mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 08:16:37 +00:00
Add stop button to cancel pending queries (#211)
* Add Stop button * Replaced QueryTracker stop checks in _prompt_llm in query.ts. Modified _prompt_llm and *gen_responses to take in node id for checking purposes. Added new css class for stopping status. * Used callback function instead of passing id to the backend, renamed QueryStopper and some of its functions, made custom error * Added semicolons and one more UserForcedPrematureExit check * Revise canceler to never clear id, and use unique id Date.now instead * Make cancel go into call_llm funcs * Cleanup console logs * Rebuild app and update package version --------- Co-authored-by: Kayla Zethelyn <kaylazethelyn@college.harvard.edu> Co-authored-by: Ian Arawjo <fatso784@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
"files": {
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"entrypoints": [
@ -1 +1 @@
<!doctype html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=G-RN3FDBLMCR"></script><script>function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments)}window.dataLayer=window.dataLayer||[],gtag("js",new Date),gtag("config","G-RN3FDBLMCR")</script><link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico"/><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"/><meta name="theme-color" content="#000000"/><meta name="description" content="A visual programming environment for prompt engineering"/><link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/logo192.png"/><link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json"/><title>ChainForge</title><script defer="defer" src="/static/js/main.16bd62df.js"></script><link href="/static/css/main.d7b7e6a1.css" rel="stylesheet"></head><body><noscript>You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.</noscript><div id="root"></div></body></html>
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { useRef } from 'react';
import { useMemo, useRef } from 'react';
import useStore from './store';
import { EditText } from 'react-edit-text';
import 'react-edit-text/dist/index.css';
@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ import { Tooltip, Popover, Badge, Stack } from '@mantine/core';
import { IconSparkles } from '@tabler/icons-react';
export default function NodeLabel({ title, nodeId, icon, onEdit, onSave, editable, status, alertModal, customButtons, handleRunClick, handleRunHover, runButtonTooltip }) {
const setDataPropsForNode = useStore((state) => state.setDataPropsForNode);
export default function NodeLabel({ title, nodeId, icon, onEdit, onSave, editable, status, isRunning, alertModal, customButtons, handleRunClick, handleStopClick, handleRunHover, runButtonTooltip }) { const setDataPropsForNode = useStore((state) => state.setDataPropsForNode);
const [statusIndicator, setStatusIndicator] = useState('none');
const [runButton, setRunButton] = useState('none');
const removeNode = useStore((state) => state.removeNode);
@ -21,6 +20,11 @@ export default function NodeLabel({ title, nodeId, icon, onEdit, onSave, editabl
const [deleteConfirmProps, setDeleteConfirmProps] = useState({
title: 'Delete node', message: 'Are you sure?', onConfirm: () => {}
const stopButton = useMemo(() =>
<button className="AmitSahoo45-button-3 nodrag" style={{padding: '0px 10px 0px 9px'}} onClick={() => handleStopClick(nodeId)}>
, [handleStopClick, nodeId]);
const handleNodeLabelChange = (evt) => {
const { value } = evt;
@ -47,9 +51,8 @@ export default function NodeLabel({ title, nodeId, icon, onEdit, onSave, editabl
if (runButtonTooltip)
<Tooltip label={runButtonTooltip} withArrow arrowSize={6} arrowRadius={2} zIndex={1001} withinPortal={true} >
@ -58,6 +61,8 @@ export default function NodeLabel({ title, nodeId, icon, onEdit, onSave, editabl
}, [handleRunClick, runButtonTooltip]);
useEffect(() => {}, [stopButton])
const handleCloseButtonClick = useCallback(() => {
title: 'Delete node',
@ -86,7 +91,7 @@ export default function NodeLabel({ title, nodeId, icon, onEdit, onSave, editabl
<AlertModal ref={alertModal} />
<div className="node-header-btns-container">
{customButtons ? customButtons : <></>}
{isRunning ? stopButton : runButton}
<button className="close-button nodrag" onClick={handleCloseButtonClick}>✕</button>
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ import ChatHistoryView from './ChatHistoryView';
import InspectFooter from './InspectFooter';
import { countNumLLMs, setsAreEqual, getLLMsInPulledInputData } from './backend/utils';
import LLMResponseInspectorDrawer from './LLMResponseInspectorDrawer';
import CancelTracker from './backend/canceler';
import { UserForcedPrematureExit } from './backend/errors';
const getUniqueLLMMetavarKey = (responses) => {
const metakeys = new Set(responses.map(resp_obj => Object.keys(resp_obj.metavars)).flat());
@ -125,6 +127,10 @@ const PromptNode = ({ data, id, type: node_type }) => {
const [progressAnimated, setProgressAnimated] = useState(true);
const [runTooltip, setRunTooltip] = useState(null);
// Cancelation of pending queries
const [cancelId, setCancelId] = useState(Date.now());
const refreshCancelId = () => setCancelId(Date.now());
// Debounce helpers
const debounceTimeoutRef = useRef(null);
const debounce = (func, delay) => {
@ -223,9 +229,8 @@ const PromptNode = ({ data, id, type: node_type }) => {
data['prompt'] = value;
// Update status icon, if need be:
if (promptTextOnLastRun !== null && status !== 'warning' && value !== promptTextOnLastRun) {
if (promptTextOnLastRun !== null && status !== 'warning' && value !== promptTextOnLastRun)
@ -529,9 +534,14 @@ const PromptNode = ({ data, id, type: node_type }) => {
const rejected = (err) => {
triggerAlert(err.message || err);
if (err instanceof UserForcedPrematureExit || CancelTracker.has(cancelId)) {
// Handle a premature cancelation
} else {
triggerAlert(err.message || err);
// Fetch info about the number of queries we'll need to make
@ -550,7 +560,7 @@ const PromptNode = ({ data, id, type: node_type }) => {
const max_responses = Object.keys(total_num_responses).reduce((acc, llm) => acc + total_num_responses[llm], 0);
onProgressChange = (progress_by_llm_key) => {
if (!progress_by_llm_key) return;
if (!progress_by_llm_key || CancelTracker.has(cancelId)) return;
// Update individual progress bars
const num_llms = _llmItemsCurrState.length;
@ -584,7 +594,6 @@ const PromptNode = ({ data, id, type: node_type }) => {
// Run all prompt permutations through the LLM to generate + cache responses:
const query_llms = () => {
return fetch_from_backend('queryllm', {
@ -598,65 +607,23 @@ const PromptNode = ({ data, id, type: node_type }) => {
no_cache: false,
progress_listener: onProgressChange,
cont_only_w_prior_llms: node_type !== 'chat' ? (showContToggle && contWithPriorLLMs) : undefined,
cancel_id: cancelId,
}, rejected).then(function(json) {
if (!json) {
rejected('Request was sent and received by backend server, but there was no response.');
else if (json.responses && json.errors) {
// We have to early exit explicitly because we will still enter this function even if 'rejected' is called
if (!json && CancelTracker.has(cancelId))
// Remove progress bars
debounce(() => {}, 1)(); // erase any pending debounces
// Remove progress bars
debounce(() => {}, 1)(); // erase any pending debounces
// Store and log responses (if any)
if (json.responses) {
// Store and log responses (if any)
if (json?.responses) {
// Log responses for debugging:
// If there was at least one error collecting a response...
const llms_w_errors = Object.keys(json.errors);
if (llms_w_errors.length > 0) {
// Remove the total progress bar
// Ensure there's a sliver of error displayed in the progress bar
// of every LLM item that has an error:
// Set error status
// Trigger alert and display one error message per LLM of all collected errors:
let combined_err_msg = "";
llms_w_errors.forEach(llm_key => {
const item = _llmItemsCurrState.find((item) => item.key === llm_key);
combined_err_msg += item?.name + ': ' + JSON.stringify(json.errors[llm_key][0]) + '\n';
// We trigger the alert directly (don't use triggerAlert) here because we want to keep the progress bar:
alertModal?.current?.trigger('Errors collecting responses. Re-run prompt node to retry.\n\n'+combined_err_msg);
if (responsesWillChange && !showDrawer)
// All responses collected! Change status to 'ready':
// Remove individual progress rings
// Save prompt text so we remember what prompt we have responses cache'd for:
// Log responses for debugging:
// Save response texts as 'fields' of data, for any prompt nodes pulling the outputs
// We also need to store a unique metavar for the LLM *set* (set of LLM nicknames) that produced these responses,
@ -668,9 +635,9 @@ const PromptNode = ({ data, id, type: node_type }) => {
r => {
// Carry over the response text, prompt, prompt fill history (vars), and llm nickname:
let o = { text: escapeBraces(r),
prompt: resp_obj['prompt'],
fill_history: resp_obj['vars'],
llm: _llmItemsCurrState.find((item) => item.name === resp_obj.llm) };
prompt: resp_obj['prompt'],
fill_history: resp_obj['vars'],
llm: _llmItemsCurrState.find((item) => item.name === resp_obj.llm) };
// Carry over any metavars
o.metavars = resp_obj['metavars'] || {};
@ -685,12 +652,58 @@ const PromptNode = ({ data, id, type: node_type }) => {
// Ping any inspect nodes attached to this node to refresh their contents:
} else {
rejected(json.error || 'Unknown error when querying LLM');
// If there was at least one error collecting a response...
const llms_w_errors = json?.errors ? Object.keys(json.errors) : [];
if (llms_w_errors.length > 0) {
// Remove the total progress bar
// Ensure there's a sliver of error displayed in the progress bar
// of every LLM item that has an error:
// Set error status
// Trigger alert and display one error message per LLM of all collected errors:
let combined_err_msg = "";
llms_w_errors.forEach(llm_key => {
const item = _llmItemsCurrState.find((item) => item.key === llm_key);
combined_err_msg += item?.name + ': ' + JSON.stringify(json.errors[llm_key][0]) + '\n';
// We trigger the alert directly (don't use triggerAlert) here because we want to keep the progress bar:
alertModal?.current?.trigger('Errors collecting responses. Re-run prompt node to retry.\n\n'+combined_err_msg);
if (responsesWillChange && !showDrawer)
// Remove individual progress rings
if (json?.error || !json) {
rejected(json?.error ?? 'Request was sent and received by backend server, but there was no response.');
// Save prompt text so we remember what prompt we have responses cache'd for:
// All responses collected! Change status to 'ready':
// Ping any inspect nodes attached to this node to refresh their contents:
}, rejected);
@ -701,6 +714,23 @@ const PromptNode = ({ data, id, type: node_type }) => {
const handleStopClick = useCallback(() => {
// Update UI to seem like it's been immediately canceled, even
// though we cannot fully cancel the queryLLMs Promise.
// Remove progress bars
debounce(() => {}, 1)(); // erase any pending debounces
// Set error status
}, [cancelId, refreshCancelId]);
const handleNumGenChange = useCallback((event) => {
let n = event.target.value;
if (!isNaN(n) && n.length > 0 && /^\d+$/.test(n)) {
@ -714,7 +744,7 @@ const PromptNode = ({ data, id, type: node_type }) => {
}, [numGenerationsLastRun, status]);
const hideStatusIndicator = () => {
if (status !== 'none') { setStatus('none'); }
if (status !== 'none') setStatus('none');
// Dynamically update the textareas and position of the template hooks
@ -748,8 +778,10 @@ const PromptNode = ({ data, id, type: node_type }) => {
isRunning = {status === 'loading'}
@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ const ScriptNode = ({ data, id }) => {
if (Object.keys(new_data.scriptFiles).length === 0) {
new_data.scriptFiles[get_id()] = '';
setDataPropsForNode(id, new_data);
}, [data, id, setDataPropsForNode]);
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ const TabularDataNode = ({ data, id }) => {
console.log('handleSaveCell', rowIdx, columnKey, value);
// console.log('handleSaveCell', rowIdx, columnKey, value);
tableData[rowIdx][columnKey] = value;
}, [tableData, tableColumns, pingOutputNodes]);
@ -128,9 +128,7 @@ function decode(mdText: string): Row[] {
export async function autofill(input: Row[], n: number, apiKeys?: Dict): Promise<Row[]> {
// hash the arguments to get a unique id
let id = JSON.stringify([input, n]);
let encoded = encode(input);
let templateVariables = [...new Set(new StringTemplate(input.join('\n')).get_vars())];
console.log("System message: ", autofillSystemMessage(n, templateVariables));
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import { APP_IS_RUNNING_LOCALLY, set_api_keys, FLASK_BASE_URL, call_flask_backen
import StorageCache from "./cache";
import { PromptPipeline } from "./query";
import { PromptPermutationGenerator, PromptTemplate } from "./template";
import { UserForcedPrematureExit } from "./errors";
import CancelTracker from "./canceler";
// """ =================
@ -547,6 +549,9 @@ export async function fetchEnvironAPIKeys(): Promise<Dict> {
* @param chat_histories Either an array of `ChatHistory` (to use across all LLMs), or a dict indexed by LLM nicknames of `ChatHistory` arrays to use per LLM.
* @param api_keys (optional) a dict of {api_name: api_key} pairs. Supported key names: OpenAI, Anthropic, Google
* @param no_cache (optional) if true, deletes any cache'd responses for 'id' (always calls the LLMs fresh)
* @param progress_listener (optional) a callback whenever an LLM response is collected, on the current progress
* @param cont_only_w_prior_llms (optional) whether we are continuing using prior LLMs
* @param cancel_id (optional) the id that would appear in CancelTracker if the user cancels the querying (NOT the same as 'id' --must be unique!)
* @returns a dictionary in format `{responses: StandardizedLLMResponse[], errors: string[]}`
export async function queryLLM(id: string,
@ -558,7 +563,8 @@ export async function queryLLM(id: string,
api_keys?: Dict,
no_cache?: boolean,
progress_listener?: (progress: {[key: symbol]: any}) => void,
cont_only_w_prior_llms?: boolean): Promise<Dict> {
cont_only_w_prior_llms?: boolean,
cancel_id?: string): Promise<Dict> {
// Verify the integrity of the params
if (typeof id !== 'string' || id.trim().length === 0)
return {'error': 'id is improper format (length 0 or not a string)'};
@ -635,6 +641,9 @@ export async function queryLLM(id: string,
// Helper function to check whether this process has been canceled
const should_cancel = () => CancelTracker.has(cancel_id);
// For each LLM, generate and cache responses:
let responses: {[key: string]: Array<LLMResponseObject>} = {};
let all_errors = {};
@ -667,11 +676,12 @@ export async function queryLLM(id: string,
let errors: Array<string> = [];
let num_resps = 0;
let num_errors = 0;
try {
console.log(`Querying ${llm_str}...`)
// Yield responses for 'llm' for each prompt generated from the root template 'prompt' and template variables in 'properties':
for await (const response of prompter.gen_responses(_vars, llm_str as LLM, num_generations, temperature, llm_params, chat_hists)) {
for await (const response of prompter.gen_responses(_vars, llm_str as LLM, num_generations, temperature, llm_params, chat_hists, should_cancel)) {
// Check for selective failure
if (response instanceof LLMResponseError) { // The request failed
@ -694,8 +704,12 @@ export async function queryLLM(id: string,
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Error generating responses for ${llm_str}: ${e.message}`);
throw e;
if (e instanceof UserForcedPrematureExit) {
throw e;
} else {
console.error(`Error generating responses for ${llm_str}: ${e.message}`);
throw e;
return {
@ -716,6 +730,7 @@ export async function queryLLM(id: string,
all_errors[result.llm_key] = result.errors;
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof UserForcedPrematureExit) throw e;
console.error(`Error requesting responses: ${e.message}`);
return { error: e.message };
@ -758,6 +773,7 @@ export async function queryLLM(id: string,
cache_files: cache_filenames,
responses_last_run: res,
// Return all responses for all LLMs
return {
responses: res,
@ -1194,4 +1210,4 @@ export async function loadCachedCustomProviders(): Promise<Dict> {
}).then(function(res) {
return res.json();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
import { UserForcedPrematureExit } from "./errors";
* A CancelTracker allows ids to be added, to signal
* any associated processes should be 'canceled'. The tracker
* operates as a global. It does not cancel anything itself,
* but rather can be used to send a message to cancel a process
* associated with 'id' (through .add(id)), which the process itself
* checks (through .has(id)) and then performs the cancellation.
export default class CancelTracker {
private static instance: CancelTracker;
private data: Set<string>;
private constructor() {
this.data = new Set();
// Get the canceler
public static getInstance(): CancelTracker {
if (!CancelTracker.instance)
CancelTracker.instance = new CancelTracker();
return CancelTracker.instance;
// Add an id to trigger cancelation
private addId(id: string): void {
public static add(id: string): void {
// Canceler has the given id
private hasId(id: string): boolean {
return this.data.has(id);
public static has(id: string): boolean {
return CancelTracker.getInstance().hasId(id);
// Clear id from the canceler
private clearId(id: string): void {
if (CancelTracker.has(id))
public static clear(id: string): void {
private clearTracker(): void {
public static clearAll(): void {
@ -6,4 +6,12 @@ export class DuplicateVariableNameError extends Error {
this.name = "DuplicateVariableNameError";
this.message = "You have multiple template variables with the same name, {" + variable + "}. Duplicate names in the same chain is not allowed. To fix, ensure that all template variable names are unique across a chain.";
export class UserForcedPrematureExit extends Error {
constructor(id?: string) {
this.name = "UserForcedPrematureExit";
this.message = "You have forced the premature exit of the process" + (id !== undefined ? ` with id ${id}` : "");
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ import { LLM, NativeLLM, RATE_LIMITS } from './models';
import { Dict, LLMResponseError, LLMResponseObject, isEqualChatHistory, ChatHistoryInfo } from "./typing";
import { extract_responses, merge_response_objs, call_llm, mergeDicts } from "./utils";
import StorageCache from "./cache";
import CancelTracker from "./canceler";
import { UserForcedPrematureExit } from "./errors";
const clone = (obj) => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
@ -129,12 +131,13 @@ export class PromptPipeline {
* and 3 different prior chat histories, it will send off 9 queries.
* @yields Yields `LLMResponseObject` if API call succeeds, or `LLMResponseError` if API call fails, for all requests.
async *gen_responses(vars: Dict,
async *gen_responses( vars: Dict,
llm: LLM,
n: number = 1,
temperature: number = 1.0,
llm_params?: Dict,
chat_histories?: ChatHistoryInfo[]): AsyncGenerator<LLMResponseObject | LLMResponseError, boolean, undefined> {
n: number = 1,
temperature: number = 1.0,
llm_params?: Dict,
chat_histories?: ChatHistoryInfo[],
should_cancel?: ()=>boolean): AsyncGenerator<LLMResponseObject | LLMResponseError, boolean, undefined> {
// Load any cache'd responses
let responses = this._load_cached_responses();
@ -215,13 +218,15 @@ export class PromptPipeline {
} else {
// Block. Await + yield a single LLM call.
let result = await this._prompt_llm(llm, prompt, n, temperature,
cached_resp, cached_resp_idx,
undefined, undefined, undefined,
llm_params, chat_history);
llm_params, chat_history,
yield this.collect_LLM_response(result, llm, responses);
@ -263,7 +268,8 @@ export class PromptPipeline {
rate_limit_batch_size?: number,
rate_limit_wait_secs?: number,
llm_params?: Dict,
chat_history?: ChatHistoryInfo): Promise<_IntermediateLLMResponseType> {
chat_history?: ChatHistoryInfo,
should_cancel?: ()=>boolean): Promise<_IntermediateLLMResponseType> {
// Detect how many responses we have already (from cache obj past_resp_obj)
if (past_resp_obj) {
// How many *new* queries we need to send:
@ -283,7 +289,7 @@ export class PromptPipeline {
await sleep(wait_secs);
// Now try to call the API. If it fails for whatever reason, 'soft fail' by returning
// an LLMResponseException object as the 'response'.
let params = clone(llm_params);
@ -291,15 +297,24 @@ export class PromptPipeline {
let query: Dict | undefined;
let response: Dict | LLMResponseError;
try {
[query, response] = await call_llm(llm, prompt.toString(), n, temperature, params);
// When/if we emerge from sleep, check if this process has been canceled in the meantime:
if (should_cancel && should_cancel()) throw new UserForcedPrematureExit();
// Call the LLM, returning when the Promise returns (if it does!)
[query, response] = await call_llm(llm, prompt.toString(), n, temperature, params, should_cancel);
// When/if we emerge from getting a response, check if this process has been canceled in the meantime:
if (should_cancel && should_cancel()) throw new UserForcedPrematureExit();
} catch(err) {
if (err instanceof UserForcedPrematureExit) throw err; // bubble cancels up
return { prompt: prompt,
query: undefined,
response: new LLMResponseError(err.message),
past_resp_obj: undefined,
past_resp_obj_cache_idx: -1 };
return { prompt,
@ -100,7 +100,8 @@ export interface LLMAPICall {
model: LLM,
n: number,
temperature: number,
params?: Dict): Promise<[Dict, Dict]>
params?: Dict,
should_cancel?: (() => boolean)): Promise<[Dict, Dict]>,
/** A standard response format expected by the front-end. */
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import { StringTemplate } from './template';
import { Configuration as OpenAIConfig, OpenAIApi } from "openai";
import { OpenAIClient as AzureOpenAIClient, AzureKeyCredential } from "@azure/openai";
import { GoogleGenerativeAI } from "@google/generative-ai";
import { UserForcedPrematureExit } from './errors';
const ANTHROPIC_HUMAN_PROMPT = "\n\nHuman:";
const ANTHROPIC_AI_PROMPT = "\n\nAssistant:";
@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ function construct_openai_chat_history(prompt: string, chat_history: ChatHistory
* Calls OpenAI models via OpenAI's API.
@returns raw query and response JSON dicts.
export async function call_chatgpt(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 1.0, params?: Dict): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
export async function call_chatgpt(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 1.0, params?: Dict, should_cancel?: (() => boolean)): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
throw new Error("Could not find an OpenAI API key. Double-check that your API key is set in Settings or in your local environment.");
@ -233,7 +234,7 @@ export async function call_chatgpt(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, te
* NOTE: It is recommended to set an environment variables AZURE_OPENAI_KEY and AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT
export async function call_azure_openai(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 1.0, params?: Dict): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
export async function call_azure_openai(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 1.0, params?: Dict, should_cancel?: (() => boolean)): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
throw new Error("Could not find an Azure OpenAPI Key to use. Double-check that your key is set in Settings or in your local environment.");
@ -306,7 +307,7 @@ export async function call_azure_openai(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number =
NOTE: It is recommended to set an environment variable ANTHROPIC_API_KEY with your Anthropic API key
export async function call_anthropic(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 1.0, params?: Dict): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
export async function call_anthropic(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 1.0, params?: Dict, should_cancel?: (() => boolean)): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
throw new Error("Could not find an API key for Anthropic models. Double-check that your API key is set in Settings or in your local environment.");
@ -357,6 +358,8 @@ export async function call_anthropic(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1,
// Repeat call n times, waiting for each response to come in:
let responses: Array<Dict> = [];
while (responses.length < n) {
// Abort if canceled
if (should_cancel && should_cancel()) throw new UserForcedPrematureExit();
// If we're running locally, route the request through the Flask backend,
@ -369,7 +372,6 @@ export async function call_anthropic(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1,
'User-Agent': "Anthropic/JS 0.5.0",
const resp = await route_fetch(url, 'POST', headers, query);
@ -389,7 +391,6 @@ export async function call_anthropic(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1,
throw new Error(`${resp.error.type}: ${resp.error.message}`);
// console.log('Received Anthropic response from server proxy:', resp);
@ -401,12 +402,12 @@ export async function call_anthropic(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1,
* Calls a Google PaLM/Gemini model, based on the model selection from the user.
* Returns raw query and response JSON dicts.
export async function call_google_ai(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 0.7, params?: Dict): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
export async function call_google_ai(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 0.7, params?: Dict, should_cancel?: (() => boolean)): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
switch(model) {
case NativeLLM.GEMINI_PRO:
return call_google_gemini(prompt, model, n, temperature, params);
return call_google_gemini(prompt, model, n, temperature, params, should_cancel);
return call_google_palm(prompt, model, n, temperature, params);
return call_google_palm(prompt, model, n, temperature, params, should_cancel);
@ -414,7 +415,7 @@ export async function call_google_ai(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1,
* Calls a Google PaLM model.
* Returns raw query and response JSON dicts.
export async function call_google_palm(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 0.7, params?: Dict): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
export async function call_google_palm(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 0.7, params?: Dict, should_cancel?: (() => boolean)): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
throw new Error("Could not find an API key for Google PaLM models. Double-check that your API key is set in Settings or in your local environment.");
const is_chat_model = model.toString().includes('chat');
@ -523,7 +524,7 @@ export async function call_google_palm(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1
return [query, completion];
export async function call_google_gemini(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 0.7, params?: Dict): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
export async function call_google_gemini(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 0.7, params?: Dict, should_cancel?: (() => boolean)): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
throw new Error("Could not find an API key for Google Gemini models. Double-check that your API key is set in Settings or in your local environment.");
@ -604,6 +605,8 @@ export async function call_google_gemini(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number =
let responses: Array<Dict> = [];
while(responses.length < n) {
if (should_cancel && should_cancel()) throw new UserForcedPrematureExit();
const chat = gemini_model.startChat(
history: gemini_chat_context.history,
@ -624,7 +627,7 @@ export async function call_google_gemini(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number =
return [query, responses];
export async function call_dalai(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 0.7, params?: Dict): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
export async function call_dalai(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 0.7, params?: Dict, should_cancel?: (() => boolean)): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
// Try to call Dalai server, through Flask:
let {query, response, error} = await call_flask_backend('callDalai', {
@ -641,7 +644,7 @@ export async function call_dalai(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temp
export async function call_huggingface(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 1.0, params?: Dict): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
export async function call_huggingface(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 1.0, params?: Dict, should_cancel?: (() => boolean)): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
// Whether we should notice a given param in 'params'
const param_exists = (p: any) => (p !== undefined && !((typeof p === 'number' && p < 0) || (typeof p === 'string' && p.trim().length === 0)));
const set_param_if_exists = (name: string, query: Dict) => {
@ -710,7 +713,11 @@ export async function call_huggingface(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1
let continued_response: Dict = { generated_text: "" };
let curr_cont = 0;
let curr_text = prompt;
while (curr_cont <= num_continuations) {
// Abort if user canceled the query operation
if (should_cancel && should_cancel()) throw new UserForcedPrematureExit();
const inputs = (model_type === 'chat')
? ({ text: curr_text,
past_user_inputs: hf_chat_hist.past_user_inputs,
@ -749,7 +756,7 @@ export async function call_huggingface(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1
export async function call_alephalpha(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 1.0, params?: Dict): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
export async function call_alephalpha(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 1.0, params?: Dict, should_cancel?: (() => boolean)): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
throw Error("Could not find an API key for Aleph Alpha models. Double-check that your API key is set in Settings or in your local environment.");
@ -784,7 +791,7 @@ export async function call_alephalpha(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1,
return [query, responses];
export async function call_ollama_provider(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 1.0, params?: Dict): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
export async function call_ollama_provider(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 1.0, params?: Dict, should_cancel?: (() => boolean)): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
let url: string = appendEndSlashIfMissing(params?.ollama_url);
const ollama_model: string = params?.ollamaModel.toString();
const model_type: string = params?.model_type ?? "text";
@ -820,10 +827,15 @@ export async function call_ollama_provider(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number
// Call Ollama API
let resps : Response[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// Abort if the user canceled
if (should_cancel && should_cancel()) throw new UserForcedPrematureExit();
// Query Ollama and collect the response
const response = await fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(query),
@ -842,7 +854,7 @@ export async function call_ollama_provider(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number
return [query, responses];
async function call_custom_provider(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 1.0, params?: Dict): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
async function call_custom_provider(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, temperature: number = 1.0, params?: Dict, should_cancel?: (() => boolean)): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
throw new Error("The ChainForge app does not appear to be running locally. You can only call custom model providers if you are running ChainForge on your local machine, from a Flask app.")
@ -859,6 +871,10 @@ async function call_custom_provider(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, t
// Call the custom provider n times
while (responses.length < n) {
// Abort if the user canceled
if (should_cancel && should_cancel()) throw new UserForcedPrematureExit();
// Collect response from the custom provider
let {response, error} = await call_flask_backend('callCustomProvider',
{ 'name': provider_name,
'params': {
@ -878,7 +894,7 @@ async function call_custom_provider(prompt: string, model: LLM, n: number = 1, t
* Switcher that routes the request to the appropriate API call function. If call doesn't exist, throws error.
export async function call_llm(llm: LLM, prompt: string, n: number, temperature: number, params?: Dict): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
export async function call_llm(llm: LLM, prompt: string, n: number, temperature: number, params?: Dict, should_cancel?: (() => boolean)): Promise<[Dict, Dict]> {
// Get the correct API call for the given LLM:
let call_api: LLMAPICall | undefined;
let llm_provider: LLMProvider = getProvider(llm);
@ -905,7 +921,7 @@ export async function call_llm(llm: LLM, prompt: string, n: number, temperature:
else if (llm_provider === LLMProvider.Custom)
call_api = call_custom_provider;
return call_api(prompt, llm, n, temperature, params);
return call_api(prompt, llm, n, temperature, params, should_cancel);
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ async function _route_to_js_backend(route, params) {
case 'generatePrompts':
return generatePrompts(params.prompt, clone(params.vars));
case 'queryllm':
return queryLLM(params.id, clone(params.llm), params.n, params.prompt, clone(params.vars), params.chat_histories, params.api_keys, params.no_cache, params.progress_listener, params.cont_only_w_prior_llms);
return queryLLM(params.id, clone(params.llm), params.n, params.prompt, clone(params.vars), params.chat_histories, params.api_keys, params.no_cache, params.progress_listener, params.cont_only_w_prior_llms, params.cancel_id);
case 'executejs':
return executejs(params.id, params.code, params.responses, params.scope, params.process_type);
case 'executepy':
@ -70,8 +70,8 @@
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
margin-left: 4px;
width: 18px;
height: 18px;
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
.lds-ring div {
box-sizing: border-box;
@ -748,6 +748,7 @@
.AmitSahoo45-button-3 {
position: relative;
padding: 2px 10px;
height: 20px;
margin-top: -5px;
margin-right: 3px;
border-radius: 5px;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user