edge cases

This commit is contained in:
Ian Arawjo 2023-10-16 14:29:05 -04:00
parent 095d77a71b
commit 6675189424

View File

@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ const getVarsAndMetavars = (input_data) => {
const containsMultipleLLMs = (resp_objs) => {
return (new Set(resp_objs.map(r => r.llm.key || r.llm))).length > 1;
const countNumLLMs = (resp_objs) => {
return (new Set(resp_objs.filter(r => typeof r !== "string").map(r => r.llm.key || r.llm))).size;
const truncStr = (s, maxLen) => {
@ -69,26 +69,38 @@ const groupResponsesBy = (responses, keyFunc) => {
const DEFAULT_GROUPBY_VAR_ALL = { label: "all text", value: "A" };
const displayJoinedTexts = (textInfos) =>
textInfos.map((info, idx) => {
const displayJoinedTexts = (textInfos, getColorForLLM) => {
const color_for_llm = (llm) => (getColorForLLM(llm) + '99');
return textInfos.map((info, idx) => {
const vars = info.fill_history;
const var_tags = vars === undefined ? [] : Object.keys(vars).map((varname) => {
let var_tags = vars === undefined ? [] : Object.keys(vars).map((varname) => {
const v = truncStr(vars[varname].trim(), 72);
return (<div key={varname} className="response-var-inline">
<span className="response-var-name">{varname}&nbsp;=&nbsp;</span><span className="response-var-value">{v}</span>
const ps = (<pre className='small-response'>{info.text || info}</pre>);
return (
<div key={idx}>
<pre className='prompt-preview join-text-preview'>
{info.text || info}
<div key={"r"+idx} className="response-box" style={{ backgroundColor: (info.llm ? color_for_llm(info.llm?.name) : '#ddd'), width: `100%`}}>
<div className="response-var-inline-container">
{info.llm === undefined ?
: (<div className="response-item-llm-name-wrapper">
const JoinedTextsPopover = ({ textInfos, onHover, onClick }) => {
const JoinedTextsPopover = ({ textInfos, onHover, onClick, getColorForLLM }) => {
const [opened, { close, open }] = useDisclosure(false);
const _onHover = useCallback(() => {
@ -107,7 +119,7 @@ const JoinedTextsPopover = ({ textInfos, onHover, onClick }) => {
<Popover.Dropdown sx={{ pointerEvents: 'none' }}>
<Center><Text size='xs' fw={500} color='#666'>Preview of joined inputs ({textInfos?.length} total)</Text></Center>
{displayJoinedTexts(textInfos, getColorForLLM)}
@ -128,6 +140,9 @@ const JoinNode = ({ data, id }) => {
const inputEdgesForNode = useStore((state) => state.inputEdgesForNode);
const setDataPropsForNode = useStore((state) => state.setDataPropsForNode);
// Global lookup for what color to use per LLM
const getColorForLLMAndSetIfNotFound = useStore((state) => state.getColorForLLMAndSetIfNotFound);
const [inputHasLLMs, setInputHasLLMs] = useState(false);
const [inputHasMultiRespPerLLM, setInputHasMultiRespPerLLM] = useState(false);
@ -150,6 +165,10 @@ const JoinNode = ({ data, id }) => {
// Find all vars and metavars in the input data (if any):
const {vars, metavars} = getVarsAndMetavars(input_data.__input);
// Check whether more than one LLM is present in the inputs:
const numLLMs = countNumLLMs(input_data.__input);
setInputHasLLMs(numLLMs > 1);
// Refresh the dropdown list with available vars/metavars:
vars.map(varname => ({label: `within ${varname}`, value: `V${varname}`})))
@ -157,13 +176,12 @@ const JoinNode = ({ data, id }) => {
metavars.filter(varname => !varname.startsWith('LLM_')).map(varname => ({label: `within ${varname} (meta)`, value: `M${varname}`})))
// If groupByVar is set to non-ALL (not "A"), then we need to group responses by that variable first:
if (groupByVar !== 'A') {
const joinByVars = (input) => {
const varname = groupByVar.substring(1);
const [groupedResps, unspecGroup] = groupResponsesBy(input_data.__input,
const [groupedResps, unspecGroup] = groupResponsesBy(input,
(groupByVar[0] === 'V') ?
(r) => r.fill_history[varname] :
(r) => r.metavars[varname]
(r) => (r.fill_history ? r.fill_history[varname] : undefined) :
(r) => (r.metavars ? r.metavars[varname] : undefined)
@ -171,36 +189,76 @@ const JoinNode = ({ data, id }) => {
// (NOTE: We can do this directly here as response texts can't be templates themselves)
let joined_texts = Object.entries(groupedResps).map(([var_val, resp_objs]) => {
if (resp_objs.length === 0) return "";
let llm = containsMultipleLLMs(resp_objs) ? undefined : resp_objs[0].llm;
const llm = (countNumLLMs(resp_objs) > 1) ? undefined : resp_objs[0].llm;
let vars = {};
vars[varname] = var_val;
if (groupByVar !== 'A')
vars[varname] = var_val;
return {
text: joinTexts(resp_objs.map(r => r.text), formatting),
text: joinTexts(resp_objs.map(r => r.text !== undefined ? r.text : r), formatting),
fill_history: vars,
llm: llm,
// NOTE: We lose all other metadata here, because we could've joined across other vars or metavars values.
// Add any data from unspecified group
if (unspecGroup.length > 0) {
const llm = (countNumLLMs(unspecGroup) > 1) ? undefined : unspecGroup[0].llm;
text: joinTexts(unspecGroup.map(u => u.text !== undefined ? u.text : u), formatting),
fill_history: {},
llm: llm,
return joined_texts;
// If there's multiple LLMs and groupByLLM is 'within', we need to
// first group by the LLMs (and a possible 'undefined' group):
if (numLLMs > 1 && groupByLLM === 'within') {
let joined_texts = [];
const [groupedRespsByLLM, nonLLMRespGroup] = groupResponsesBy(input_data.__input, r => r.llm?.key || r.llm);
Object.entries(groupedRespsByLLM).map(([llm_key, resp_objs]) => {
// Group only within the LLM
joined_texts = joined_texts.concat(joinByVars(resp_objs));
if (nonLLMRespGroup.length > 0)
joined_texts.push(joinTexts(nonLLMRespGroup, formatting));
else {
// Since templates could be chained, we need to run this
// through the prompt generator:
fetch_from_backend('generatePrompts', {
prompt: "{__input}",
vars: input_data,
}).then(promptTemplates => {
const texts = promptTemplates.map(p => p.toString());
} else {
// Join across LLMs (join irrespective of LLM):
if (groupByVar !== 'A') {
// If groupByVar is set to non-ALL (not "A"), then we need to group responses by that variable first:
const joined_texts = joinByVars(input_data.__input);
} else {
// Since templates could be chained, we need to run this
// through the prompt generator:
fetch_from_backend('generatePrompts', {
prompt: "{__input}",
vars: input_data,
}).then(promptTemplates => {
const texts = promptTemplates.map(p => p.toString());
const joined_texts = joinTexts(texts, formatting);
let joined_texts = joinTexts(texts, formatting);
// If there is exactly 1 LLM and it's present across all inputs, keep track of it:
if (numLLMs === 1 && input_data.__input.every((r) => r.llm !== undefined))
joined_texts = {text: joined_texts, fill_history: {}, llm: input_data.__input[0].llm};
}, [formatting, pullInputData, groupByVar]);
}, [formatting, pullInputData, groupByVar, groupByLLM]);
if (data.input) {
// If there's a change in inputs...
@ -224,11 +282,11 @@ const JoinNode = ({ data, id }) => {
icon={<IconArrowMerge size='14pt'/>}
<JoinedTextsPopover key='joined-text-previews' textInfos={joinedTexts} onHover={handleOnConnect} onClick={openInfoModal} />
<JoinedTextsPopover key='joined-text-previews' textInfos={joinedTexts} onHover={handleOnConnect} onClick={openInfoModal} getColorForLLM={getColorForLLMAndSetIfNotFound} />
]} />
<Modal title={'List of joined inputs (' + joinedTexts.length + ' total)'} size='xl' opened={infoModalOpened} onClose={closeInfoModal} styles={{header: {backgroundColor: '#FFD700'}, root: {position: 'relative', left: '-5%'}}}>
<Box size={600} m='lg' mt='xl'>
{displayJoinedTexts(joinedTexts, getColorForLLMAndSetIfNotFound)}
<div style={{display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'left', maxWidth: '100%', marginBottom: '10px'}}>
@ -251,7 +309,7 @@ const JoinNode = ({ data, id }) => {
ml='40px' />
<Text mt='3px'>LLM(s)</Text>
<Text mt='3px'>LLMs</Text>
: <></>}
{inputHasMultiRespPerLLM ?