* Use Mantine Textarea controlled for Textfields node, instead of textarea
* Added Tabular data node
* TabularData context menus
* Make TabularData template hooks responsive to column name changes.
* Reduced spacing between template hooks
* Better table styling and rename column popup
* Add 'carry with' feature to Prompt Permutation recursive generation using `associate_id`
* Much nicer var tags on inspect window
* Nicer styling for LLM group headers in inspect screen
* Pass metavars around in the backend to surface them to front-end
* Set min-height on inspect node to be larger
* Added in-line print in Eval nodes
* Append error message to print output
* Minor inspect node CSS tweaks and fixes
* Removed mix-blend-mode due to performance issues scrolling large text
* Added ground truth eval example for math problems
* Updated React build and version number
* Model settings forms
* Editable nicknames and emojis
* Saving and loading model settings
* Temperature indicator on LLM items in PromptNodes
* Ensure LLM nicknames are unique
* Detect when PaLM blocks responses and output standard error msg in response instead
* Fix examples/ to use new cache format
* Add helpful 'could not reach server' text on countQueries fail
* Add Dalai model settings
* Rebuild react and update package version
* Rename main folders
* Preparing for package deployment
* Use absolute paths and imports
* Move react-server into chainforge dir
* Add MANIFEST.in to copy react-server build over to package
* Add include_package_data
* Add manifest.json and icons to /static.
* Update README.md
* Update GUIDE.md