settings or in your local Python environment.") raise e return query, response async def call_anthropic(prompt: str, model: LLM, n: int = 1, temperature: float= 1.0, max_tokens_to_sample=1024, async_mode=False, custom_prompt_wrapper: Optional[str]=None, stop_sequences: Optional[List[str]]=["\n\nHuman:"], **params) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: """ Calls Anthropic API with the given model, passing in params. Returns raw query and response JSON dicts. Unique parameters: - custom_prompt_wrapper: Anthropic models expect prompts in form "\n\nHuman: ${prompt}\n\nAssistant". If you wish to explore custom prompt wrappers that deviate, write a python Template that maps from 'prompt' to custom wrapper. If set to None, defaults to Anthropic's suggested prompt wrapper. - max_tokens_to_sample: A maximum number of tokens to generate before stopping. - stop_sequences: A list of strings upon which to stop generating. Defaults to ["\n\nHuman:"], the cue for the next turn in the dialog agent. - async_mode: Evaluation access to Claude limits calls to 1 at a time, meaning we can't take advantage of async. If you want to send all 'n' requests at once, you can set async_mode to True. NOTE: It is recommended to set an environment variable ANTHROPIC_API_KEY with your Anthropic API key """ if ANTHROPIC_API_KEY is None: raise Exception("Could not find an API key for Anthropic models. Double-check that your API key is set in Settings or in your local Python environment.") import anthropic client = anthropic.Client(ANTHROPIC_API_KEY) # Wrap the prompt in the provided template, or use the default Anthropic one if custom_prompt_wrapper is None or '${prompt}' not in custom_prompt_wrapper: custom_prompt_wrapper = anthropic.HUMAN_PROMPT + " ${prompt}" + anthropic.AI_PROMPT prompt_wrapper_template = Template(custom_prompt_wrapper) wrapped_prompt = prompt_wrapper_template.substitute(prompt=prompt) # Format query query = { 'model': model.value, 'prompt': wrapped_prompt, 'max_tokens_to_sample': max_tokens_to_sample, 'stop_sequences': stop_sequences, 'temperature': temperature, **params } print(f"Calling Anthropic model '{model.value}' with prompt '{prompt}' (n={n}). Please be patient...") # Request responses using the passed async_mode responses = [] if async_mode: # Gather n responses by firing off all API requests at once tasks = [client.acompletion(**query) for _ in range(n)] responses = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) else: # Repeat call n times, waiting for each response to come in: while len(responses) < n: resp = await client.acompletion(**query) responses.append(resp) print(f'{model.value} response {len(responses)} of {n}:\n', resp) return query, responses async def call_google_palm(prompt: str, model: LLM, n: int = 1, temperature: float= 0.7, max_output_tokens=800, async_mode=False, **params) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: """ Calls a Google PaLM model. Returns raw query and response JSON dicts. """ if GOOGLE_PALM_API_KEY is None: raise Exception("Could not find an API key for Google PaLM models. Double-check that your API key is set in Settings or in your local Python environment.") import google.generativeai as palm palm.configure(api_key=GOOGLE_PALM_API_KEY) is_chat_model = 'chat' in model.value query = { 'model': f"models/{model.value}", 'prompt': prompt, 'candidate_count': n, 'temperature': temperature, 'max_output_tokens': max_output_tokens, **params, } # Remove erroneous parameters for text and chat models if 'top_k' in query and query['top_k'] <= 0: del query['top_k'] if 'top_p' in query and query['top_p'] <= 0: del query['top_p'] if is_chat_model and 'max_output_tokens' in query: del query['max_output_tokens'] if is_chat_model and 'stop_sequences' in query: del query['stop_sequences'] # Get the correct model's completions call palm_call = if is_chat_model else palm.generate_text # Google PaLM's python API does not currently support async calls. # To make one, we need to wrap it in an asynchronous executor: completion = await make_sync_call_async(palm_call, **query) completion_dict = completion.to_dict() # Google PaLM, unlike other chat models, will output empty # responses for any response it deems unsafe (blocks). Although the text completions # API has a (relatively undocumented) 'safety_settings' parameter, # the current chat completions API provides users no control over the blocking. # We need to detect this and fill the response with the safety reasoning: if len(completion.filters) > 0: # Request was blocked. Output why in the response text, # repairing the candidate dict to mock up 'n' responses block_error_msg = f'[[BLOCKED_REQUEST]] Request was blocked because it triggered safety filters: {str(completion.filters)}' completion_dict['candidates'] = [{'author': 1, 'content':block_error_msg}] * n # Weirdly, google ignores candidate_count if temperature is 0. # We have to check for this and manually append the n-1 responses: if n > 1 and temperature == 0 and len(completion_dict['candidates']) == 1: copied_candidates = [completion_dict['candidates'][0]] * n completion_dict['candidates'] = copied_candidates return query, completion_dict async def call_dalai(prompt: str, model: LLM, server: str="http://localhost:4000", n: int = 1, temperature: float = 0.5, **params) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: """ Calls a Dalai server running LLMs Alpaca, Llama, etc locally. Returns the raw query and response JSON dicts. Parameters: - model: The LLM model, whose value is the name known byt Dalai; e.g. 'alpaca.7b' - port: The port of the local server where Dalai is running. By default 4000. - prompt: The prompt to pass to the LLM. - n: How many times to query. If n > 1, this will continue to query the LLM 'n' times and collect all responses. - temperature: The temperature to query at - params: Any other Dalai-specific params to pass. For more info, see below or TODO: Currently, this uses a modified dalaipy library for simplicity; however, in the future we might remove this dependency. """ # Import and load upon first run global DALAI_MODEL, DALAI_RESPONSE if not server or len(server.strip()) == 0: # In case user passed a blank server name, revert to default on port 4000 server = "http://localhost:4000" if DALAI_MODEL is None: from chainforge.promptengine.dalaipy import Dalai DALAI_MODEL = Dalai(server) elif DALAI_MODEL.server != server: # if the port has changed, we need to create a new model DALAI_MODEL = Dalai(server) # Make sure server is connected DALAI_MODEL.connect() # Create settings dict to pass to Dalai as args def_params = {'n_predict':128, 'repeat_last_n':64, 'repeat_penalty':1.3, 'seed':-1, 'threads':4, 'top_k':40, 'top_p':0.9} for key in params: if key in def_params: def_params[key] = params[key] else: print(f"Attempted to pass unsupported param '{key}' to Dalai. Ignoring.") # Create full query to Dalai query = { 'prompt': prompt, 'model': model.value, 'id': str(round(time.time()*1000)), 'temp': temperature, **def_params } # Create spot to put response and a callback that sets it DALAI_RESPONSE = None def on_finish(r): global DALAI_RESPONSE DALAI_RESPONSE = r print(f"Calling Dalai model '{query['model']}' with prompt '{query['prompt']}' (n={n}). Please be patient...") # Repeat call n times responses = [] while len(responses) < n: # Call the Dalai model req = DALAI_MODEL.generate_request(**query) sent_req_success = DALAI_MODEL.generate(req, on_finish=on_finish) if not sent_req_success: print("Something went wrong pinging the Dalai server. Returning None.") return None, None # Blocking --wait for request to complete: while DALAI_RESPONSE is None: await asyncio.sleep(0.01) response = DALAI_RESPONSE['response'] if response[-5:] == '': # strip ending tag, if present response = response[:-5] if response.index('\r\n') > -1: # strip off the prompt, which is included in the result up to \r\n: response = response[(response.index('\r\n')+2):] DALAI_RESPONSE = None responses.append(response) print(f'Response {len(responses)} of {n}:\n', response) # Disconnect from the server DALAI_MODEL.disconnect() return query, responses def _extract_openai_chat_choice_content(choice: dict) -> str: """ Extracts the relevant portion of a OpenAI chat response. Note that chat choice objects can now include 'function_call' and a blank 'content' response. This method detects a 'function_call's presence, prepends [[FUNCTION]] and converts the function call into Python format. """ if choice['finish_reason'] == 'function_call' or choice["message"]["content"] is None or \ ('function_call' in choice['message'] and len(choice['message']['function_call']) > 0): func = choice['message']['function_call'] return '[[FUNCTION]] ' + func['name'] + str(func['arguments']) else: return choice["message"]["content"] def _extract_chatgpt_responses(response: dict) -> List[str]: """ Extracts the text part of a response JSON from ChatGPT. If there is more than 1 response (e.g., asking the LLM to generate multiple responses), this produces a list of all returned responses. """ choices = response["choices"] return [ _extract_openai_chat_choice_content(c) for c in choices ] def _extract_openai_completion_responses(response: dict) -> List[str]: """ Extracts the text part of a response JSON from OpenAI completions models like Davinci. If there are more than 1 response (e.g., asking the LLM to generate multiple responses), this produces a list of all returned responses. """ choices = response["choices"] return [ c["text"].strip() for c in choices ] def _extract_openai_responses(response: dict) -> List[str]: """ Deduces the format of an OpenAI model response (completion or chat) and extracts the response text using the appropriate method. """ if len(response["choices"]) == 0: return [] first_choice = response["choices"][0] if "message" in first_choice: return _extract_chatgpt_responses(response) else: return _extract_openai_completion_responses(response) def _extract_palm_responses(completion) -> List[str]: """ Extracts the text part of a 'Completion' object from Google PaLM2 `generate_text` or `chat` NOTE: The candidate object for `generate_text` has a key 'output' which contains the response, while the `chat` API uses a key 'content'. This checks for either. """ return [ c['output'] if 'output' in c else c['content'] for c in completion['candidates'] ] def extract_responses(response: Union[list, dict], llm: Union[LLM, str]) -> List[str]: """ Given a LLM and a response object from its API, extract the text response(s) part of the response object. """ llm_str = if isinstance(llm, LLM) else llm if llm_str[:6] == 'OpenAI': if 'davinci' in llm_str.lower(): return _extract_openai_completion_responses(response) else: return _extract_chatgpt_responses(response) elif llm_str[:5] == 'Azure': return _extract_openai_responses(response) elif llm_str[:5] == 'PaLM2': return _extract_palm_responses(response) elif llm_str[:5] == 'Dalai': return response elif llm_str[:6] == 'Claude': return [r["completion"] for r in response] else: raise ValueError(f"LLM {llm_str} is unsupported.") def merge_response_objs(resp_obj_A: Union[dict, None], resp_obj_B: Union[dict, None]) -> dict: if resp_obj_B is None: return resp_obj_A elif resp_obj_A is None: return resp_obj_B raw_resp_A = resp_obj_A["raw_response"] raw_resp_B = resp_obj_B["raw_response"] if not isinstance(raw_resp_A, list): raw_resp_A = [ raw_resp_A ] if not isinstance(raw_resp_B, list): raw_resp_B = [ raw_resp_B ] C = { "responses": resp_obj_A["responses"] + resp_obj_B["responses"], "raw_response": raw_resp_A + raw_resp_B, } return { **C, "prompt": resp_obj_B['prompt'], "query": resp_obj_B['query'], "llm": resp_obj_B['llm'], "info": resp_obj_B['info'], "metavars": resp_obj_B['metavars'], } def create_dir_if_not_exists(path: str) -> None: if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) def is_valid_filepath(filepath: str) -> bool: try: with open(filepath, 'r', encoding='utf-8'): pass except IOError: try: # Create the file if it doesn't exist, and write an empty json string to it with open(filepath, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write("{}") pass except IOError: return False return True def is_valid_json(json_dict: dict) -> bool: if isinstance(json_dict, dict): try: json.dumps(json_dict) return True except Exception: pass return False def get_files_at_dir(path: str) -> list: f = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path): f = filenames break return f