mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 16:26:45 +00:00
Basic support for dict evaluation results
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,15 +19,18 @@ const vars_to_str = (vars) => {
return pairs;
const bucketResponsesByLLM = (responses) => {
let responses_by_llm = {};
const groupResponsesBy = (responses, keyFunc) => {
let responses_by_key = {};
let unspecified_group = [];
responses.forEach(item => {
if (item.llm in responses_by_llm)
const key = keyFunc(item);
const d = key !== null ? responses_by_key : unspecified_group;
if (key in d)
responses_by_llm[item.llm] = [item];
d[key] = [item];
return responses_by_llm;
return [responses_by_key, unspecified_group];
const InspectorNode = ({ data, id }) => {
@ -86,34 +89,66 @@ const InspectorNode = ({ data, id }) => {
// Now we need to perform groupings by each var in the selected vars list,
// nesting the groupings (preferrably with custom divs) and sorting within
// each group by value of that group's var (so all same values are clumped together).
// :: For instance, for varnames = ['LLM', '$var1', '$var2'] we should get back
// :: nested divs first grouped by LLM (first level), then by var1, then var2 (deepest level).
const groupBy = (resps, varnames) => {
if (varnames.length === 0) return [];
const groupByVars = (resps, varnames, eatenvars) => {
if (resps.length === 0) return [];
if (varnames.length === 0) {
// Base case. Display n response(s) to each single prompt, back-to-back:
return resps.map((res_obj, res_idx) => {
// Spans for actual individual response texts
const ps = res_obj.responses.map((r, idx) =>
(<pre className="small-response" key={idx}>{r}</pre>)
const groupName = varnames[0];
const groupedResponses = groupResponsesByVar(resps, groupName);
const groupedResponseDivs = groupedResponses.map(g => groupBy(g, varnames.slice(1)));
// At the deepest level, there may still be some vars left over. We want to display these
// as tags, too, so we need to display only the ones that weren't 'eaten' during the recursive call:
// (e.g., the vars that weren't part of the initial 'varnames' list that form the groupings)
const vars = vars_to_str(res_obj.vars.filter(v => !eatenvars.includes(v)));
const var_tags = vars.map((v) =>
(<Badge key={v} color="blue" size="xs">{v}</Badge>)
return (
<div key={"r"+res_idx} className="response-box" style={{ backgroundColor: colorForLLM(res_obj.llm) }}>
return (
<div key={groupName} className="response-group">
// Bucket responses by the first var in the list, where
// we also bucket any 'leftover' responses that didn't have the requested variable (a kind of 'soft fail')
const group_name = varnames[0];
const [grouped_resps, leftover_resps] = (group_name === 'LLM')
? groupResponsesBy(resps, (r => r.llm))
: groupResponsesBy(resps, (r => ((group_name in r.vars) ? r.vars[group_name] : null)));
// Now produce nested divs corresponding to the groups
const remaining_vars = varnames.slice(1);
const updated_eatenvars = eatenvars.concat([group_name]);
const grouped_resps_divs = grouped_resps.map(g => groupByVars(g, remaining_vars, updated_eatenvars));
const leftover_resps_divs = leftover_resps.length > 0 ? groupByVars(leftover_resps, remaining_vars, updated_eatenvars) : [];
return (<>
<div key={group_name} className="response-group">
{leftover_resps_divs.length === 0 ? (<></>) : (
<div key={'__unspecified_group'} className="response-group">
// Group by LLM
if (selected_vars.includes('LLM')) {
// ...
// Group without LLM
} else {
// ..
// Produce DIV elements grouped by selected vars
groupByVars(responses, selected_vars, []);
// Bucket responses by LLM:
const responses_by_llm = bucketResponsesByLLM(json.responses);
const responses_by_llm = groupResponsesBy(responses, (r => r.llm));
const colors = ['#ace1aeb1', '#f1b963b1', '#e46161b1', '#f8f398b1', '#defcf9b1', '#cadefcb1', '#c3bef0b1', '#cca8e9b1'];
setResponses(Object.keys(responses_by_llm).map((llm, llm_idx) => {
@ -61,32 +61,57 @@ const VisNode = ({ data, id }) => {
const llm_names = Object.keys(responses_by_llm);
// Get the type of evaluation results, if present
// (This is assumed to be consistent across response batches)
const typeof_eval_res = 'dtype' in responses[0].eval_res ? responses[0].eval_res['dtype'] : 'Numeric';
let metric_ax_label = null;
if (typeof_eval_res.includes('KeyValue')) {
// Check if it's a single-item dict; in which case we can extract the key to name the axis:
const keys = Object.keys(responses[0].eval_res.items[0]);
if (keys.length === 1)
metric_ax_label = keys[0];
throw Error('Dict metrics with more than one key are currently unsupported.')
// TODO: When multiple metrics are present, and 1 var is selected (can be multiple LLMs as well),
// default to Parallel Coordinates plot, with the 1 var values on the y-axis as colored groups, and metrics on x-axis.
// For multiple LLMs, add a control drop-down selector to switch the LLM visualized in the plot.
const get_items = (eval_res_obj) => {
if (typeof_eval_res.includes('KeyValue'))
return eval_res_obj.items.map(item => item[metric_ax_label]);
return eval_res_obj.items;
// Create Plotly spec here
const varnames = multiSelectValue;
const colors = ['#cbf078', '#f1b963', '#e46161', '#f8f398', '#defcf9', '#cadefc', '#c3bef0', '#cca8e9'];
let spec = [];
let layout = {
width: 420, height: 300, title: '', margin: {
l: 105, r: 0, b: 20, t: 20, pad: 0
l: 105, r: 0, b: 36, t: 20, pad: 0
const plot_grouped_boxplot = (resp_to_x) => {
// Get all possible values of the single variable response ('name' vals)
const names = new Set(responses.map(resp_to_x));
llm_names.forEach((llm, idx) => {
// Create HTML for hovering over a single datapoint. We must use 'br' to specify line breaks.
const rs = responses_by_llm[llm];
// Get all possible values of the single variable response ('name' vals)
const names = new Set(responses.map(resp_to_x));
let x_items = [];
let y_items = [];
let text_items = [];
for (const name of names) {
rs.forEach(r => {
if (resp_to_x(r) !== name) return;
x_items = x_items.concat(r.eval_res.items).flat();
x_items = x_items.concat(get_items(r.eval_res)).flat();
text_items = text_items.concat(createHoverTexts(r.responses)).flat();
y_items = y_items.concat(Array(r.eval_res.items.length).fill(truncStr(name, 12))).flat();
y_items = y_items.concat(Array(get_items(r.eval_res).length).fill(truncStr(name, 12))).flat();
@ -101,21 +126,13 @@ const VisNode = ({ data, id }) => {
hovertemplate: '%{text} <b><i>(%{x})</i></b>',
orientation: 'h',
// const hover_texts = rs.map(r => createHoverTexts(r.responses)).flat();
// spec.push({
// type: 'box',
// name: llm,
// marker: {color: colors[idx % colors.length]},
// x: rs.map(r => r.eval_res.items).flat(),
// y: rs.map(r => Array(r.eval_res.items.length).fill(resp_to_x(r))).flat(),
// boxpoints: 'all',
// text: hover_texts,
// hovertemplate: '%{text} <b><i>(%{x})</i></b>',
// orientation: 'h',
// });
layout.boxmode = 'group';
if (metric_ax_label)
layout.xaxis = {
title: { font: {size: 12}, text: metric_ax_label },
if (varnames.length === 0) {
@ -134,7 +151,7 @@ const VisNode = ({ data, id }) => {
let text_items = [];
responses.forEach(r => {
if (r.vars[varnames[0]].trim() !== name) return;
x_items = x_items.concat(r.eval_res.items);
x_items = x_items.concat(get_items(r.eval_res));
text_items = text_items.concat(createHoverTexts(r.responses));
@ -142,6 +159,11 @@ const VisNode = ({ data, id }) => {
layout.hovermode = 'closest';
if (metric_ax_label)
layout.xaxis = {
title: { font: {size: 12}, text: metric_ax_label },
} else {
// There are multiple LLMs in the response; do a grouped box plot by LLM.
// Note that 'name' is now the LLM, and 'x' stores the value of the var:
@ -155,7 +177,7 @@ const VisNode = ({ data, id }) => {
type: 'scatter3d',
x: responses.map(r => r.vars[varnames[0]]).map(s => truncStr(s, 12)),
y: responses.map(r => r.vars[varnames[1]]).map(s => truncStr(s, 12)),
z: responses.map(r => r.eval_res.mean),
z: responses.map(r => get_items(r.eval_res).reduce((acc, val) => (acc + val), 0) / r.eval_res.items.length), // calculates mean
mode: 'markers',
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import json, os, asyncio, sys, argparse, threading, traceback
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from statistics import mean, median, stdev
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, render_template, send_from_directory
from flask_cors import CORS
@ -66,35 +67,119 @@ def load_cache_json(filepath: str) -> dict:
responses = json.load(f)
return responses
class MetricType(Enum):
KeyValue = 0
KeyValue_Numeric = 1
KeyValue_Categorical = 2
KeyValue_Mixed = 3
Numeric = 4
Categorical = 5
Mixed = 6
Unknown = 7
Empty = 8
def check_typeof_vals(arr: list) -> MetricType:
if len(arr) == 0: return MetricType.Empty
def typeof_set(types: set) -> MetricType:
if len(types) == 0: return MetricType.Empty
if len(types) == 1 and next(iter(types)) == dict:
return MetricType.KeyValue
elif all((t in (int, float) for t in types)):
# Numeric metrics only
return MetricType.Numeric
elif all((t in (str, bool) for t in types)):
# Categorical metrics only ('bool' is True/False, counts as categorical)
return MetricType.Categorical
elif all((t in (int, float, bool, str) for t in types)):
# Mix of numeric and categorical types
return MetricType.Mixed
# Mix of types beyond basic ones
return MetricType.Unknown
def typeof_dict_vals(d):
dict_val_type = typeof_set(set((type(v) for v in d.values())))
if dict_val_type == MetricType.Numeric:
return MetricType.KeyValue_Numeric
elif dict_val_type == MetricType.Categorical:
return MetricType.KeyValue_Categorical
return MetricType.KeyValue_Mixed
# Checks type of all values in 'arr' and returns the type
val_type = typeof_set(set((type(v) for v in arr)))
if val_type == MetricType.KeyValue:
# This is a 'KeyValue' pair type. We need to find the more specific type of the values in the dict.
# First, we check that all dicts have the exact same keys
for i in range(len(arr)-1):
d, e = arr[i], arr[i+1]
if set(d.keys()) != set(e.keys()):
raise Exception('The keys and size of dicts for evaluation results must be consistent across evaluations.')
# Then, we check the consistency of the type of dict values:
first_dict_val_type = typeof_dict_vals(arr[0])
for d in arr[1:]:
if first_dict_val_type != typeof_dict_vals(d):
raise Exception('Types of values in dicts for evaluation results must be consistent across responses.')
# If we're here, all checks passed, and we return the more specific KeyValue type:
return first_dict_val_type
return val_type
def run_over_responses(eval_func, responses: list, scope: str) -> list:
for resp_obj in responses:
res = resp_obj['responses']
if scope == 'response':
evals = [ # Run evaluator func over every individual response text
) for r in res
resp_obj['eval_res'] = { # NOTE: assumes this is numeric data
'mean': mean(evals),
'median': median(evals),
'stdev': stdev(evals) if len(evals) > 1 else 0,
'range': (min(evals), max(evals)),
'items': evals,
else: # operate over the entire response batch
# Run evaluator func over every individual response text
evals = [eval_func(
) for r in res]
# Check the type of evaluation results
# NOTE: We assume this is consistent across all evaluations, but it may not be.
eval_res_type = check_typeof_vals(evals)
if eval_res_type == MetricType.Numeric:
# Store items with summary of mean, median, etc
resp_obj['eval_res'] = {
'mean': mean(evals),
'median': median(evals),
'stdev': stdev(evals) if len(evals) > 1 else 0,
'range': (min(evals), max(evals)),
'items': evals,
'dtype': eval_res_type.name,
elif eval_res_type in (MetricType.Unknown, MetricType.Empty):
raise Exception('Unsupported types found in evaluation results. Only supported types for metrics are: int, float, bool, str.')
# Categorical, KeyValue, etc, we just store the items:
resp_obj['eval_res'] = {
'items': evals,
'dtype': eval_res_type.name,
# Run evaluator func over the entire response batch
ev = eval_func(res)
resp_obj['eval_res'] = { # NOTE: assumes this is numeric data
'mean': ev,
'median': ev,
'stdev': 0,
'range': (ev, ev),
'items': [ev],
ev_type = typeof_set(set((type(ev),)))
if ev_type == MetricType.Numeric:
resp_obj['eval_res'] = {
'mean': ev,
'median': ev,
'stdev': 0,
'range': (ev, ev),
'items': [ev],
'type': ev_type.name,
resp_obj['eval_res'] = {
'items': [ev],
'type': ev_type.name,
return responses
def reduce_responses(responses: list, vars: list) -> list:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user