Though you can run Chainforge, you can't do anything with it without an API key to call an LLM.
If you're just messing around, we recommend you input the API keys manually via the Settings button in the top-right corner.
Currently we support OpenAI models GPT3.5 and GPT4, Anthropic model Claudev1, and (locally run) [Dalai]( Alpaca.7b at port 4000.
For Anthropic's API key on Mac, do the same as above but with `ANTHROPIC_API_KEY` replaced for `OpenAI_API_KEY`.
### Alpaca 7B with Dalai
For Dalai, [install `dalai`]( and follow the instructions to download `alpaca.7b`. When everything is setup, run:
npx dalai serve 4000
## For developers
Below is a guide to running the alpha version of ChainForge directly, for people who want to modify, develop or extend it.
> You can add the `--dummy-responses` flag in case you're worried about making calls to OpenAI. This will spoof all LLM responses as random strings, and is great for testing the interface without accidentally spending $$.
This script spins up two servers, the main one on port 8000 and a SocketIO server on port 8001 (used for streaming progress updates).
If you want to contribute, welcome! Please [fork this repository]( and submit a [Pull Request]( with your changes.
If you have access to the main repository, we request that you add a branch `dev/<your_first_name>` and develop changes from there. When you are ready to push changes, say to address an open Issue, make a Pull Request on the `experimental` repository and assign the main developer (Ian Arawjo) to it.