mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 00:36:29 +00:00
wip swapping backends
This commit is contained in:
@ -119,7 +119,12 @@ const VisNode = ({ data, id }) => {
// The MultiSelect so people can dynamically set what vars they care about
const [multiSelectVars, setMultiSelectVars] = useState(data.vars || []);
const [multiSelectValue, setMultiSelectValue] = useState(data.selected_vars[0] || 'LLM (default)');
const [multiSelectValue, setMultiSelectValue] = useState(
data.selected_vars ?
((Array.isArray(data.selected_vars) && data.selected_vars.length > 0) ?
: data.selected_vars)
: 'LLM (default)');
// Typically, a user will only need the default LLM 'group' --all LLMs in responses.
// However, when prompts are chained together, the original LLM info is stored in metavars as a key.
@ -3,10 +3,39 @@
import { LLM } from '../models';
import { expect, test } from '@jest/globals';
import { queryLLM, executejs, ResponseInfo } from '../backend';
import { StandardizedLLMResponse } from '../typing';
import { queryLLM, executejs, countQueries, ResponseInfo } from '../backend';
import { StandardizedLLMResponse, Dict } from '../typing';
import StorageCache from '../cache';
test('count queries required', async () => {
// Setup params to call
let prompt = 'What is the {timeframe} when {person} was born?';
let vars: {[key: string]: any} = {
'timeframe': ['year', 'decade', 'century'],
'person': ['Howard Hughes', 'Toni Morrison', 'Otis Redding']
// Double-check the queries required (not loading from cache)
const test_count_queries = async (llms: Array<string | Dict>, n: number) => {
const { counts, total_num_responses, error } = await countQueries(prompt, vars, llms, n);
Object.values(total_num_responses).forEach(v => {
expect(v).toBe(n * 3 * 3);
Object.keys(counts).forEach(llm => {
expect(Object.keys(counts[llm])).toHaveLength(3 * 3);
Object.values(counts[llm]).forEach(num => {
// Try a number of different inputs
await test_count_queries([LLM.OpenAI_ChatGPT, LLM.Claude_v1], 3);
await test_count_queries([{ name: "Claude", key: 'claude-test', emoji: "📚", model: "claude-v1", base_model: "claude-v1", temp: 0.5 }], 5);
test('call three LLMs with a single prompt', async () => {
// Setup params to call
const prompt = 'What is one major difference between French and English languages? Be brief.'
@ -13,15 +13,19 @@ import { mean as __mean, std as __std, median as __median } from "mathjs";
import { Dict, LLMResponseError, LLMResponseObject, StandardizedLLMResponse } from "./typing";
import { LLM } from "./models";
import { getEnumName, set_api_keys } from "./utils";
import { APP_IS_RUNNING_LOCALLY, getEnumName, set_api_keys } from "./utils";
import StorageCache from "./cache";
import { PromptPipeline } from "./query";
import { PromptPermutationGenerator, PromptTemplate } from "./template";
// """ =================
// =================
// """
/** Where the ChainForge Flask server is being hosted. */
export const FLASK_BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:8000/';
let LLM_NAME_MAP = {};
Object.entries(LLM).forEach(([key, value]) => {
LLM_NAME_MAP[value] = key;
@ -190,10 +194,10 @@ function extract_llm_nickname(llm_spec: Dict | string) {
function extract_llm_name(llm_spec: Dict | string): string {
if (typeof llm_spec === 'object')
return llm_spec.model;
if (typeof llm_spec === 'string')
return llm_spec;
return llm_spec.model;
function extract_llm_key(llm_spec: Dict | string): string {
@ -212,19 +216,45 @@ function extract_llm_params(llm_spec: Dict | string): Dict {
return {};
* Test equality akin to Python's list equality.
function isLooselyEqual(value1: any, value2: any): boolean {
// If both values are non-array types, compare them directly
if (!Array.isArray(value1) && !Array.isArray(value2)) {
return value1 === value2;
// If either value is not an array or their lengths differ, they are not equal
if (!Array.isArray(value1) || !Array.isArray(value2) || value1.length !== value2.length) {
return false;
// Compare each element in the arrays recursively
for (let i = 0; i < value1.length; i++) {
if (!isLooselyEqual(value1[i], value2[i])) {
return false;
// All elements are equal
return true;
* Given a cache'd response object, and an LLM name and set of parameters (settings to use),
* determines whether the response query used the same parameters.
function matching_settings(cache_llm_spec: Dict, llm_spec: Dict) {
function matching_settings(cache_llm_spec: Dict | string, llm_spec: Dict | string): boolean {
if (extract_llm_name(cache_llm_spec) !== extract_llm_name(llm_spec))
return false;
if (typeof llm_spec === 'object' && typeof cache_llm_spec === 'object') {
const llm_params = extract_llm_params(llm_spec);
const cache_llm_params = extract_llm_params(cache_llm_spec);
for (const [param, val] of Object.entries(llm_params))
if (param in cache_llm_params && cache_llm_params[param] !== val)
return false;
if (param in cache_llm_params && !isLooselyEqual(cache_llm_params[param], val)) {
return false;
return true;
@ -339,86 +369,90 @@ function run_over_responses(eval_func: (resp: ResponseInfo) => any, responses: A
// ===================
// """
// @app.route('/app/countQueriesRequired', methods=['POST'])
// def countQueries():
// """
// Returns how many queries we need to make, given the passed prompt and vars.
* Calculates how many queries we need to make, given the passed prompt and vars.
* @param prompt the prompt template, with any {{}} vars
* @param vars a dict of the template variables to fill the prompt template with, by name.
* For each var value, can be single values or a list; in the latter, all permutations are passed. (Pass empty dict if no vars.)
* @param llms the list of LLMs you will query
* @param n how many responses expected per prompt
* @param id (optional) a unique ID of the node with cache'd responses. If missing, assumes no cache will be used.
* @returns If success, a dict with { counts: <dict of missing queries per LLM>, total_num_responses: <dict of total num responses per LLM> }
* If there was an error, returns a dict with a single key, 'error'.
export async function countQueries(prompt: string, vars: Dict, llms: Array<Dict | string>, n: number, id?: string): Promise<Dict> {
let gen_prompts: PromptPermutationGenerator;
let all_prompt_permutations: Array<PromptTemplate>;
try {
gen_prompts = new PromptPermutationGenerator(prompt);
all_prompt_permutations = Array.from(gen_prompts.generate(vars));
} catch (err) {
return {error: err.message};
let cache_file_lookup: Dict = {};
if (id !== undefined) {
const cache_data = load_from_cache(`${id}.json`);
cache_file_lookup = cache_data?.cache_files || {};
let missing_queries = {};
let num_responses_req = {};
const add_to_missing_queries = (llm_key: string, prompt: string, num: number) => {
if (!(llm_key in missing_queries))
missing_queries[llm_key] = {};
missing_queries[llm_key][prompt] = num;
const add_to_num_responses_req = (llm_key: string, num: number) => {
if (!(llm_key in num_responses_req))
num_responses_req[llm_key] = 0;
num_responses_req[llm_key] += num;
llms.forEach(llm_spec => {
const llm_key = extract_llm_key(llm_spec);
// POST'd data should be in the form:
// {
// 'prompt': str # the prompt template, with any {{}} vars
// 'vars': dict # a dict of the template variables to fill the prompt template with, by name.
// # For each var, can be single values or a list; in the latter, all permutations are passed. (Pass empty dict if no vars.)
// 'llms': list # the list of LLMs you will query
// 'n': int # how many responses expected per prompt
// 'id': str (optional) # a unique ID of the node with cache'd responses. If missing, assumes no cache will be used.
// }
// """
// data = request.get_json()
// if not set(data.keys()).issuperset({'prompt', 'vars', 'llms', 'n'}):
// return jsonify({'error': 'POST data is improper format.'})
// n = int(data['n'])
// Find the response cache file for the specific LLM, if any
let found_cache = false;
for (const [cache_filename, cache_llm_spec] of Object.entries(cache_file_lookup)) {
if (matching_settings(cache_llm_spec, llm_spec)) {
found_cache = true;
// try:
// gen_prompts = PromptPermutationGenerator(PromptTemplate(data['prompt']))
// all_prompt_permutations = list(gen_prompts(data['vars']))
// except Exception as e:
// return jsonify({'error': str(e)})
// if 'id' in data:
// cache_data = load_from_cache(f"{data['id']}.json")
// cache_file_lookup = cache_data['cache_files'] if 'cache_files' in cache_data else {}
// else:
// cache_file_lookup = {}
// missing_queries = {}
// num_responses_req = {}
// def add_to_missing_queries(llm_key, prompt, num):
// if llm_key not in missing_queries:
// missing_queries[llm_key] = {}
// missing_queries[llm_key][prompt] = num
// def add_to_num_responses_req(llm_key, num):
// if llm_key not in num_responses_req:
// num_responses_req[llm_key] = 0
// num_responses_req[llm_key] += num
// for llm_spec in data['llms']:
// llm_key = extract_llm_key(llm_spec)
// Load the cache file
const cache_llm_responses = load_from_cache(cache_filename);
// # Find the response cache file for the specific LLM, if any
// found_cache = False
// for cache_filename, cache_llm_spec in cache_file_lookup.items():
// if matching_settings(cache_llm_spec, llm_spec):
// found_cache = True
// Iterate through all prompt permutations and check if how many responses there are in the cache with that prompt
all_prompt_permutations.forEach(perm => {
const prompt_str = perm.toString();
// # Load the cache file
// cache_llm_responses = load_from_cache(cache_filename)
add_to_num_responses_req(llm_key, n);
// # Iterate through all prompt permutations and check if how many responses there are in the cache with that prompt
// for prompt in all_prompt_permutations:
// prompt = str(prompt)
// add_to_num_responses_req(llm_key, n)
// if prompt in cache_llm_responses:
// # Check how many were stored; if not enough, add how many missing queries:
// num_resps = len(cache_llm_responses[prompt]['responses'])
// if n > num_resps:
// add_to_missing_queries(llm_key, prompt, n - num_resps)
// else:
// add_to_missing_queries(llm_key, prompt, n)
// break
if (prompt_str in cache_llm_responses) {
// Check how many were stored; if not enough, add how many missing queries:
const num_resps = cache_llm_responses[prompt]['responses'].length;
if (n > num_resps)
add_to_missing_queries(llm_key, prompt, n - num_resps);
} else {
add_to_missing_queries(llm_key, prompt, n);
// if not found_cache:
// for prompt in all_prompt_permutations:
// add_to_num_responses_req(llm_key, n)
// add_to_missing_queries(llm_key, str(prompt), n)
// ret = jsonify({'counts': missing_queries, 'total_num_responses': num_responses_req})
// ret.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
// return ret
if (!found_cache) {
all_prompt_permutations.forEach(perm => {
add_to_num_responses_req(llm_key, n);
add_to_missing_queries(llm_key, perm.toString(), n);
return {'counts': missing_queries, 'total_num_responses': num_responses_req};
export function createProgressFile(id: string): void {
// do nothing --this isn't needed for the JS backend, but was for the Python one
@ -514,14 +548,14 @@ export async function queryLLM(id: string,
// Store the overall cache file for this id:
StorageCache.store(id, cache);
StorageCache.store(`${id}.json`, cache);
// Create a Proxy object to 'listen' for changes to a variable (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/50862441)
// and then stream those changes back to a provided callback used to update progress bars.
let progress = {};
let progressProxy = new Proxy(progress, {
set: function (target, key, value) {
console.log(`${key.toString()} set to ${value.toString()}`);
console.log(`${key.toString()} set to ${JSON.stringify(value)}`);
target[key] = value;
// If the caller provided a callback, notify it
@ -562,7 +596,7 @@ export async function queryLLM(id: string,
for await (const response of prompter.gen_responses(vars, llm_str as LLM, num_generations, temperature, llm_params)) {
// Check for selective failure
if (response instanceof LLMResponseError) { // The request failed
console.error(`error when fetching response from ${llm_str}: ${JSON.stringify(response)}`);
console.error(`error when fetching response from ${llm_str}: ${response.message}`);
num_errors += 1;
} else { // The request succeeded
@ -617,7 +651,7 @@ export async function queryLLM(id: string,
cache_filenames[filename] = llm_spec;
StorageCache.store(id, {
StorageCache.store(`${id}.json`, {
cache_files: cache_filenames,
responses_last_run: res,
@ -724,79 +758,36 @@ export async function executejs(id: string,
// Store the evaluated responses in a new cache json:
StorageCache.store(id, all_evald_responses);
StorageCache.store(`${id}.json`, all_evald_responses);
return {responses: all_evald_responses, logs: all_logs};
// @app.route('/app/checkEvalFunc', methods=['POST'])
// def checkEvalFunc():
// """
// Tries to compile a Python lambda function sent from JavaScript.
// Returns a dict with 'result':true if it compiles without raising an exception;
// 'result':false (and an 'error' property with a message) if not.
* Returns all responses with the specified id(s).
* @param responses the ids to grab
* @returns If success, a Dict with a single key, 'responses', with an array of StandardizedLLMResponse objects
* If failure, a Dict with a single key, 'error', with the error message.
export async function grabResponses(responses: Array<string>): Promise<Dict> {
// Grab all responses with the given ID:
let grabbed_resps = [];
for (let i = 0; i < responses.length; i++) {
const cache_id = responses[i];
const storageKey = `${cache_id}.json`;
if (!StorageCache.has(storageKey))
return {error: `Did not find cache data for id ${cache_id}`};
let res: Dict[] = load_cache_responses(storageKey);
if (typeof res === 'object' && !Array.isArray(res)) {
// Convert to standard response format
Object.entries(res).map(([prompt, res_obj]: [string, Dict]) => to_standard_format({prompt: prompt, ...res_obj}));
grabbed_resps = grabbed_resps.concat(res);
// POST'd data should be in form:
// {
// 'code': str, # the body of the lambda function to evaluate, in form: lambda responses: <body>
// }
// NOTE: This should only be run on your server on code you trust.
// There is no sandboxing; no safety. We assume you are the creator of the code.
// """
// data = request.get_json()
// if 'code' not in data:
// return jsonify({'result': False, 'error': 'Could not find "code" in message from front-end.'})
// # DANGER DANGER! Running exec on code passed through front-end. Make sure it's trusted!
// try:
// exec(data['code'], globals())
// # Double-check that there is an 'evaluate' method in our namespace.
// # This will throw a NameError if not:
// evaluate # noqa
// return jsonify({'result': True})
// except Exception as e:
// return jsonify({'result': False, 'error': f'Could not compile evaluator code. Error message:\n{str(e)}'})
// @app.route('/app/grabResponses', methods=['POST'])
// def grabResponses():
// """
// Returns all responses with the specified id(s)
// POST'd data should be in the form:
// {
// 'responses': <the ids to grab>
// }
// """
// data = request.get_json()
// # Check format of responses:
// if not (isinstance(data['responses'], str) or isinstance(data['responses'], list)):
// return jsonify({'error': 'POST data responses is improper format.'})
// elif isinstance(data['responses'], str):
// data['responses'] = [ data['responses'] ]
// # Load all responses with the given ID:
// all_cache_files = get_files_at_dir(CACHE_DIR)
// responses = []
// for cache_id in data['responses']:
// fname = f"{cache_id}.json"
// if fname not in all_cache_files:
// return jsonify({'error': f'Did not find cache file for id {cache_id}'})
// res = load_cache_responses(fname)
// if isinstance(res, dict):
// # Convert to standard response format
// res = [
// to_standard_format({'prompt': prompt, **res_obj})
// for prompt, res_obj in res.items()
// ]
// responses.extend(res)
// ret = jsonify({'responses': responses})
// ret.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
// return ret
return {'responses': grabbed_resps};
* Exports the cache'd data relevant to the given node id(s).
@ -829,136 +820,74 @@ export async function exportCache(ids: string[]) {
* @param files the name and contents of the cache file
* @returns Whether the import succeeded or not.
export async function importCache(files: { [key: string]: Dict | Array<any> }): Promise<boolean> {
export async function importCache(files: { [key: string]: Dict | Array<any> }): Promise<Dict> {
try {
// Write imported files to StorageCache
// Verify filenames, data, and access permissions to write to cache
Object.entries(files).forEach(([filename, data]) => {
console.log('storing file', filename);
StorageCache.store(filename, data);
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error importing from cache:', err.message);
return false;
return { result: false };
console.log("Imported cache data and stored to cache.");
return true;
return { result: true };
// @app.route('/app/fetchExampleFlow', methods=['POST'])
// def fetchExampleFlow():
// """
// Fetches the example flow data, given its filename. The filename should be the
// name of a file in the examples/ folder of the package.
* Fetches the example flow data, given its filename (without extension).
* The filename should be the name of a file in the examples/ folder of the package.
* @param _name The filename (without .cforge extension)
* @returns a Promise with the JSON of the loaded data
export async function fetchExampleFlow(evalname: string): Promise<Dict> {
// Attempt to fetch the example flow from the local filesystem
// by querying the Flask server:
return fetch(`${FLASK_BASE_URL}app/fetchExampleFlow`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'},
body: JSON.stringify({ name: evalname })
}).then(function(res) {
return res.json();
// Used for loading examples in the Example Flow modal.
// App is not running locally, but hosted on a site.
// If this is the case, attempt to fetch the example flow from a relative site path:
return fetch(`examples/${evalname}.cforge`).then(response => response.json());
// POST'd data should be in form:
// {
// name: <str> # The filename (without .cforge extension)
// }
// """
// # Verify post'd data
// data = request.get_json()
// if 'name' not in data:
// return jsonify({'error': 'Missing "name" parameter to fetchExampleFlow.'})
// # Verify 'examples' directory exists:
// if not os.path.isdir(EXAMPLES_DIR):
// dirpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
// return jsonify({'error': f'Could not find an examples/ directory at path {dirpath}'})
* Fetches a preconverted OpenAI eval as a .cforge JSON file.
// # Check if the file is there:
// filepath = os.path.join(EXAMPLES_DIR, data['name'] + '.cforge')
// if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
// return jsonify({'error': f"Could not find an example flow named {data['name']}"})
First checks if it's running locally; if so, defaults to Flask backend for this bunction.
Otherwise, tries to fetch the eval from a relative path on the website.
// # Load the file and return its data:
// try:
// with open(filepath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
// filedata = json.load(f)
// except Exception as e:
// return jsonify({'error': f"Error parsing example flow at {filepath}: {str(e)}"})
// ret = jsonify({'data': filedata})
// ret.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
// return ret
* @param _name The name of the eval to grab (without .cforge extension)
* @returns a Promise with the JSON of the loaded data
export async function fetchOpenAIEval(evalname: string): Promise<Dict> {
// Attempt to fetch the example flow from the local filesystem
// by querying the Flask server:
return fetch(`${FLASK_BASE_URL}app/fetchOpenAIEval`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'},
body: JSON.stringify({ name: evalname })
}).then(function(res) {
return res.json();
// @app.route('/app/fetchOpenAIEval', methods=['POST'])
// def fetchOpenAIEval():
// """
// Fetches a preconverted OpenAI eval as a .cforge JSON file.
// First detects if the eval is already in the cache. If the eval is already downloaded,
// it will be stored in examples/ folder of the package under a new oaievals directory.
// If it's not in the cache, it will download it from the ChainForge webserver.
// POST'd data should be in form:
// {
// name: <str> # The name of the eval to grab (without .cforge extension)
// }
// """
// # Verify post'd data
// data = request.get_json()
// if 'name' not in data:
// return jsonify({'error': 'Missing "name" parameter to fetchOpenAIEval.'})
// evalname = data['name']
// # Verify 'examples' directory exists:
// if not os.path.isdir(EXAMPLES_DIR):
// dirpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
// return jsonify({'error': f'Could not find an examples/ directory at path {dirpath}'})
// # Check if an oaievals subdirectory exists; if so, check for the file; if not create it:
// oaievals_cache_dir = os.path.join(EXAMPLES_DIR, "oaievals")
// if os.path.isdir(oaievals_cache_dir):
// filepath = os.path.join(oaievals_cache_dir, evalname + '.cforge')
// if os.path.isfile(filepath):
// # File was already downloaded. Load it from cache:
// try:
// with open(filepath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
// filedata = json.load(f)
// except Exception as e:
// return jsonify({'error': f"Error parsing OpenAI evals flow at {filepath}: {str(e)}"})
// ret = jsonify({'data': filedata})
// ret.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
// return ret
// # File was not downloaded
// else:
// # Directory does not exist yet; create it
// try:
// os.mkdir(oaievals_cache_dir)
// except Exception as e:
// return jsonify({'error': f"Error creating a new directory 'oaievals' at filepath {oaievals_cache_dir}: {str(e)}"})
// # Download the preconverted OpenAI eval from the GitHub main branch for ChainForge
// import requests
// _url = f"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ianarawjo/ChainForge/main/chainforge/oaievals/{evalname}.cforge"
// response = requests.get(_url)
// # Check if the request was successful (status code 200)
// if response.status_code == 200:
// # Parse the response as JSON
// filedata = response.json()
// # Store to the cache:
// with open(os.path.join(oaievals_cache_dir, evalname + '.cforge'), 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
// json.dump(filedata, f)
// else:
// print("Error:", response.status_code)
// return jsonify({'error': f"Error downloading OpenAI evals flow from {_url}: status code {response.status_code}"})
// ret = jsonify({'data': filedata})
// ret.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
// return ret
// def run_server(host="", port=8000, cmd_args=None):
// if cmd_args is not None and cmd_args.dummy_responses:
// global PromptLLM
// PromptLLM = PromptLLMDummy
// app.run(host=host, port=port)
// if __name__ == '__main__':
// print("Run app.py instead.")
// App is not running locally, but hosted on a site.
// If this is the case, attempt to fetch the example flow from relative path on the site:
// > ALT: `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ianarawjo/ChainForge/main/chainforge/oaievals/${_name}.cforge`
return fetch(`oaievals/${evalname}.cforge`).then(response => response.json());
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ export class PromptPipeline {
} catch(err) {
return { prompt: prompt,
query: undefined,
response: new LLMResponseError(err.toString()),
response: new LLMResponseError(err.message),
past_resp_obj: undefined };
@ -78,21 +78,31 @@ export function getEnumName(enumObject: any, enumValue: any): string | undefined
@returns raw query and response JSON dicts.
export async function call_chatgpt(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 1.0, params?: Dict): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
throw new Error("Could not find an OpenAI API key. Double-check that your API key is set in Settings or in your local environment.");
console.log('openai api key', OPENAI_API_KEY);
const configuration = new OpenAIConfig({
// Since we are running client-side, we need to remove the user-agent header:
delete configuration.baseOptions.headers['User-Agent'];
const openai = new OpenAIApi(configuration);
let modelname: string = model.toString();
if (params?.stop && (!Array.isArray(params.stop) || params.stop.length === 0))
if (params?.stop !== undefined && (!Array.isArray(params.stop) || params.stop.length === 0))
delete params.stop;
if (params?.functions && (!Array.isArray(params.functions) || params.functions.length === 0))
if (params?.functions !== undefined && (!Array.isArray(params.functions) || params.functions.length === 0))
delete params?.functions;
if (params?.function_call && (!(typeof params.function_call === 'string') || params.function_call.trim().length === 0))
if (params?.function_call !== undefined && ((!(typeof params.function_call === 'string')) || params.function_call.trim().length === 0)) {
delete params.function_call;
console.log(`Querying OpenAI model '${model}' with prompt '${prompt}'...`);
const system_msg: string = params?.system_msg || "You are a helpful assistant.";
delete params?.system_msg;
let query: Dict = {
model: modelname,
@ -121,6 +131,7 @@ export async function call_chatgpt(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, te
response = completion.data;
} catch (error: any) {
if (error?.response) {
throw new Error("Could not authenticate to OpenAI. Double-check that your API key is set in Settings or in your local environment.");
// throw new Error(error.response.status);
} else {
@ -153,15 +164,19 @@ export async function call_azure_openai(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number =
const client = new AzureOpenAIClient(AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT, new AzureKeyCredential(AZURE_OPENAI_KEY));
if (params?.stop && (!Array.isArray(params.stop) || params.stop.length === 0))
if (params?.stop !== undefined && (!Array.isArray(params.stop) || params.stop.length === 0))
delete params.stop;
if (params?.functions && (!Array.isArray(params.functions) || params.functions.length === 0))
if (params?.functions !== undefined && (!Array.isArray(params.functions) || params.functions.length === 0))
delete params?.functions;
if (params?.function_call && (!(typeof params.function_call === 'string') || params.function_call.trim().length === 0))
if (params?.function_call !== undefined && (!(typeof params.function_call === 'string') || params.function_call.trim().length === 0))
delete params.function_call;
console.log(`Querying Azure OpenAI deployed model '${deployment_name}' at endpoint '${AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT}' with prompt '${prompt}'...`)
const system_msg = params?.system_msg || "You are a helpful assistant.";
delete params?.system_msg;
delete params?.model_type;
delete params?.deployment_name;
// Setup the args for the query
let query: Dict = {
@ -213,7 +228,7 @@ export async function call_azure_openai(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number =
export async function call_anthropic(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 1.0, params?: Dict): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
throw Error("Could not find an API key for Anthropic models. Double-check that your API key is set in Settings or in your local Python environment.");
throw Error("Could not find an API key for Anthropic models. Double-check that your API key is set in Settings or in your local environment.");
// Initialize Anthropic API client
const client = new AnthropicClient(ANTHROPIC_API_KEY);
@ -539,6 +554,11 @@ export function merge_response_objs(resp_obj_A: LLMResponseObject | undefined, r
export function APP_IS_RUNNING_LOCALLY(): boolean {
const location = window.location;
return location.hostname === "localhost" || location.hostname === "" || location.hostname === "";
// def create_dir_if_not_exists(path: str) -> None:
// if not os.path.exists(path):
// os.makedirs(path)
@ -1,20 +1,45 @@
import { queryLLM, executejs } from "./backend/backend";
import { queryLLM, executejs, FLASK_BASE_URL,
fetchExampleFlow, fetchOpenAIEval, importCache,
exportCache, countQueries, grabResponses,
createProgressFile } from "./backend/backend";
import { APP_IS_RUNNING_LOCALLY } from "./backend/utils";
FLASK: 'flask',
/** Where the ChainForge Flask server is being hosted. */
export const FLASK_BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:8000/';
function _route_to_flask_backend(route, params, rejected) {
return fetch(`${FLASK_BASE_URL}app/${route}`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'},
body: JSON.stringify(params)
}, rejected).then(function(res) {
return res.json();
async function _route_to_js_backend(route, params) {
switch (route) {
case 'grabResponses':
return grabResponses(params.responses);
case 'countQueriesRequired':
return countQueries(params.prompt, params.vars, params.llms, params.n, params.id);
case 'createProgressFile':
return createProgressFile(params.id);
case 'queryllm':
return queryLLM(...Object.values(params));
return queryLLM(params.id, params.llm, params.n, params.prompt, params.vars, params.api_keys, params.no_cache, params.progress_listener);
case 'executejs':
return executejs(params.id, params.code, params.responses, params.scope);
case 'importCache':
return importCache(params.files);
case 'exportCache':
return exportCache(params.ids);
case 'fetchExampleFlow':
return fetchExampleFlow(params.name);
case 'fetchOpenAIEval':
return fetchOpenAIEval(params.name);
throw new Error(`Could not find backend function for route named ${route}`);
@ -30,19 +55,22 @@ async function _route_to_js_backend(route, params) {
export default function fetch_from_backend(route, params, rejected) {
rejected = rejected || ((err) => {throw new Error(err)});
if (route === 'executejs') {
return _route_to_js_backend(route, params);
if (route === 'execute') { // executing Python code
return _route_to_flask_backend(route, params, rejected);
else {
// We can't execute Python if we're not running the local Flask server. Error out:
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const msg = "Cannot run 'execute' route to evaluate Python code: ChainForge does not appear to be running on localhost.";
rejected(new Error(msg));
switch (BACKEND_TYPE) {
case BACKEND_TYPES.FLASK: // Fetch from Flask (python) backend
return fetch(`${FLASK_BASE_URL}app/${route}`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'},
body: JSON.stringify(params)
}, rejected).then(function(res) {
return res.json();
return _route_to_flask_backend(route, params, rejected);
case BACKEND_TYPES.JAVASCRIPT: // Fetch from client-side Javascript 'backend'
return _route_to_js_backend(route, params);
Reference in New Issue
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