Offload template hooks to separate component

This commit is contained in:
Ian Arawjo 2023-05-01 11:56:18 -04:00
parent 7d87dfddda
commit 0584600334
2 changed files with 52 additions and 53 deletions

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { Handle } from 'react-flow-renderer';
import useStore from './store';
import StatusIndicator from './StatusIndicatorComponent'
import NodeLabel from './NodeLabelComponent'
import TemplateHooks from './TemplateHooksComponent'
// Helper funcs
const truncStr = (s, maxLen) => {
@ -36,30 +37,8 @@ const PromptNode = ({ data, id }) => {
const output = useStore((state) => state.output);
const setDataPropsForNode = useStore((state) => state.setDataPropsForNode);
const genTemplateHooks = (temp_var_names, names_to_blink) => {
(name, idx) => {
const className = (names_to_blink.includes(name)) ? 'text-blink' : '';
const pos = (idx * 35) + 140 + 'px';
const style = { top: pos, background: '#555' };
return (
<div key={name} className={className} >
const [hovered, setHovered] = useState(false);
const [templateVars, setTemplateVars] = useState(data.vars || []);
const [templateHooks, setTemplateHooks] = useState(genTemplateHooks(data.vars || [], []));
const [promptText, setPromptText] = useState(data.prompt);
const [promptTextOnLastRun, setPromptTextOnLastRun] = useState(null);
const [selectedLLMs, setSelectedLLMs] = useState(['gpt3.5']);
@ -90,28 +69,24 @@ const PromptNode = ({ data, id }) => {
// Update template var fields + handles
const braces_regex = /(?<!\\){(.*?)(?<!\\)}/g; // gets all strs within braces {} that aren't escaped; e.g., ignores \{this\} but captures {this}
const found_template_vars = value.match(braces_regex);
if (found_template_vars && found_template_vars.length > 0) {
const temp_var_names =
name => name.substring(1, name.length-1)
name => name.substring(1, name.length-1) // remove brackets {}
genTemplateHooks(temp_var_names, [])
setDataPropsForNode(id, {vars: temp_var_names});
} else {
setDataPropsForNode(id, {vars: []});
const handleRunClick = (event) => {
// Go through all template hooks (if any) and check they're connected:
const is_fully_connected = templateHooks.every(hook => {
const is_fully_connected = templateVars.every(varname => {
// Check that some edge has, as its target, this node and its template hook:
return edges.some(e => ( == id && e.targetHandle == hook.key));
return edges.some(e => ( == id && e.targetHandle == varname));
// console.log(templateHooks);
@ -130,18 +105,18 @@ const PromptNode = ({ data, id }) => {
// Pull data from each source:
const pulled_data = {};
templateHooks.forEach(hook => {
templateVars.forEach(varname => {
// Find the relevant edge (breaking once we've found it):
for (let i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
const e = edges[i];
if ( == id && e.targetHandle == hook.key) {
if ( == id && e.targetHandle == varname) {
// Get the data output for that handle on the source node:
let out = output(e.source, e.sourceHandle);
if (!Array.isArray(out)) out = [out];
if (hook.key in pulled_data)
pulled_data[hook.key] = pulled_data[hook.key].concat(out);
if (varname in pulled_data)
pulled_data[varname] = pulled_data[varname].concat(out);
pulled_data[hook.key] = out;
pulled_data[varname] = out;
@ -212,20 +187,7 @@ const PromptNode = ({ data, id }) => {
} else {
console.log('Not connected! :(');
// Blink the names of unconnected params:
const names_to_blink = templateVars.filter(name => {
return !edges.some(e => ( == id && e.targetHandle == name));
genTemplateHooks(templateVars, names_to_blink)
// Set timeout to turn off blinking:
setTimeout(() => {
genTemplateHooks(templateVars, [])
}, 750*2);
// TODO: Blink the names of unconnected params
@ -302,9 +264,7 @@ const PromptNode = ({ data, id }) => {
style={{ top: '50%', background: '#555' }}
<div className="template-hooks">
<TemplateHooks vars={templateVars} nodeId={id} startY={140} />
<hr />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Handle } from 'react-flow-renderer';
import useStore from './store'
export default function TemplateHooks({ vars, nodeId, startY }) {
const genTemplateHooks = (temp_var_names, names_to_blink) => {
return, idx) => {
const className = (names_to_blink.includes(name)) ? 'text-blink' : '';
const pos = (idx * 35) + startY + 'px';
const style = { top: pos, background: '#555' };
return (<div key={name} className={className} >
<Handle type="target" position="left" id={name} style={style} />
const [templateHooks, setTemplateHooks] = useState(genTemplateHooks(vars || [], []));
const setDataPropsForNode = useStore((state) => state.setDataPropsForNode);
const blinkTemplateVars = (vars_to_blink) => {
setTemplateHooks(genTemplateHooks(vars, vars_to_blink));
setTimeout(() => { // Set timeout to turn off blinking:
}, 750*2);
useEffect(() => {
setTemplateHooks(genTemplateHooks(vars, []));
setDataPropsForNode(nodeId, {vars: vars});
}, [vars]);
return (
<div className="template-hooks">