diff --git a/chain-forge/src/EvaluatorNode.js b/chain-forge/src/EvaluatorNode.js
index 662e14c..d4d0ba7 100644
--- a/chain-forge/src/EvaluatorNode.js
+++ b/chain-forge/src/EvaluatorNode.js
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
-import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
+import React, { useState, useRef } from 'react';
import { Handle } from 'react-flow-renderer';
import useStore from './store';
-import StatusIndicator from './StatusIndicatorComponent'
import NodeLabel from './NodeLabelComponent'
-import AlertModal from './AlertModal'
import { IconTerminal } from '@tabler/icons-react'
import {BASE_URL} from './store';
@@ -27,9 +25,7 @@ const EvaluatorNode = ({ data, id }) => {
const [codeText, setCodeText] = useState(data.code);
const [codeTextOnLastRun, setCodeTextOnLastRun] = useState(false);
- const [reduceMethod, setReduceMethod] = useState('none');
const [mapScope, setMapScope] = useState('response');
- const [reduceVars, setReduceVars] = useState([]);
const handleCodeChange = (code) => {
if (codeTextOnLastRun !== false) {
@@ -82,7 +78,7 @@ const EvaluatorNode = ({ data, id }) => {
code: codeTextOnRun,
scope: mapScope,
responses: input_node_ids,
- reduce_vars: reduceMethod === 'avg' ? reduceVars : [],
+ reduce_vars: [], // reduceMethod === 'avg' ? reduceVars : [],
script_paths: script_paths,
// write an extra part here that takes in reduce func
@@ -112,37 +108,9 @@ const EvaluatorNode = ({ data, id }) => {
}, rejected);
- const handleOnReduceMethodSelect = (event) => {
- const method = event.target.value;
- if (method === 'none') {
- setReduceVars([]);
- }
- setReduceMethod(method);
- };
const handleOnMapScopeSelect = (event) => {
- const handleReduceVarsChange = (event) => {
- // Split on commas, ignoring commas wrapped in double-quotes
- const regex_csv = /,(?!(?<=(?:^|,)\s*\x22(?:[^\x22]|\x22\x22|\\\x22)*,)(?:[^\x22]|\x22\x22|\\\x22)*\x22\s*(?:,|$))/g;
- setReduceVars(event.target.value.split(regex_csv).map(s => s.trim()));
- };
- // To get CM editor state every render, use this and add ref={cmRef} to CodeMirror component
- // const cmRef = React.useRef({});
- // useEffect(() => {
- // if (cmRef.current?.view) console.log('EditorView:', cmRef.current?.view);
- // if (cmRef.current?.state) console.log('EditorState:', cmRef.current?.state);
- // if (cmRef.current?.editor) {
- // console.log('HTMLDivElement:', cmRef.current?.editor);
- // }
- // }, [cmRef.current]);
- // const initEditor = (view, state) => {
- // console.log(view, state);
- // }
const hideStatusIndicator = () => {
if (status !== 'none') { setStatus('none'); }
@@ -200,34 +168,17 @@ const EvaluatorNode = ({ data, id }) => {
- {/* */}
+ {/*
Method to reduce across responses:
- {/*
- */}
+ */}
diff --git a/chain-forge/src/InspectorNode.js b/chain-forge/src/InspectorNode.js
index f107dc0..32ff9a5 100644
--- a/chain-forge/src/InspectorNode.js
+++ b/chain-forge/src/InspectorNode.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { Handle } from 'react-flow-renderer';
-import { Badge } from '@mantine/core';
+import { Badge, MultiSelect } from '@mantine/core';
import useStore from './store';
import NodeLabel from './NodeLabelComponent'
import {BASE_URL} from './store';
@@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ const bucketResponsesByLLM = (responses) => {
const InspectorNode = ({ data, id }) => {
const [responses, setResponses] = useState([]);
- const [varSelects, setVarSelects] = useState([]);
const [pastInputs, setPastInputs] = useState([]);
const inputEdgesForNode = useStore((state) => state.inputEdgesForNode);
const setDataPropsForNode = useStore((state) => state.setDataPropsForNode);
- const handleVarValueSelect = () => {
- }
+ // The MultiSelect so people can dynamically set what vars they care about
+ const [multiSelectVars, setMultiSelectVars] = useState(data.vars || []);
+ const [multiSelectValue, setMultiSelectValue] = useState(data.selected_vars || []);
const handleOnConnect = () => {
// Get the ids from the connected input nodes:
@@ -59,19 +59,61 @@ const InspectorNode = ({ data, id }) => {
}).then(function(json) {
if (json.responses && json.responses.length > 0) {
+ const responses = json.responses;
+ // Find all vars in response
+ let found_vars = new Set();
+ responses.forEach(res_obj => {
+ Object.keys(res_obj.vars).forEach(v => {
+ found_vars.add(v);
+ });
+ });
+ // Set the variables accessible in the MultiSelect for 'group by'
+ setMultiSelectVars(Array.from(found_vars).map(name => (
+ // We add a $ prefix to mark this as a prompt parameter, and so
+ // in the future we can add special types of variables without name collisions
+ {value: `${name}`, label: name}
+ )).concat({value: 'LLM', label: 'LLM'}));
+ // If this is an initial run or the multi select value is empty, set to group by 'LLM' by default:
+ let selected_vars = multiSelectValue;
+ if (multiSelectValue.length === 0) {
+ setMultiSelectValue(['LLM']);
+ selected_vars = ['LLM'];
+ }
+ // Now we need to perform groupings by each var in the selected vars list,
+ // nesting the groupings (preferrably with custom divs) and sorting within
+ // each group by value of that group's var (so all same values are clumped together).
+ /**
+ const groupBy = (resps, varnames) => {
+ if (varnames.length === 0) return [];
+ const groupName = varnames[0];
+ const groupedResponses = groupResponsesByVar(resps, groupName);
+ const groupedResponseDivs = groupedResponses.map(g => groupBy(g, varnames.slice(1)));
+ return (
+ {groupName}
+ {groupedResponseDivs}
+ );
+ };
+ // Group by LLM
+ if (selected_vars.includes('LLM')) {
+ // ...
+ // Group without LLM
+ } else {
+ // ..
+ }
+ */
// Bucket responses by LLM:
const responses_by_llm = bucketResponsesByLLM(json.responses);
- // // Get the var names across all responses, as a set
- // let tempvarnames = new Set();
- // json.responses.forEach(r => {
- // if (!r.vars) return;
- // Object.keys(r.vars).forEach(tempvarnames.add);
- // });
- // // Create a dict version
- // let tempvars = {};
const colors = ['#ace1aeb1', '#f1b963b1', '#e46161b1', '#f8f398b1', '#defcf9b1', '#cadefcb1', '#c3bef0b1', '#cca8e9b1'];
setResponses(Object.keys(responses_by_llm).map((llm, llm_idx) => {
@@ -136,11 +178,15 @@ const InspectorNode = ({ data, id }) => {
- {/*